
Production information
Manufacturer Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
Production Year 3108
Model AGT-1A
Class Medium
Introduced 3108
Cost 10,605,000 C-bills
Technical specifications
'Mech type Inner Sphere BattleMech
Mass 50 tons
Chassis Earthwerks PXH II Reinforced endo steel
Armor Durallex Light
Engine Rawlings 300 XL
Communications System Tek BattleCom
Targeting Tracking System Tek Tru-Trak with TAG
Heat Sinks 10 double heat sinks
Speed 97 km/h
Jump Jets Unknown
BV (2.0) 1,693[1][2][3]


Produced by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing in 3108, the Agrotera is a medium BattleMech that would go on to serve in the armed forces of both the Magistracy of Canopus and its ally, the Capellan Confederation. Based on the Word of Blake's variant of the Phoenix Hawk, the Agrotera is designed as a multipurpose and ammunition-efficient design.

The design would see action with the MoC's 1st Magistracy Highlanders on Bethonolog in 3108 against more dangerous pirates, where a pair of Agroteras engaged a full lance of heavy BattleMechs. While trying to buy time for the rest of the Highlanders to arrive, the two 'Mechs managed to force the bandits into submission through the Agrotera's steady delivery of damaging blows against them while simultaneously outmaneuvering them. Their performance soon proved to be too much for the pirates, and the survivors surrendered just as the rest of the Highlanders' heavier units arrived on the scene.[4]

Weapons and Equipment

Designed with advanced technology in mind, the 'Mech's engineers outfitted the Agrotera with new advancements made during the Jihad. Like the 3060s redesigned Phoenix Hawk, the 'Mech is fitted with a Full-Head Ejection System, which allows for increased comfort and safety for the MechWarrior should its nine and a half tons of standard armor fail. A partial wing boosts mobility and cooling. The design also benefits from weight savings by being fitted with a Rawlings 300 XL extralight engine and an XL gyro. TAG equipment is fitted to allow the Agrotera to act as a spotter for friendly fire-support units.

The Agrotera's long-range weapon is its Ceres Arms Smasher ER PPC, mounted in its left arm actuator, its accuracy enhanced with the fitting of an Actuator Enhancement System. In addition to the ER PPC, the 'Mech also has a single Diverse Optics medium variable speed pulse laser found in the right arm, a regular medium pulse laser, and a pair of Diverse Optics small pulse lasers, one on each of the side torsos as a means to deter infantry and battle armor threats.[5]


Custom Variants

Notable Pilots

See: Category:Notable Agrotera Pilots


  1. Technical Readout: 3145 Capellan Confederation, pp. 37 & 83 Argotera - BV2.
  2. Master Unit List Profile for the Agrotera - BV2 listed
  3. Record Sheets: 3145 Unabridged, p. 93
  4. Technical Readout: 3145 Capellan Confederation, p. 36 Argotera - Background.
  5. Technical Readout: 3145 Capellan Confederation, pp. 37 & 83 Argotera - Stats.
  6. Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy, pp. 3 "AGT-UA Agrotera Ariel"
