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Inner Sphere Military Ranks
Field Officer
General Officer
For specific ranks see Military Ranks

Commodore is a naval military rank, often roughly equivalent to that of Colonel.


In the first SLDF, a Commodore wore a small star as their rank insignia and commanded a major WarShip or important recharging station.[1] To reach this rank, an SLDF Navy officer needed at least ten years of service.

SLDF Rank insignia
Rank Insignia (First SLDF)[2] Insignia (Second SLDF)[3]
SLDF-Colonel.png SLDF-Colonel.png

Lyran Commonwealth and Lyran Alliance[edit]

In the LAAF, the naval equivalent of Colonel is Kaptain. The rank of Kommodore is actually equivalent to Hauptmann-General. Like their ground based counterparts, a Kaptain wears a pair of diamonds as their rank insignia.

LAAF Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia

Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery[edit]

In the Draconis Combine Admiralty, the Commodore rank is known as Cho-sho, and is the naval equivalent to Sho-sho (brigadier general). Rank insignia is the katakana symbol "4" in apple-green.[4]

DCMS Rank Insignia by branch of service
Rank Aerospace fighter Naval crew Technical
Shosho-asf.png Shosho-naval.png Shosho-tech.png

Armed Forces of the Federated Suns[edit]

In the AFFS, a commodore commands a JumpShip, DropShip group,[5] or aerospace fighter wing.[6] A commodore wears an epaulette with two broad bands across the base, like their ground-pounding counterparts.[6]

AFFS Commodore (Colonel) Insignia by branch of service
Rank MechWarrior Aerospace fighter Infantry Armor Naval crew Technical
Administrative Medical Legal Logistics/
ColonelMW.png ColonelASF.png ColonelInf.png Colonelarmor.png Colonelnaval.png Coloneltech.png Coloneladmin.png Colonelmedical.png Colonellegal.png Colonellogistics.png

Capellan Confederation Armed Forces[edit]

The CCAF Navy uses the name of Kong-sang-shao to indicate officers with this rank. Officers who hold this rank use a silver triangle to indicate their status.

CCAF Military Ranks

Free Worlds League[edit]

In the FWLM, the rank of commodore used in one of two cases:

  • The commanding officer of an aerospace fighter wing attached to a BattleMech regiment that also has its own DropShips. (The commanding officer of a wing attached to a 'Mech regiment lacking permanent DropShip support holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander instead.)[7]
  • The commanding officer of a DropShip assigned to one of the fleets reporting to Marik Central Command.[8]

Like their counterparts in the AFFS, a Free Worlds League Commodore wears the same insignia as a Colonel. In the FWLM, this is three broad gold bars and one narrow gold bar on a purple background.

FWLM Commodore's Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia

The Clans[edit]

The Clan naval equivalent to a Star Colonel is known as a Star Commodore or occasionally a Naval Star Colonel. Star Commodores may command a Star of DropShips or JumpShips, or a single WarShip.[9][10] They typically wear the same insignia as a Star Colonel.

Clan Blood Spirit[edit]

Clan Blood Spirit Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Cloud Cobra[edit]

Clan Cloud Cobra Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Coyote[edit]

Clan Coyote Military Rank Insignia[11]
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Diamond Shark[edit]

Clan Diamond Shark Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Fire Mandrill[edit]

Clan Fire Mandrill Rank Insignia by service branch[12]
Rank MechWarrior Aerospace fighter Elemental
Star Colonel FireMandrill-StarColonel-MW.png FireMandrill-StarColonel-ASF.png FireMandrill-StarColonel-Elemental.png

Clan Ghost Bear[edit]

Clan Ghost Bear Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Goliath Scorpion[edit]

Clan Goliath Scorpion Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Hell's Horses[edit]

Clan Hell's Horses Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Ice Hellion[edit]

Clan Ice Hellion Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Jade Falcon[edit]

Clan Jade Falcon Officer Rank Insignia[13]
Rank Trueborn Freeborn
Star Colonel JadeFalcon-TBStarColonel.png JadeFalcon-FBStarColonel.png[14]

Clan Nova Cat (SLDF)[edit]

Clan Nova Cat Military Rank Insignia[15]
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Smoke Jaguar[edit]

Clan Smoke Jaguar Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Snow Raven[edit]

Clan Snow Raven Rank Insignia by service branch[16]
Rank MechWarrior Aerospace fighter Elemental Naval crew Armor Infantry Support
Star Colonel SnowRaven-StarColonel-MW.png SnowRaven-StarColonel-ASF.png SnowRaven-StarColonel-Elemental.png SnowRaven-StarColonel-Naval.png SnowRaven-StarColonel-Armor.png SnowRaven-StarColonel-Infantry.png SnowRaven-StarColonel-Support.png

Clan Star Adder[edit]

Clan Star Adder Rank Insignia by service branch[17]
Rank MechWarrior Aerospace fighter Elemental Naval crew
Star Colonel
Star Commodore
Star-Adder-StarColonel-MW.png Star-Adder-StarColonel-ASF.png Star-Adder-StarColonel-Elemental.png Star-Adder-StarColonel-Naval.png

Clan Steel Viper[edit]

Clan Steel Viper Military Rank Insignia
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

Clan Wolf/Clan Wolf-in-Exile[edit]

Clan Wolf/Clan Wolf-in-Exile Military Rank Insignia[18]
Rank Insignia
Star Colonel
Star Commodore

ComStar/Word of Blake[edit]

Like their 'Mech piloting counterparts, the Com Guard Navy doesn't use the rank of Commodore. Officers at this level usually hold the rank of Precentor.

Free Rasalhague Republic[edit]

This rank isn't used by the KungsArmé.

Periphery Powers[edit]

Magistracy of Canopus[edit]

In the Magistracy Armed Forces, the naval equivalent of a MAF Colonel is known as a Rearad, from Rear Admiral. Two rearads formerly commanded the entire Canopian Navy, but after the reforms in the late thirty-first century they instead command a flotilla of three to six vessels.[19][20] They wear the double gold pips of a MAF Colonel, surrounded by a gold wreath.

Magistracy Armed Forces Insignia
Rank Insignia
Rearad MagistracyOfCanopus-RearAd.png

Taurian Defense Force[edit]

The Taurian Defense Force uses this rank for the naval equivalent of a Comptroller. TDF Commodores wear the same insignia as a Comptroller but add a gold wreath underneath it to indicate their branch of service.

Marian Hegemony[edit]

This rank isn't used by the Marian Hegemony.

Outworlds Alliance[edit]

In the Outworlds Alliance there is no distinction between branches of service when it comes to ranks. Therefore the Chairman rank is used by both aerospace fighter and ground combat units.


  1. The Star League, p. 112
  2. The Star League, p. 113
  3. Field Manual: ComStar[citation needed]
  4. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), pp. 124, 130
  5. Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 28
  6. 6.0 6.1 House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 128
  7. House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 82
  8. House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 83
  9. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 11
  10. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 13
  11. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 48
  12. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 45
  13. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 97
  14. Theoretical rank insignia. No freeborn has ever held this rank in the Jade Falcon touman.
  15. Field Manual: ComStar, p. 112
  16. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 127
  17. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 120
  18. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 140
  19. Field Manual: Periphery, p. 25
  20. Handbook: Major Periphery States, p. 87