Spirit (BattleMech)

This article is about the 35-ton BattleMech. For other uses, see Spirit.
Spirit (BattleMech)
Production information
Manufacturer Olivetti Weapons
Production Year 3063[1]
Model Standard[2]
Class Light
Cost 6,588,630 C-bills
Technical specifications
'Mech type Clan BattleMech
Mass 35 tons
Chassis Olivetti S1 endo steel
Armor Compound Alpha Ferro Fibrous
Engine Magna 245 XL
Communications System Angst 2400 with ECM Suite
Targeting Tracking System Omicron XX with Artemis IV FCS
Heat Sinks 11 double heat sinks
Speed 119 km/h
BV (1.0) 1,377[3]
BV (2.0) 1,673[4]


The Spirit is the first Clan BattleMech to walk off the production lines of Olivetti Weapons on Sudeten, which it did in 3063. The product of an upgrade 10 years in the making, the Spirit is one of the first Clan 'Mechs produced in the Inner Sphere. Though some components are imported from Clan space, the Magna 245 XL extralight engine is made in the Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone. The engine is only one of the weight-saving technologies the design makes use of, however, as the Spirit incorporates both an endo steel structure and six tons of ferro-fibrous armor. While the armor may be somewhat lacking, an ECM suite helps protect it from some advanced targeting systems, in addition to providing the Spirit with its name. The Spirit itself is a relatively fast recon 'Mech that can hold its own at both long and short ranges. In addition, it makes for a good training 'Mech, ensuring that it will have a place in the Falcon touman for a long time to come.[1]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

Since the Spirit is primarily a reconnaissance 'Mech, it makes use of energy weapons so that it can move far from supply lines. At long range, the Spirit makes use of its Series 6b ER large laser and a Mk 46 Type IV LRM-10 launcher with an Artemis IV FCS accompanying it. The missile launcher is a somewhat controversial addition to the design, since it uses ammunition, but the extra striking power afforded the light 'Mech was deemed worthwhile. Up close, the Spirit mounts a General Systems manufactured heavy medium laser and heavy small laser, as well as a Pattern JX Streak SRM-4 launcher. Since the Streak launcher does not waste ammunition, there was no question of its usefulness on this design. 11 double heat sinks strain to keep the 'Mech cool under the energy heavy loadout.[1]


Design Quirks[edit]

The Spirit has the following Design Quirks:[6]


  • In German products, the unit's proper Clan name was translated to Kampfgeist, which means Fighting Spirit.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: 3067, p. 110
  2. MUL online entry for the Spirit (BattleMech), containing model name
  3. Technical Readout: 3067, p. 111
  4. Record Sheets: 3067 Unabridged, p. 194
  5. Record Sheets: 3067 Unabridged, p. 195
  6. BattleMech Manual, p. 94: BattleMech Quirk Table - Spirit Entry
