Samantha Banacek

Samantha Banacek
AffiliationClan Star Adder[1]
ProfessionStar Captain[1]


Samantha Banacek was a Clan Star Adder Warrior during the Golden Century.[1]

Samantha first came to fame in a Trial of Possession over a water processing plant on the world of Homer at sometime in the twenty-ninth century. Though she was not Bloodnamed at the time, she fought and won several Trials of Refusal so she could meet the Clan Smoke Jaguars in battle over the plant. The climax of the Trial had Samantha in her Kokou Defense Tank driving straight toward a Jaguar Warhammer IIC and giving more damage than she received with each volley. At the end of 30 minutes of intense combat, the BattleMech was reduced to slag and Samantha was victorious.[2]

At sometime after her battle on Homer, Samantha earned the Banacek Bloodname.[1]

Now a Star Commander, Samantha would earn fame again against Clan Mongoose on the world of Vinton. Clan Star Adder and Clan Mongoose were contesting the control of a Mongoose BattleMech cache. The Mongoose commander, Star Colonel Cedric Riley, was very confident that he could defeat the Star Adder defenders as all they had were the Kokou "Block A" Defense Tank to defend with. He even claimed that he could defeat an entire Star of the tanks with just his command 'Mech. When Samantha corrected Cedric and told him that the Kokou's were of the new "Block B" variant of the Kokou, Cedric laughed for a full five minutes before claiming he could defeat two Stars of the vehicles in his command 'Mech. The Star Adders agreed to the bid and took 30 minutes to assemble their forces with Cedric insulting them the entire time. When the battle began, Cedric in his rare Stone Rhino was vaporized within 10 seconds. This battle is still taught to Star Adder sibkos as a warning against hubris.[1]

At some time after her exploits on Vinton, Samantha earned the rank of Star Captain.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Technical Readout: Golden Century, p. 8, "Deployment"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Technical Readout: Golden Century, p. 8, "Notable Units"
