Dyson Clearwater

Dyson Clearwater
AffiliationClan Coyote
ProfessionGalaxy Commander

Character History[edit]

Dyson Clearwater was the Star Colonel of the Ninety-eighth Strike Cluster in 3061, while the unit was stationed on Babylon[1] and had engaged elements of the Cloud Cobras' Beta and Gamma Galaxies during 3060 and 3061.[2]

His actions got him a promotion to Galaxy Commander of Lambda Galaxy by 3067.[3]


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 162: "Omicron Galaxy"
  2. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 55: "Omicron Galaxy - 98th Strike Cluster"
  3. Field Manual: Updates, p. 76: "Clan Coyote Deployment Table"
