Anjin Muerto Periphery March Militia

Brigade Insignia of the Periphery March Militia
Anjin Muerto Periphery March Militia
Formed 2754[1]
Affiliation Federated Suns
Parent Command Periphery March Militia

The Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia was responsible for defending the worlds of the Anjin Muerto Combat Region and Anjin Muerto Polymorphous Defense Zone.



In common with the other March Militias found across the Federated Suns, the Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia or Anjin Muerto CrMM was formed in 2754 as a result of the Preparedness Act enacted by First Prince Richard Davion in 2735.[2] Richard established a formal training program aimed at increasing the general readiness level of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns reserve forces and formalized the structure of the March Militias, bringing the planetary militias into a common structure.[1]

Richard established a system whereby each of the Marches within the Federated Suns conducted internal wargames every two years, with those wargames being inspired by the Martial Olympiad conducted by the Star League Defense Force every four years. Each March Militia was formed as an ad hoc brigade drawing on the winners from each planetary militia across each Combat Region. These ad hoc brigades then competed against each other at the March level to earn the title of "Best Prepared" March Militia within each of the three Marches.[1]

The wargames proved to be very popular and by 2750 the prestige that was associated with the "Best Prepared" title inspired troops in every combat region to give their best effort, with some commands making plans years in advance to try and ensure that they were ready. After the close of the 2754 games First Prince John Davion activated all of the combat region commands as federal troops and formed them into the March Militias; while this move was controversial and provoked a flurry of judicial cases opposing the creation of the commands, it also added twenty BattleMech-equipped combat commands to the AFFS in a single stroke. Many of the planets that provided troops for the games were resentful of having their best militia troops pressed into federal service, and it would be 2763 before the last of the cases worked its way through the courts. With the final ruling going in favor of Prince John, he then moved to allay many of the fears expressed by the planets involved by laying down specific instructions that the March Militias wouldn't be deployed outside their home combat regions except under a small number of very rare and clearly defined exceptions.[1]

Like the other Crucis March Militias the Anjin Muerto CrMM was well-equipped, much more so than the average Capellan March Militia or Draconis March Militia, and soon established a constant training regimen. The Anjin Muerto CrMM was highly active, leading to a readiness level greater than might have been expected of a militia formation, and acted as a mobile reserve for the Anjin Muerto Combat Region and a staging ground through which planetary militia soldiers could move on into the AFFS, while retiring AFFS personnel moved into the March Militia to pass on their knowledge and experience.[1] The Anjin Muerto CrMM was one of ten March Militia brigades founded within the Crucis March in 2754, with the other nine being the Bastian, Broken Wheel, Islamabad, Kestrel, Malagrotta, Marlette, New Avalon, Point Barrow and Tsamma Crucis March Militias.[3]

Third Succession War[edit]

After petrochemicals were found on Okefenokee, the planet experienced a population boom. Explorers and adventurers arrived on the world hoping to make their fortune. Unfortunately the inhabitants resented this influx of profit seekers and began a guerrilla campaign to force them off-world. As a result, two regiments of Anjin Muerto CrMM infantry were stationed on Okefenokee to keep the peace, but after forty years of conflict the infantry units found themselves caught in the middle of the two factions. They also had to deal with the rise in piracy that the planet's new wealth attracted.[4]

FedCom Civil War Era[edit]

The unit was not involved in high profile battles of the FedCom Civil War. However, it was responsible for taking care of low-level hot spots in Combat Region. After the assassination of Arthur Steiner-Davion in 3062, the unit was involved in putting down the violence that broke out from his death on the unit's homeworld of Anjin Muerto. The neighboring worlds of Okefenokee and Crofton were similarly affected by uprisings that unit had to later combat. It was not until 3066 Lt. General Requin and Anjin Muerto CrMM could finally pacify the Combat Region. During this time, the unit faced pirate raids from the neighboring Tortuga Dominions.[5]

Though the unit was in a relatively quiet area of the Federated Suns, it has lost approximately half the 'Mechs and armor units it possessed before the Jihad. These troops are being reassigned to rebuild the destroyed Marlette CrMM. Though the loss of so many troops is affecting their abilities, the fact that the command staff remains intact mitigates several of the problems that would otherwise occur.[6]

After the formation of the Periphery March, the Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia was renamed the Anjin Muerto Periphery March Militia. This reflected the Anjin Muerto PDZ's new membership in the Periphery March. At the same time, the unit drew down to a Light Combat Team. Reduced to a third of its RCT size, the units that were stripped out of the Anjin Muerto PMM were used to rebuild the Hortense Periphery March Militia and the Marlette Crucis March Militia.[7]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia
Major General David Trime 3025[8]
Leftenant General Mary Skipworth 3050[9]
Leftenant General George Kubas 3054[10]
Leftenant General Earl Renquin 3062[4]
Major General Toren Kell 3067[11]
Commanding Officers of the Anjin Muerto Periphery March Militia
Leftenant General Rowena Leaven 3085[12]
Leftenant General Samantha Davion 3145[13]

Other Officers[edit]


The militia frequently fights best in small formations, and their equipment in the form of jump-capable 'Mechs and hovercraft allowed them to surprise the enemy with unexpected mobility.[4]

Composition History[edit]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[3]

- One BattleMech regiment[1]
- Two armor regiments[1]
- Three infantry regiments[1]
- One mobile artillery battalion[1]
- Two aerospace wings, each of eighteen aerospace fighters[1]
- The Anjin Muerto CrMM was stationed on Giverny at this point in time.[3][15]

2786 - 2821[edit]

Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[16]

- At this point in time the Militia was a medium-weight unit operating at full regimental strength, and was based on Giverny.[16]In 2821 the unit was operating at just over half-strength.[16]


Anjin Muerto CrMM (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[17]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Anjin Muerto with an operational readiness of 73 percent.[17]


Anjin Muerto CrMM (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[17]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Anjin Muerto with an operational readiness of 53 percent.[17]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (Regiment/Green/Reliable)[8]

  • CO: Major General David Trime[8]
Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Anjin Muerto.[8]


Anjin Muerto CrMM (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[18]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Anjin Muerto.[18]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[19]

  • CO: Leftenant General Mary Skipworth[19]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Anjin Muerto.[19]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[20]

  • CO: Leftenant General George Kubas[20]
Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Anjin Muerto.[20]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (1 Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[4]

Anjin Muerto CrMM Aerospace Wing (1 Wing (Military Unit)/Regular/Reliable)[4]

Anjin Muerto Armor Brigade (2 Regiments/Regular/Reliable)[4]

Anjin Muerto Infantry Brigade (5 Regiments/Veteran/Reliable)[4]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia (Regular/Reliable)[11]

Anjin Muerto CrMM Aerospace (Wing/Regular/Reliable)[11]

Anjin Muerto CrMM Armor Brigade (Regular/Questionable)[11]

Anjin Muerto CrMM Infantry Brigade (Green/Reliable)[11]


Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia RCT (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[21]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Anjin Muerto.[21] The ROaR program saw nearly fifty percent of their BattleMech and combat vehicle assets reassigned to recreate another Crucis March Militia unit. The new Anjin Muerto CrMM LCT remained at 85% of their pre-Jihad effectiveness.[6]


Anjin Muerto Periphery March Militia LCT (Regular/Reliable)[12]

Anjin Muerto PMM Aerospace (Wing/Regular/Reliable)[12]

Anjin Muerto PMM Armor Brigade (Regular/Reliable)[12]

Anjin Muerto PMM Infantry Brigade (Veteran/Reliable)[12]


Anjin Muerto Periphery March Militia (1 Battalion/Regular/Reliable)[13]

Aerospace Wing (Regular/Reliable)[13]

Armor Brigade (Veteran/Reliable)[13]

Infantry Brigade (Regular/Questionable)[13]



  • Field Report 2765: AFFS attributes the Preparedness Act of 2735 to both Richard Davion[2] and Roger Davion.[1] Because other sources indicate that Richard Davion was First Prince in 2735, and that Roger Davion died in 2703, the latter attribution is probably an error.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Field Report 2765: AFFS, p. 21: "Federated Suns March Militias"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Report 2765: AFFS, p. 3: "Strategic Update"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Field Report 2765: AFFS, p. 22: "Regimental Status"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Field Manual: Federated Suns, p. 114: "Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia Profile"
  5. Field Manual: Updates, p. 134: "Anjin Muerto CrMM"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Field Report: AFFS, p. 17
  7. Field Manual: 3085, p. 67
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 House Davion (The Federated Suns), p. 138 (PDF version): "Anjin Muerto Combat Region"
  9. 20 Year Update, p. 23: "AFFC Deployment Table - 3050"
  10. Objective Raids, p. 16: "AFFC Deployment Table - 3054"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Field Manual: Updates, p. 140: "AFFS Deployment Table - 3067"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Field Manual: 3085, p. 72: "AFFS Deployment Table - 3085"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Field Manual: 3145, p. 94
  14. Force Manual: Davion, p. 53: "Anjin Muerto Crucis March Militia"
  15. Field Report 2765: AFFS, p. 29: "Armed Forces Federated Suns Deployment Map 2765"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 First Succession War, p. 134: "Armed Forces of the Federated Suns (AFFS)"
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Second Succession War, p. 95
  18. 18.0 18.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 136
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 20 Year Update, p. 23
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Objective Raids, p. 16
  21. 21.0 21.1 Field Report: AFFS, p. 16
