Clan Invasion: Poster Set

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Clan Invasion Poster Set
Product information
Type Accessory (Poster Set)
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
Product code CAT36B03
First published October 2020
MSRP $5.00
Content Three posters
Era Clan Invasion


During the course of the BattleTech: Clan Invasion crowdfunding campaign which ran from 18 July 2019 to August 18 2019, Catalyst Game Labs added a number of free double-sided posters as stretch goal rewards. The posters were available for free to those who pledged at the Ristar/US$30. The first poster to be announced was "Clan Juggernaut", which was the reward for the $40,000 stretch goal; the double-sided poster depicts the Timber Wolf OmniMech from the center of the Clan Juggernaut art piece, and a map of the Clan Homeworlds as of 3052. Depicted as insets within the Clan Homeworlds map are chart showing the Deep Periphery between the Inner Sphere and the Clan holdings, including the Deep Periphery states of Nueva Castile and the Hanseatic League, and the JàrnFòlk worlds, and a table showing the various individual Clan holdings within the Homeworlds, also reflected in the form of colored rings around the various systems. The map on the reverse of the Clan Juggernaut image was the $65,000 stretch goal.

The second double-sided poster was added as the $320,000 stretch goal, and the third was announced after the campaign had closed. One of the posters features the cover artwork for MechWarrior: Destiny of a Warhammer attacking a Rifleman in homage to the MechWarrior, First Edition, with the Kickstarter exclusive BattleTech: Clan Invasion box-art, a battle between 'Mechs from the Lyran Guards and Delta Galaxy of Clan Jade Falcon, on the other side. The other poster features the artwork of the 2020 re-release of Lethal Heritage, depicting a Shin Yodama's Phoenix Hawk encountering Elementals on one side. Its other side uses landscape orientation and shows a Timber Wolf from Beta Galaxy of Clan Wolf on hardstanding with a range of ammunition and pod-mounted weapons arranged around it.

In addition to being received as a pledge reward, copies of the poster pack were also available as an add-on within the CrowdOx Pledge manager for $5.00.


  • On the map of the Clan Homeworlds, Nueva Castile is misspelled "Nuevo Castile" while the JàrnFòlk are misspelled as "Járnfolk".