Derrick Cameron-Jones

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Derrick Cameron-Jones
AffiliationHouse Cameron-Jones
Title(s)Count of Harmony

Derrick Cameron-Jones was a Free Worlds League noble, holding the leadership of the Principality of Regulus from at least 3003[1] to 3030.[2]


By 3025, Derrick Cameron-Jones made little effort to hide his displeasure with House Marik and had not discounted the possibility of Regulus succeeding from the League, though fear of having to weather Capellan Confederation attacks alone made such a prospect unlikely. Dame Catherine Humphreys of Duchy of Andurien attempted to court Cameron-Jones on such a succession of both their realms, but he remained non-committal on the prospect, with most observers believing he was more interested in her as a stalking horse against House Marik and raising questions as to just whose side he would take.[3]

In 3030, In the wake of the Fourth Succession War, Derrick Cameron-Jones was among the loudest voices in the Free Worlds League Parliament to speak out about the poor performance of Janos Marik in that conflict, even drafting legislation aimed at either removing House Marik from the post of Captain-General or at the very least reducing its rule over the entirely League. Riding the wave of postwar dissatisfaction, Cameron-Jones' measure may have succeeded if fate had not intervened with the Andurien Secession, ultimately grudgingly choosing to side with House Marik against the Anduriens.[2][4][5]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

Count Derick Cameron-Jones was undertaking a goodwill tour of Regulan worlds with an honor guard drawn from the ranks of the Fourth Regulan Hussars, and Marik extremists under the command of Daxa Mahat used this as an opportunity to pose as pirates and orchestrate a false flag attack on the count in order to discredit the "foreign" Gibsonians within the unit and present them as unworthy of serving in the count's honor guard.[6]

The loyal Gibsonians had anticipated this scheme and hired a mercenary outfit to supplement their detachment and defend their honor, fending off Mahat's forces on Kearny and Mauripur while Cameron-Jones was able to evacuate to safety. Having committed treason, Cameron-Jones personally placed a bounty on Daxa Mahat's head and ordered the dissidents eliminated. After Mahat was killed on Diass, his few surviving followers faced court-martial, despite their petitions for clemency.[6]

Apocryphal Content Ends


  • Cameron-Jones has been named as both Derick and Derrick in official products.


  1. Knives in the Dark
  2. 2.0 2.1 Handbook: House Marik, p. 49: "History - Fourth Succession War and Bloody Andurien"
  3. House Marik (The Free Worlds League, p. 159: "A Brief Atlas - Principality of Regulus"
  4. Field Manual: Free Worlds League, p. 9: "A House Divided - Crisis and Renaissance"
  5. 20-Year Update, p. 52: "Free Worlds League - Recent Events"
  6. 6.0 6.1 MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, "Defending the Honor"
