Thos Cardella

Thos Cardella
Born9 June 3110[1]
Affiliation21st Centauri Lancers[2]
RankLieutenant Colonel[2]

Lieutenant Colonel Thos Cardella was a MechWarrior, who served within the Twenty-First Centauri Lancers, during the Dark Age Era.[2][1]

Personal Appearance[edit]

Cardella was a large man, enough so that Elemental descent could be suspected. He had dark skin, green eyes, a deep voice, and a perpetual sneer on his face. By 3133 he was bald.[1][3]


Light Support Lance[edit]

Despite his hulking appearance, Cardella was personally extremely gentle, with a philosophy which verged on pacifism. He sought to avoid collateral damage to the extent possible, to both people and the environment, and sought to use his expert marksmanship to avoid killing enemy pilots.[1]

As of February 3132, Cardella was a Light Support Lance within the Twenty-First Centauri Lancers, which also included Captain Chak Rasbid, Lieutenant Rosin Douglas and Jon Roberson.[1][4] While the Lance was strictly under the command of Captain Rasbid, during times when he was called to lead the other elements of his command, the Light Support Lance was left in the care of Lieutenant Douglas with Cardella acting as XO.[5]


On 3 August 3133, Rasbid's BattleMech Light Support Lance together with supporting Combat vehicles and infantry, was engaged by Towne Planetary Legate Jonathan Jurik to help bolster the world's defenses.[6] Shortly afterward Cardella's arrival on Towne, a force from Landgrave Jasek Kelswa-Steiner's Stormhammers landed near the capital of Port Howard on 27 August, which attempted to seize the cities working HPG the following day in what became known as the Battle of Towne.[7][8] As part of the city's garrison Rasbid's Light Support Lance, together with local militia and Triarii Protectors units, helped fight off the raiders who were under the command of Kommandant Tamara Duke. The Stormhammers managed to take the HPG during their initial push into the city, but due to an internal dispute between Kommandant Duke and her troops, Cardella was able to help his Lance force them to retreat from the HPG and the city. This success was despite Thos Cardella considering his own commander Captain Rasbid to be a nervous wreck, who may have only received his position due to nepotism.[5][9][10]

Following this battle, the Light Support Lance was relived by Twenty-First Centauri Lancers reinforcements, which also came under the command of Captain Rasbid. Once the Stormhammers were pushed off Towne several days later, during a period the Light Support Lance was left to the command of Rosin Douglas with the assistance of Knight-Errant Kristoff Erbe, Rasbid rewarded the performance of Douglas and Cardella with recommendations that they both be promoted.[5]


By 30 September 3133, Cardella was on Galatea, where he guided INN correspondent Riva Juro for a profile on the Lancers. Juro rode along in his 'Mech for a Lyran-hired raid on Uhuru, a response to a Marik-Stewart Commonwealth raid on Rahne. While Captain Richard Teigart's Seventeenth Armored Recon Company struck the Marik-Stewart forces, Cardella and Juro sat strictly as observers.[3]

Later Career[edit]

As the situation in the Republic of the Sphere deteriorated, Cardella continued to serve, rising in rank. Eventually rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Cardella and his battalion worked throughout Prefectures VIII and IX, finding themselves overly heavy for the tasks at hand. When he finally returned to the main body of the Lancers, Cardella called for the reformation of the Killer Bees as a light Lancers subunit, a project delayed until the Lancers' late 3151 Tamar Pact contract.[2]


Cardella was known to have piloted a customized Sun Cobra 2 BattleMech as of 3133, serial number FS305-07G. Build for the Federated Suns, it was captured by Cardella during an Objective Raid, and repaired to carry an ER PPC and ER large laser.[1][9]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 MechWarrior Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 134: "Thos Cardella"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Shrapnel Issue 12: "Unit Digest: Killer Bees"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 253-254: "Riva Juro’s Mercenary Profiles: 21st Centauri Lancers"
  4. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Death from Above Dossiers, Thos Cardella Dossier
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Shrapnel, Issue 15, pp. 351-353: Unit Digest: Twenty-First Centauri Peregrine Lancers
  6. Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 214
  7. Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 229
  8. Dark Age: 3132-3134 INN, p. 233
  9. 9.0 9.1 MechWarrior: Technology of Destruction, p. 7: For Loyalty or Money
  10. Death from Above - Something Wicked This Way Comes
