Battle of Glenmora (3028)

Battle of Glenmora (3028)
Conflict details
Part of Fourth Succession War
Start Date September 3028[1]
Planet(s) Glenmora
Result Victory for the Draconis Combine
Attacking Forces
Affiliation Draconis Combine[1]
Command(s) Brigadier General Li Dok To
Brigadier General Francisco Bevier[1]
Defending Forces
Affiliation Federated Suns[1]
Command(s) Major Kelly Yukinov
Major Coshasa DuKirk
Colonel Jaime Wolf
Marshal Carl Sanders[1]
Other Forces


With Jaime Wolf on Terra for the wedding of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner, Major Kelly Yukinov was the commanding officer on Glenmora when the Fourth Succession War began in August 3028. The Dragoons were positioned on the world's continent of Hades, a land crisscrossed with lava flows and five active volcanos. There the mercenaries were positioned to protect the planet's chemical industry and capital city of Tronka.[1]

On 18 September 3028, the Fifth Galedon Regulars landed on Glenmora 100 miles east of the main Dragoons positions. There they spent a week adjusting to the planet's unusual environment while making slow progress toward the Dragoons. While the two forces closed, Major Kelly Yukinov was personally scouting for the enemy when his lance became involved in a firefight with a Combine lance. The Dragoons were able to destroy two of the enemy BattleMechs when the survivors turned their fire onto Yukinov's Archer. Major Yukinov was rendered unconscious and his 'Mech fell to the ground while still taking enemy fire. The machine's onboard computer detected the reactor core spiking so it automatically ejected the still unconscious Yukinov. The remaining Dragoons attempted to protect and save their commander, but incoming Combine reinforcements arrived to prevent the rescue. The best they could do was to draw the Combine's attention away from their commander. Later, the Glenmora Air Rescue was able to send in helicopters and rescue Yukinov, but his injuries would prevent him from returning to combat.[1]

With Yukinov out of action, command of the Dragoons fell to Major Coshasa DuKirk. She was a newcomer to the Dragoons and met resistance to her taking command immediately. However, she faced her opposition down and assumed command. Her first action was to release the Black Widow Company against the Galedon Regulars. Natasha Kerensky's unit became the bane of the invaders by using their superior mobility and training to destroy several isolated Combine units.[1]

It is at this time that Jaime Wolf returned to Glenmora to assume command. But, the Sixteenth Galedon Regulars also arrived to reinforce the battered, but still deadly Fifth Regulars. In an effort to split the enemy forces, Jaime Wolf led the Dragoons in an attack to the northeast. After a series of deadly encounters, the Dragoons were in danger of being encircled and fell back to the city of Tronka. The Combine forces then massed for an assault into the city in pursuit of the retreating Dragoons. The fighting was intense and a heavy price was paid by the Combine troops for each block of the city they took. The Dragoons were outnumbered and their previous losses from Misery was beginning to tell. Rumors spread that the two Brigadier General's leading the Combine units, Li Dok To and Francisco Bevier, were arguing over the privilege of finishing the Dragoons.[1]

The Dragoons would be saved by the timely arrival of the Tenth Deneb Light Cavalry under the command of Marshal Carl Sanders. Marshal Sanders had learned of the arrival of the Sixteenth Regulars, and without orders, had moved his unit to assist the Dragoons. The arrival of a fresh regiment forced the Combine units to pull back in disarray as the Tenth moved into Tronka to link up with the Dragoons. However, the inexperience of the Tenth Deneb would come to haunt them as they rushed into the fray. Just blocks form linking up with the Dragoons, Carl Sanders would be killed in a trap set by elements of the Sixteenth Regulars. The Marshal died in his Warhammer when a Combine Stinger executed a "Death From Above" maneuver off a nearby building onto the Marshal's machine. In the end, the Dragoons were saved, but at the cost of the Tenth Deneb's commander and heavy casualties. Jaime Wolf would make the Tenth Deneb Cavalry official "Dragoons" and take command of the demoralized unit.[1]

For the next few months, the Dragoons and Cavalry would skirmish against the two Regular Regiments across the hellish landscape of that was the Hades continent. It would be in June 3029 that the next major engagement occurred that would effect the course of the battle.[1]

Then Major DuKirk's Second Provisional Company caught up with a company from the Sixteenth Galedon Regulars. Enjoying an initial success, the Dragoons drove for the heart of the Combine's formation and destroyed four 'Mechs. Just when DuKirk expected the unit to break, the other two companies of the Combine Battalion arrived on each of the Dragoons flanks. While DuKirk was about to order a retreat, her Crusader was hit by three enemy 'Mech simultaneously. The machine swayed and slowly fell to the ground, not to stand again. The surviving Dragoons fought on in a fury, but their fate was sealed. The Dragoons Second Provisional Company was destroyed to the point that even their machines were not salvageable.[1]

The loss of the Second Provisional Company was a major blow to the Dragoons. With heavy losses also being reported on Harrow's Sun and Wapakoneta, Jaime Wolf decided to withdraw from Glenmora and reunite all the Dragoons unit in one place instead of being destroyed piecemeal.[1]

Units involved[edit]

Draconis Combine[edit]

Federated Suns[edit]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Wolf's Dragoons, p. 40: "Glenmora"
