Helios (system)

This article is about the planetary system. For other uses, see Helios.

Helios (system) 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates−367.855 : −411.338[e]

The Helios system is an independent system in the rimward and anti-spinward region of the Periphery.[1]

System Description[edit]

Helios is located near the Islington and Thraxa systems and lies in the unclaimed territory between the Magistracy of Canopus and Marian Hegemony.[1]

System History[edit]

The Helios system was either settled at some point during the FedCom Civil War,[2][3][4] or was an already-inhabited system that became significant enough during this period for Inner Sphere nations to begin recording its location on maps. Helios vanished from maps during the Dark Age,[1][5] indicating that the system had either been abandoned, depopulated, or rendered too insignificant to merit further recording.

Political Affiliation[edit]



Planetary History[edit]

In 3066, the Manei Domini made their first appearance on Helios contesting the Wolf Spiders. This action cost the Dragoons two full Stars and a squad of commandos to terrorist-style suicide bombings before they cleared out the cell. Included in the casualties was a Dragoon Captain referred to only as "The MechWarrior."[22][23][24]


Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

Helios features diverse geological features and environments that makes the world capable of supporting a thriving population.[25]

Apocryphal Content Ends


  • Helios was added to the BattleTech universe after the world name was first used by FASA Interactive's game MechAssault.[26]

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 20 systems (5 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Kleinwelt 36.1 Islington 45.2 Mondra 51.8 Thraxa 57.0
Frobisher 59.0 Schmitt 66.2 Ballalaba 67.5 Algenib 77.4
Vixen 78.6 Coopertown 79.7 Baccalieu 84.9 Project Sagitarius Umbrella 91.7
Durabon 93.4 Horatius 98.5 Luxani 99.8 Suetonius 101.0
Zelmag 102.7 Gambilon 108.5 Pompey 110.0 Ballad 112.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Field Manual: 3085, p. vii: "Inner Sphere - October 3085"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Inner Sphere, p. 98: "Near Periphery Kingdoms Map""
  3. 3.0 3.1 Era Report: 3062, p. 29: "Inner Sphere Map [3063]"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 43: "Inner Sphere - [3067] Map"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Era Report: 3145, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3135] Map"
  6. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159: "Inner Sphere - [2596] Map"
  7. Era Report: 2750, p. 37: "Inner Sphere - [2750] Map"
  8. Field Manual: SLDF, p. xi: "Inner Sphere - [2764] Map"
  9. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [2765] Map"
  10. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, pp. 122–123: "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  11. The Periphery, First Edition, pp. 156–157: "Maps of the Periphery"
  12. Historical: War of 3039, p. 133: "Inner Sphere - [3040] Map"
  13. Era Report: 3052, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - [3050] Map"
  14. Era Report: 3052, p. 23: "Inner Sphere - [3052] Map"
  15. Objective Raids, p. 46: "Magistracy of Canopus"
  16. Era Report: 3062, p. 12: "Inner Sphere Map [3057]"
  17. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 65: "Inner Sphere - [3075] Map"
  18. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63: "Inner Sphere Map - [March 3081]"
  19. Era Digest: Dark Age, p. 12: "Map of the Inner Sphere 3130"
  20. Era Report: 3145, p. 39: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  21. Field Manual: 3145, p. VI: "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  22. A Guide to Covert Ops. p. 105: "Helios mentioned in canon source, noting Manei Domini first appearance"
  23. Field Manual: Mercenaries Revised, p. 119
  24. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 29, p. 10
  25. MechAssault user manual, p. 9
  26. Writer/Freelancer/Map Maker Øystein Tvedten notes that Helios was recently added to maps. (dead link)
