Beta Galaxy (Clan Wolf)

Beta Galaxy
Nickname "The Arctic Wolves" (3050)
"The Shadow Wolves" (3058)
Affiliation Clan Wolf
Parent Command Clan Wolf touman


Operation REVIVAL[edit]

Beta Galaxy units fought on the following worlds during the invasion of the Inner Sphere:

The Periphery[edit]

Wave One[edit]

Wave Two[edit]

Wave Three[edit]

Wave Four[edit]

Wave Five[edit]



Refusal War[edit]

During the Refusal War the Beta Galaxy was commanded by Khan Natasha Kerensky herself throughout the war until her death on Twycross. The survivors were ordered to escape while she held the Jade Falcons off and attempted to join Ulric Kerensky on Wotan[1] before being exiled with Khan Phelan Ward to the Inner Sphere.

Post-Refusal War[edit]

Tau Galaxy of Clan Jade Wolf was designated the Beta Galaxy of the new Clan Wolf when their Galaxy Commander, Marialle Radick, was named saKhan.[2] She reformed multiple Clusters and rebuilt the Silver Keshik, who joined her in the Homeworlds while the rest of the Galaxy guarded the Occupation Zone.


Between 3065 and 3067 Beta Galaxy participated in a series of strikes against Clan Jade Falcon. The Silver Keshik and 13th Battle Cluster faced the 5th Falcon Regulars on Quarell. The conflict was organized into a series of duels, which the Wolves won. In addition to taking the world, several Jade Falcon bondsmen were taken by Beta Galaxy.

Beta Galaxy was then reassigned to the border between Clan Wolf and the Free Rasalhague Republic.[3]

Dark Age Era[edit]

Beta Galaxy took part in the creation of the Wolf Empire.[4] During the raiding of 3137 they took Keystone, New Olympia, and Stewart from the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth. They also engaged Lyran Commonwealth forces on Smolnik, but were repelled.[5] In 3143 they landed on Tharkad, and issued a Trial of Possession for the continent of Bremen. They were successful in their challenge.[6]

On March 2nd, 3150 Beta Galaxy sent three Clusters to Skye, facing off against Clan Jade Falcon's Turkina Keshik and 124th Falcon Striker Cluster. The Falcons were forced off-world after fighting for ten days. Members of Beta Galaxy also captured Falcon Galaxy Commander Noritomo Helmer, who was taken as a bondsman.[7]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Beta Galaxy (Clan Wolf)
saKhan Garth Radick During Operation REVIVAL
saKhan Phelan Ward After Operation REVIVAL
saKhan Marialle Radick 3057[8] - 3067[9]
saKhan Anatoli Kerensky 3085[10]
Commanding Officers of the Beta Galaxy (Wolf Empire)
Khan Seth Ward During most of the Dark Age[11]
Galaxy Commander Alaric Ward 3145[12]

Other Officers[edit]



Composition History[edit]





  • 341st Assault[15]
  • 352nd Assault[15]
  • Thirteenth Wolf Guards[15]
  • Third Battle Cluster[15]
  • Eleventh Battle Cluster[15] The 11th Battle Cluster was present during the engagements on Twycross but it is not stated if the 11th was officially part of Beta Galaxy or not.



  • Silver Keshik[9]
  • Second Wolf Assault[9]
  • Ninth Guard Striker[9]
  • Thirteenth Battle[9]


  • Silver Keshik[10]
  • Second Wolf Assault[10]
  • Ninth Wolf Guard Striker[10]
  • Thirteenth Battle[10]



  1. The Falcon and the Wolf, p. 30
  2. The Falcon and the Wolf, pp. 45–46
  3. Field Manual: Updates, pp. 52–53
  4. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 10
  5. Field Manual: 3145, p. 159
  6. Field Manual: 3145, p. 148
  7. Shattered Fortress, p. 84: "The Assault of Skye"
  8. Malicious Intent, ch. 8
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Field Manual: Updates, p. 74
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Field Manual: 3085, p. 126: "Clan Military Forces"
  11. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 32
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Field Manual: 3145, p. 170: "Clan Force Deployments - Wolf Empire"
  13. Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 13
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Objective Raids, p. 32
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 The Falcon and the Wolf, p. 30
