
This article is about the hovertank. For the subvariant of the Hedgehog tripod 'Mech, see Hedgehog.
Harasser RGilClan v33.jpg
Harasser Missile Platform
Production information
Manufacturer Brooks Incorporated
Production Year 2811[1]
Mission Scout/Raider
Type Hover
Cost 561,000 C-bills[1]
Technical specifications
Mass 25 tons
Armor StarSlab/2
Engine GM 120 Classic II I.C.E.
Speed 162 km/h
Crew 2
Communications System Maxell 500
Targeting Tracking System Maxell TA 55
Heat Sinks 0

2x SRM-6

BV (2.0) 413


The Harasser was sanctioned by House Marik to work alongside the Galleon Light Tank. Made by the same company that manufactured the Galleon, and sharing numerous electronic components, it was extremely cheap to manufacture and produce in large numbers. While initial production runs were sent to urban defense garrisons and reserve units, it was eventually sent to the front-line to serve with Galleon units within the Free Worlds League.[2]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

A pair of SureShot Mk VI SRM-6-racks give the Harasser more firepower than any other vehicle in its class, but this does come with a price, as it only mounts one and half tons of armor. With such little armor, its best defensive strategy is to use its speed. With a maximum speed of 162 km/h, a fleeing Harasser can outrun nearly everything, running circles around heavier BattleMechs and making it a much harder target to hit.[2]


  • LRM 
    One of the most common variants, this 2821 version replaces the pair of SureShot Mk VI SRM-6 with a single FarFire LRM-10 and two additional tons of ammunition. This enables it to provide long-range fire support, while keeping out of harm's way.[2] BV (2.0) = 412[3]
  • Flamer 
    This highly specialized 2851 variant mounts a vehicle Flamer and two SRM-4 racks in place of the SRM-6 racks. BV (2.0) = 365[4]
  • Small Laser 
    Another specialized variant design, to operate without support and far from supply lines. It mounts five Small Lasers in the turret. BV (2.0) = 233[citation needed]
  • "Mini-Peggy" 
    This 3028 variant is a simple scouting vehicle. The SRM-6s are decreased to four packs and a remote sensor dispenser is added. Armor is also increased by a ton. BV (2.0) = 351[6]
  • MML 
    This 3087 variant of the Harasser uses a fuel cell-powered motor to reach speeds of 180 km/h. It carries a pair of turret-mounted MML-5s, which in turn have two tons of ammunition. BV (2.0) = 427[7]
  • Thunderbolt 
    Based on the MML variant, this 3089 version carries two Thunderbolt 5 missile launchers and a ton of ammunition. BV (2.0) = 541[8]
  • Speed 
    Driven by a fuel cell engine to 180 km/h, this post-Jihad variant is a simple upgrade which retains the original's two SRM-6 racks and two tons of ammo but improves the armor to two tons of ferro-fibrous. BV (2.0) = 509[9]
  • Heavy Ferro 
    This factory variant of the Speed variant improves the armor to heavy ferro-fibrous. BV (2.0) = 519[10]
  • iNarc 
    An uncommon sight on the battlefield, the iNarc variant swaps the Speed variant's loadout for a single iNarc launcher with 2 tons of ammo backed up by two improved one-shot SRM-2. BV (2.0) = 375[11]

Custom Variants[edit]

  • "Leaping Lisa" 
    An Succession War era experimental version of the Harasser trying to resurrect the famous jumping Kanga. SRM-4s replace the six packs. Seven jump jets are then added. BV (2.0) = 354[14][15][16]
  • Fuel Cell 
    This variant is equipped with a fuel cell-powered motor that allows it to move at a maximum speed of 150 km/h. It is also equipped with three turret-mounted MML-5s and two tons of ammunition. It is protected by one and a half tons of Reflective Armor. It's used by two spoiled brat twin girls who have committed crimes across The Republic of the Sphere in 3081.[17] BV (2.0) = 447[18][19]

Design Quirks[edit]

The Harasser (Fuel Cell) variant is subject to the following Design Quirk:[17]

Notable Crewmembers[edit]

See: Category:Notable Harasser Missile Platform Crewmembers


  • The Harasser appeared in Dragon Magazine in 1986, as an advance preview of Technical Readout: 3026. The TRO entry "filed off the serial numbers", keeping the SureShot Mk. VI SRMs while the "fluff" was changed in the print version of TRO:3026.[20]
  • The production date of the Harasser was intentionally changed from the TRO:3026 entry of 2829 to 2811 by the MUL team.[21]



  1. 1.0 1.1 MUL data for the Harasser
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Technical Readout: 3026, p. 18
  3. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 47
  4. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 46
  5. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 45
  6. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 49
  7. Record Sheets: 3145 New Tech, New Upgrades, p. 42
  8. Record Sheets: 3145 New Tech, New Upgrades, p. 43
  9. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 33, p. 15
  10. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 33, p. 16
  11. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 33, p. 17
  12. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 33, p. 18
  13. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 33, p. 19
  14. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 50
  15. Experimental Technical Readout: Most Wanted, p. 21
  16. MUL data for the "Leaping Lisa" variant
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Experimental Technical Readout: Most Wanted, p. 8
  18. Experimental Technical Readout: Most Wanted, p. 21
  19. MUL data for the Fuel Cell variant
  20. Dragon Magazine Vol. XI, No. 5 (#114), pp. 79–80: Running Guns
  21. MUL Feedback Tread II, reply #908
