SRM Carrier

SRM Carrier RGilClan v30.jpg
SRM Carrier
Production information
Manufacturer Quikscell Company[1]

Joint Equipment Systems [1]

Aldis Industries [1]

Various [2]

Production Year 2407[3]
Mission Fire Support
Type Tracked
Cost 1,932,800 C-bills
Technical specifications
Mass 60 tons
Armor Simple Armor Plate Standard
Engine InterComBust 180 internal combustion engine
Speed 54 km/h
Crew 3
Communications System Communicator
Targeting Tracking System FireScan with IndirecTrack
Heat Sinks 0

10x SRM-6

BV (1.0) 816
BV (2.0) 816


Ever since the development of the first rocket centuries ago, military units have used mobile missile systems to provide cheap and effective fire support. Along with its LRM counterpart, the SRM Carrier serves in every military action across the Inner Sphere in a variety of shapes and forms.[2][4][5][6][1]

The chassis for missile carriers vary in basic design, but they are all essentially military transport vehicles, tracked being the most common, adapted to carry the huge missile launchers and loading equipment. Those adaptations generally consist of reinforcing the suspension systems and armoring the crew and critical components areas enough to survive the back blast from so many missiles. With an average top speed of 54 km/h and armor unable to survive counterbattery fire, if forced to engage in direct combat a carrier's life expectancy is measured in seconds. [2][4][1]

Manufactured by almost every major military supplier, the modern SRM Carrier is derived from those developed in the Age of War by Quik Products Inc, the future Quikscell Company. In many cases derived a little too closely; during the Succession Wars era many manufacturers were producing little more than shoddy direct copies that fell below even Quikscell's low quality standards. After the end of the Fourth Succession War Quikscell lodged lawsuits against those manufacturing clones of Quik based carriers, resulting in the closure of many smaller manufacturers and larger manufacturers ending production. While those who produced their own designs were not affected, Quikscell's elimination of much of its competitors and its offer to exchange any missile carrier not produced by them for legitimate Quikscell versions and parts made it the number one player of the missile carrier market. [1]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

While its chassis is identical to its LRM counterpart, the SRM Carrier mounts ten forward-firing SRM-6 launchers. Quikscell utilizes Holly brand launchers, but carriers produced by other manufacturers frequently use the launchers common to their House of origin, such as HoverTec SRMs in the Federated Suns or NCK in the Draconis Combine. While the SRM carrier must physically move to change firing angles a barrage fired from a missile carrier is a fearsome sight, and four tons of ammunition allow a carrier to keep up that rate of fire up for over a minute, but forces carriers to be tied to a functioning supply system to keep them in action for any extended period. [2][4][1]


  • Arrow IV 
    The Combine's Ryuken-yon fields SRM Carriers fitted with special weapon pods that accept Arrow IV launchers.[7]
  • Blakist 
    An even more radical upgrade produced by the Word of Blake, it utilizes a Light Fusion Engine to boost the speed and armor of the carrier, while still retaining enough weight to add a C3i unit, TAG, a Guardian ECM suite and a switch to Streak SRM-4 launchers. [6] BV (1.0) = ??, BV (2.0) = 961
  • C3-Guardian 
    An attempt by Quikscell to make their upgraded SRM Carrier more popular, it replaces the Narc launcher with a C3 slave and Guardian ECM Suite. [6] BV (1.0) = ??, BV (2.0) = 903
  • Mortar Carrier 
    Developed by Quikscell during the early Dark Age Era in 3083, this variant of the ancient SRM Carrier takes advantage of the newly introduced Class 8 Mech Mortar and adds three of these weapons to the SRM Carrier's chassis. The three weapons have 32 rounds of ammunition stored in the carrier's hull.[8] BV (1.0) ??, BV (2.0) = 517[9]
  • MRM Launcher 
    A radical Draconis Combine flavored variant of the SRM carrier, Quikscell dropped the SRM launchers for three MRM-30s. A C3 slave improves coordination, but reduced top speed and a mere eight reloads for each launcher limits its effectiveness. [6] BV (2.0) = 782
  • Primitive 
    This Age of War design (introduced in 2440) inspired further generations of the SRM Carrier vehicle. It used three tons of BAR 6 armor to provide protection. It mounted Advanced Fire Control systems to guide the nine SRM-4 launchers mounted on the vehicle's front side. Eight tons of ammunition provided plenty of staying power.[10] BV (2.0)=569[11]
  • A Dark Age variant designed by Joint Equipment Systems in the Rasalhague Dominion, the SRM Carrier C retains the armament of the standard model but mounts them to a partial-traverse turret for an expanded field of fire. This variant also upgrades the engine to a 240 rating, enabling ground speeds of up to 64.8km/h. BV (2.0) = 1,098 [12]

Design Quirks[edit]

The SRM Carrier Primitive variant is subject to the following Design Quirks:[10]

Notable Crewmembers[edit]

See: Category:Notable SRM Carrier Crewmembers

Related Combat Vehicles[edit]

  • Light SRM Carrier: A Taurian Concordat reworking of the standard carrier, the Light SRM Carrier is built on a lighter wheeled chassis and removes half of the SRM launchers to reduce both the cost and complexity of repair and manufacture. The wheeled chassis also allows an increase in speed to 65 km/h while carrying four and half tons of armor, one and half times more than the standard model.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Technical Readout: 3039, pp. 72-73 "LRM/SRM Carrier"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Technical Readout: 3026, pp. 62-63 "LRM/SRM Carrier"
  3. MUL online date for the SRM Carrier
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Technical Readout: 3026 Revised, pp. 66-67 "LRM/SRM Carrier"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Technical Readout: 3058, pp. 52-53 "SRM/LRM Carrier"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, pp. 96-97 "SRM/LRM Carrier"
  7. Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 129: "Ryuken-yon Armor"
  8. Record Sheets: 3145 New Tech, New Upgrades p56 - Mortar Carrier Record sheet with bv, Ammo load and it is using image of the SRM Carrier. Record Sheet shows it shares same tonnage and armor.
  9. Master Unit List - BV/Introduction Year & Alpha Strike Data Card listed for the Morter.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Experimental Technical Readout: Primitives, Volume 2, p. 12
  11. MUL Profile for the SRM Carrier (Primitive) - Into year and battle value 2.
  12. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 30, p. 26 'SRM Carrier C'
