Matthew Horn

Matthew Horn
AffiliationClan Sea Fox

ovKhan Matthew Horn was the commander of Spina Khanate's Beta Aimag, and Bloodnamed warrior of the Horn Bloodhouse, from at least 3145 to 3152.[1][2][3]


Horn, with Beta Aimag, was based on the Sovetskii Soyuz-class CargoShip Talismantia as of 3145.[1]


In early 3147, Horn and Beta Aimag participated in the Spina Khanate's blockade of the Regulan Fiefs, particularly Regulus itself. On 31 January the Regulan Navy attempted to break the blockade by using nuclear weapons against the Aimag's CargoShip, but the CSF Talismantia was able to destroy the attacking Regulan forces, despite losing three DropShips. As a result of the use of nuclear weapons, on 4 February Beta Aimag landed near Regulus City, and while the Second and Seventh Regulan Hussars mobilized, the warriors of Beta Aimag did not attack. Instead ovKhan Matthew Horn offered the people of Regulus the opportunity to trade directly with the Sea Foxes, an offer which while rejected officially by Lester Cameron-Jones, was taken up the population of Regulus regardless.[4][5] Horn and Beta Aimag remained on Regulus until 22 March 3148, at which time they withdrew from the world.[6]


In May 3151 Horn was on Marik, where he meet Captain-General Nikol Marik together with the senior leadership of the Clan Protectorate, including Galaxy Commander Rikkard Nova Cat and Julietta of Marik. The Captain-General's mission, which was to convince the Clan Protectorate to allow the First Free Worlds Guards to help garrison Marik despite previous agreements that the Protectorate would be allowed to see to its own defense without outside interference, was judged a success after Horn and the other Protectorate leaders begrudgingly agreed.[2]


By January 3152 Horn and others within the Clan Protectorate forces had agreed to betray the Free Worlds League to the Wolf Empire in exchange for control over their HPGs, and personally led an invasion of Stewart to claim it for the ilClan from 23 February. Finding the Thirtieth Regulan Hussars and Steel Wolves defending the world, Horn's units focused on claiming the New Edinburgh Palace from the Steel Wolves, though without much success through to March.

Attempting to resupply after the extended stalemate, Horn sent one of his Union-C-class DropShips back to the Talismantia with a number of damaged 'Mechs for repair, but it was intercepted and destroyed by the Hussars' aerospace fighter complement. Faced with dwindling supplies and mounting losses, Horn then made the decision to withdraw from Stewart, leaving it in League hands.[3]


Horn was known to have piloted a Vulture Mk IV OmniMech.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 170
  2. 2.0 2.1 Empire Alone, p. 36
  3. 3.0 3.1 Empire Alone, pp. 65-67
  4. 4.0 4.1 Hunting Season, ch. 13
  5. Shattered Fortress, pp. 36-37
  6. Hunting Season, ch. 26
