House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth)

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House Steiner
The Lyran Commonwealth
Product information
Type Sourcebook
Development Jordan Weisman (Production Manager)
L. Ross Babcock (Editor-In-Chief)
Donna Ippolito (Senior Editor)
Todd Huettel, Tara Gallagher, Robt. Wells (Editors)
Primary writing Boy F. Peterson, Jr.
Pages 173
Cover Artwork Dana Knutson
Interior Artwork David R. Deitrick
Illustrations Jim Holloway
Jeff Laubenstein
Todd F. Marsh
Dana Knutson
Dawne Wehrs
Publication information
Publisher FASA
Product code 1621
First published 1987
ISBN-10 1555600336
ISBN-13 978-1555600334
MSRP $15.00
Era Succession Wars era
Agency ComStar
Universe Date 3025
Preceded by House Kurita (The Draconis Combine)
Followed by House Liao (The Capellan Confederation)


House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth) provides an overview of the history of the Steiner family and of the Lyran Commonwealth through 3025.

From the back cover[edit]

ComStar answers all...
Who was Claudius the Cruel?
What is the hottest rock group in the Inner Sphere?
Which mercenary leader has a crush on Melissa Steiner?

Precariously poised between the fierce eagle of House Marik and the voracious dragon of House Kurita, House Steiner fights a desperate battle to protect the worlds, industries, and peoples of the Lyran Commonwealth. One of the five Successor States of the fallen Star League, the Commonwealth is noted for having the strongest economy and the weakest military leadership of all the realms. Nevertheless, its clenched fist is a symbol of defiance to those who would swallow the Commonwealth whole.

Compiled from ComStar records both ancient and modern comes this sourcebook on the Lyran Commonwealth and House Steiner. Included are dozens of full-color illustrations depicting Commonwealth rank insignias, unit crests, medals, personalities, and more. Classified documents on the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces' deployment from the Tamar Theater to Tharkad, military structure, and political intrigues are also provided. The extensive history section stretches from Terra's first steps into interstellar space to Melissa Steiner's betrothal to Hanse Davion.

Discover the skeletons in the Steiners' closets...


Dawn of a New Age
Founding Fathers
Hegemony, Prosperity, and Foundation
Chaos and Corruption
Marsden in Power
Dawning of the Age of War
The 'Social Generals'
The Reluctant Archon
The First Steiner
Birth of a Dynasty
Early Steiner Archons
Steiner Family Background
The Steiner Way
The BattleMech Era
Operation Prometheus
The Bloodthirsty General
Lyran Military Superiority
Long March, Hard March
The Dark Years
Trial of Duke Reynolds
Order of Magnitude
Steven Steiner
The Tharkan Witch
Eagles Cry
Repaying Old Debts
The Star League Era
Minor Adjustments
Operation Mailed Fist
The Archon Kidnapped
Day of Rage
The Good Years
Decline and Fall of the Star League
Babe Among Wolves
Territorial Troubles
Idealism and Villainy
The Usurper
Final Acts
First Succession War
Military Readiness
Declarations of War
Patterns of War
Tigers and Stealths
Attacks on Hesperus II
The Military Realities
Bella I
Lambs to the Slaughter
Terms of Exhaustion
The Second Succession War
Reconstruction Efforts
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Rescue of the Chahar Profit
State of War
Tales of Grimm
Claudius the Cruel
Death of the Fourth
Operation Praying Mantis
The Triumvirate
"What, Me Worry?"
Elizabeth Steiner
The Third Succession War
Once More Into the Breach
Hanging On
Three Steps in the Right Direction
The Battle for Skye
Calling All Citizens
The Cost of Freedom
The Open Wound
The Traitor Tertren
The Reign of Giovanni Steiner
The Battle for Loric
Alessandro Steiner
Hesperus Revisited
The Policy of Concentrated Weakness
Current Events
The Archonshlp
The Commonwealth Council
The Royal Court
The Estates General
The Federation of Skye
The Tamar Pact
The Protectorate of Donegal
The Commonwealth Judiciary
Internal Politics and Policies
The Lyran Commonwealth Civil Service
Overt Political Goals
Interstellar Relations
The Free Worlds League
The Capellan Confederation
The Federated Suns
The Draconis Combine
The Periphery
Covert Political Goals
The Archon
The Lyran Intelligence Corps
The Royal Court
The Estates General
Strengths and Weaknesses
The One Star Faith and Other Beliefs
Relations Between Religions
Myths and Legends
Strengths and Weaknesses
Uniforms in the LCAF
The Structure of the LCAF
Military Education
The Rep-Dep Corps
The Judge Advocate General's Office
The Quartermaster Corps
Transport Division
Military Intelligence
The Strategies and Tactics Division
The Commonwealth Navy
The Commonwealth AeroSpace Force
The Reserve Corps
House Troops Liaison
Mercenary Troops Liaison
The Commonwealth Army
The Commonwealth Medical Corps
The Administrative Section
The High Command
Deployment of LCAF Forces
Typical Commonwealth Units
Weapons Industries
Military Supplies
Major Military Academies
Medals and Decorations
Strengths and Weaknesses of the LCAF
Research Universities
The Arts
Daily Life and Culture
Public Media
Societal Problems
ComStar and the Lyran People
General Relations
Political Influence
Commonwealth Threats to ComStar
Governmental Attitude
Political Aims of the Economy
Consumer Goods
Corporate Profiles
Other Major Commonwealth Industries
Trade with Other Successor States
Free Worlds League
The Draconis Combine
The Capellan Confederation
The Federated Suns
Strengths and Weaknesses
The Protectorate of Donegal
The Federation of Skye
The Tamar Pact


  • This was the first of the House books published by FASA. Much of the information was intended as background material for MechWarrior role-playing game campaigns.[citation needed]
  • For several years, a downloadable version (sans pictures and page numbers) was made available on the official BattleTech website. It was taken down in 2011, with the launch of The appropriate page number from the physical version of the book is generally two less than the actual number in the text only PDF (e.g. the tenth page in the PDF corresponds to page 8 in the physical book).
  • The Map of the Lyran Commonwealth foldout shows an in-universe copyright date of 3025.