Adler Malthus

Adler Malthus
Adler Malthus
Died10 Sept 3050
AffiliationClan Jade Falcon
ProfessionStar Colonel

Star Colonel Adler Malthus was a noteworthy MechWarrior in Clan Jade Falcon during the opening phases of Operation REVIVAL.[1]


Adler Malthus was the commanding officer of the prestigious Falcon Guards Cluster. Described as tall, daring and courageous, he enjoyed considerable success although his critics in the Falcon touman felt his tactics were needlessly reckless.[1]


Early Gains[edit]

Malthus commanded the overall attack against the Twelfth Donegal Guards and the attempt to capture Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.[2] The attack on Trell I was joined by the First Falcon Striker and Fifth Falcon Striker, and successfully captured the planet, though the Prince escaped[3] and elements of the Donegal Guard staged guerilla actions for months and at least a portion of the unit retreated to Derf.[4]

Star Colonel Malthus led the Falcon Guards to victory over the 17th Skye Rangers on Barcelona,[5] the second regiment of the 12th Star Guards on Toland, and the Second Grave Walkers on Apollo.[6]


The First Battle for Twycross[edit]

The Falcon Guards then moved on to conquer Twycross. On June 2, 3050, the Adler Malthus and his Guards entered the Twycross system and issued a batchall to the defending Twycross Tamar March Militia, or Twycross TMM, under the command of Leftenant-General John Cicero. Cicero would refuse to reply to the battle challenge and the two forces met on the Plain of Curtains. Though outnumbered, Adler Malthus displayed the usual Falcon tendency for direct attacks and drove his forces straight at the enemy without scouting the terrain ahead of him. After three weeks of heavy fighting, Adler and his Guards would successfully take control of the planet.[7]

The Second Battle for Twycross[edit]

Twycross's infamous weather caused transportation delays and the Falcon Guards missed their scheduled transfer out of the Twycross system. Thus the Guards were still on Twycross when the Federated Commonwealth launched a counteroffensive in September 3050. It was Adler Malthus' brash nature that contributed to his downfall. Intent on flanking the FedCom forces, he led the Falcon Guards along the Great Gash without dispatching scouts to check the route first. Unaware of the pentaglycerine explosives planted by FedCom sappers, he accepted a one-on-one BattleMech duel with Kai Allard-Liao.[1] When Allard-Liao's damaged Hatchetman exploded, it took Star Colonel Malthus' OmniMech along with it, just moments before the detonation set off the demolition charges that collapsed the Great Gash on top of the Jade Falcon forces.[8]

Death and Legacy[edit]

Nearly all of the Falcon Guards perished in the Great Gash, and Adler Malthus was among them. His humiliating defeat brought so much shame upon his Bloodname House that political rivals turned upon saKhan Timur Malthus in the Clan Council. Timur was forced to resign his post in disgrace – incidentally opening the way for the ambitious Vandervahn Chistu to replace him.[9] So stained was Adler's Bloodname than not even a single MechWarrior wanted it. Only an Elemental, Star Captain Taman Malthus would fight for it, winning it along with its recently sullied reputation. However, Taman managed to redeem the honor of the name when, using just a handful of forces, he reconquered the planet Alyina from ComStar during Operation Scorpion, eventually becoming one of Clan Jade Falcon's most prestigious warriors. Ironically, he was greatly aided in his deeds on Alyina through an unlikely partnership with Adler's killer, Kai Allard-Liao.


Adler piloted a Summoner OmniMech during the battle of Twycross.


Adler Malthus' body was never recovered, and some of his unit prisoners claimed that he managed to eject from his machine before the explosion. However, as he never appeared again, most believe he perished along with the rest of his cluster.[10]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Battle for Twycross, p. 12
  2. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 26, "Trell I"
  3. Era Report: 3052, p. 15
  4. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 38: "Derf"
  5. Jade Falcon Sourcebook p. 36
  6. The Battle for Twycross, p. 7
  7. The Battle for Twycross, p. 7-9
  8. Lethal Heritage, pp. 266-269, Kai Allard-Liao challenges and destroys the Falcon Guards
  9. Jade Falcon Sourcebook p. 28-29
  10. The Battle for Twycross, p. 10: Adler Malthus profile
