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Production information
Manufacturer Solaris Arms
Production Year 3063[1]
Model BMB-013
Class Medium
Cost 5,547,500 C-bills
Technical specifications
'Mech type Inner Sphere BattleMech
Mass 50 tons
Chassis Solaris Arms BX-01 endo steel
Armor ArcShield Heavy with CASE and spikes
Engine Hermes 100 XL
Communications System Dalban Micronics
Targeting Tracking System Dalban HiRez
Heat Sinks 10 single
Speed 32 km/h
BV (1.0) 658
BV (2.0) 1,001[2]


Originally debuting in 3054, Solaris Arms' ponderous Bombard favors the all or nothing approach, prioritizing overwhelming firepower over speed. Little more than a walking turret, the Bombard packs a heavyweight punch for its 50 ton mass, relying on it overwhelming its targets before its pathetic mobility can be exploited. This was a tradeoff only a few MechWarriors were willing to consider, however, among them "Mad Dog" MacNaughton.[3] When interest in the design faded after a humiliating Davion Arena match in 3054 publicly laid bare its flaws, Solaris Arms went back to the drawing board and resigned the 'mech. A modernized Bombard was then introduced in 3064.[4]

While retaining the Hermes 100 XL engine and endo steel chassis of the original, Solaris Arms enhanced its defensive protection with CASE in the side torsos while reinforced spikes were added to the legs. Though correcting one notable flaw, replacing the problematic but compact War of 3039-vintage double heat sinks and their corrosive coolant with standard models, most critics point out that the modern version's performance is little changed from the despised original.[4]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The modern Bombard is armed with two Solaris Arms XT-15 Thunderbolt 15s, with three tons of CASE-protected reloads for each launcher. This is enough for a combined total of 24 shots, give the Bombard reasonable endurance in the arenas. Supporting the Thunderbolt launchers is a pair of Diverse Optics ER medium lasers.[4]


Design Quirks[edit]

The Bombard has the following Design Quirks:[8]


  • In German products, the unit's proper name was translated to Bombarde. The model code was accordingly changed to BBD-010.



  1. MUL online date for the Bombard
  2. Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrades Unabridged, p. 249
  3. 1992 Update Flyer, p. 5: "Solaris 7 'Mechs"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, pp. 150–151: "BMB-013 Bombard"
  5. Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrades Unabridged, p. 248
  6. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 223
  7. Record Sheets: 3055 Upgrades Unabridged, p. 250
  8. BattleMech Manual, p. 90: Design Quirk Table - Bombard
