Franklin Ward

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Franklin Ward
AffiliationClan Wolf
RankStar Commander

Star Commander Franklin Ward was a Clan Wolf MechWarrior during Operation KLONDIKE.[1]


Franklin Ward fought during the Clans' campaign to retake the world of Eden as part of Operation KLONDIKE. It was during that Operation, that the Star led by Franklin encountered a group of enemy infantry at the same time as a force of Clan Jade Falcon Infantry Points led by Carl Icaza. Carl Icaza and the Falcons properly declared their unit's right to engage the enemy, but Franklin ignored his words and engaged the enemy anyway.[1]

After the Wolves had destroyed most of the enemy infantry, they dismounted their 'Mechs. Carl Icaza immediately attacked Franklin Ward which led to a free for all between the MechWarriors and the infantry with the Wolves receiving the worst of it. The fighting only stopped when Khan Elizabeth Hazen of Clan Jade Falcon and saKhan Elise Fetladral of Clan Wolf intervened.[1]

Once the Khans had learned what had happened to cause the fight, the Khans ordered the Wolf MechWarriors whipped for violating the combat rights of Carl Icaza's force.[1]


The type of BattleMech Franklin Ward piloted is unknown at this time.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 13-14: "Carl Icaza"
