Marguerite Grimheald

Marguerite Grimheald
AffiliationClan Hell's Horses
RankGalaxy Commander

Galaxy Commander Marguerite Grimheald was a senior officer in Clan Hell's Horses's Beta Galaxy, and Bloodnamed warrior of the Grimheald Bloodhouse, during the late 3140s and early 3150s.[1][2]


666th Mechanized Assault[edit]

Grimheald was newly appointed as a Star Colonel and CO of 666th Mechanized Assault Cluster, following the failed Golden Ordun alliance assault on Hesperus II in early 3145 against Lyran Commonwealth and Clan Wolf forces, known as the Seventeenth Battle of Hesperus II. Replacing Star Colonel Charo Seidman at the head of the strongly pro-Mongol Doctrine Cluster, Grimheald strengthened their ties with Khan Malvina Hazen by volunteering to act as a honor guard for the comatose's Hazen's trip back to Sudeten, following the assassination attempt on her by Beckett Malthus arising from her threats to use Nuclear Weapons.

Acting as the rearguard with the 666th to Hazen's own Raptor Keshik, Grimheald remained on Sudeten until Hazen regained consciousness, after which she relocated the 666th Mechanized Assault to Derf near the Hell's Horse capital of Csesztreg to keep close tabs on the Horse leadership which was quickly cooling on Hazen and her Mongol Doctrine.[3] While some feared she might attack her fellow Horses at Hazen's behest, as of 31 December 3145, she and the 666th were still stationed on Derf.[1]

Beta Galaxy[edit]

In 3152 Grimheald was promoted to Galaxy Commander and command of Beta Galaxy as whole, following the failure of her predecessor Loren Icaza's assault on Alyina Mercantile League world of Butler during Operation STAMPEDE, where he foolishly used only a small solahma unit against what he had considered an unworthy opponent for true warriors.

In this role she was a prominent critic of newly appointed Horse Khan Fulk Lassenerra, who had shared her pro-Mongol views during the time of the Golden Ordun, but had later turned his back on Malvina Hazen following the end of that alliance. Marguerite considered this inconstancy a sign of intellectual superficiality and craven opportunism, which together with what she considered to be Lassenerra's military failures, left her with the belief he was not fit for leadership.[2]

Based on Trell I as of June 3152, Grimheald was publicly campaigning with the Horses for a relaunch of Operation STAMPEDE, and the conquest of the Hinterlands region by the Hell's Horses.[4]

Philosophical and/or political views[edit]

Grimheald was a follower of Malvina Hazen and her Mongol Doctrine, considering Hazen to be the one great visionary the Clan system produced in the last century prior to 3152, remaining faithful to her even after many in the Horses had repudiated their former support for Hazen's terror tactics.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: 3145, p. 167
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Tamar Rising, p. 84
  3. Era Report: 3145, p. 84
  4. Voices of the Sphere: The Hinterlands
