Bring the Dawn

Bring the Dawn
Short story by Jason Schmetzer
Published inShattered Fortress
PublisherCatalyst Game Labs
EraDark Age era
Timeline6 June 3146 — 22 August 3146

Bring the Dawn is a short story by Jason Schmetzer that was first published as introductory fiction for Shattered Fortress.

Plot Summary[edit]

Julian Davion arrives on Terra to meet a reawakened Devlin Stone. He is accompanied by Republic of the Sphere Major Janne Wealthow and had been given a window to pass through the hyperspace barrier that surrounds Fortress Republic. Davion later learns that they had been followed by a Maskirovka JumpShip, but since the ship did not have its own window it had been ripped apart.

Refusing to be intimidated by Stone's presence, Davion demands to know Stone's purpose, as he has to return to defend the Federated Suns from a dual assault by the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine. With the death of his cousin, Julian Davion is now First Prince and the fate of his nation rests on his shoulders. Stone needs to push back the Capellan assault deep into Republic territory but without making obvious that Fortress Republic is about to lower its walls. To do this he gifts Davion, an assault 'Mech regiment with an attached aerospace fighter wing, the Dawn Guards, manned by Republic volunteers with ancestral ties to the Federated Suns.[1] The Maskirovka would be able to figure out that they were Republic troops but the Republic itself would retain public deniability.

Instead of returning directly to New Avalon, Davion will instead attack [Capellan Confederation|Liao]]-occupied worlds. It will take pressure off the Capellan March even though Davion would not be able to lead his people. To convince him, Stone offers substantial Republic support when Fortress wall will finally come down: namely Republic forces will assault the Draconis March and even retake Robinson. However, Stone does not give a specific timetable for this. In the end Davion accepts the proposal and Stone promotes Major Wealthow to Colonel on the spot, naming her commanding officer/CO of the Dawn Guards.

Later we see the Dawn Guards hammering Capellan forces on Acamar and leaving evidence for the Maskirovka to find. When Isabelle Fisk tells Chancellor Daoshen Liao of the Dawn Guards' assault and their hidden Republic background, he slows the operations against the Federated Suns to prepare for the coming onslaught when the Republic of the Sphere finally emerges from behind Fortress Republic.

Featured Characters[edit]

Featured Units[edit]

Featured Places[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]



Small Craft[edit]


  • The superheavy Ares Tripod 'Mech is first introduced in fiction.
  • Jonah Levin remains Exarch, even though Stone is again the real power in the Republic of the Sphere.
  • Devlin Stone implies that Daoshen Liao is the greatest threat to the Republic.
  • Tucker Harwell is now advising Devlin Stone.


  1. Shattered Fortress, p. 104