House Rules

House Rules
Story information
Author Steven Mohan Jr.
Pages 4
Type Short story
Product Strategic Operations
Era Civil War Era
Timeline 8 October to 12 December 3062

The short story House Rules was published in Strategic Operations.

Plot summary[edit]

The Black Dawn, a small Periphery Mercenary unit based on Charleston in the Taurian Concordat, is surreptitious hired by the Federated Suns to attack a supposed Pirate base on an uninhabited world. Given an experimental AGS-4D Argus BattleMech as a sign-on bonus, the Black Dawn soon discovered they have been engaged under false pretenses, with the mission actually being to test the performance of the Argus against a secret Word of Blake base.

Featured characters[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]



Featured units[edit]

Featured places[edit]