Revision as of 06:57, 28 January 2024 by Csdavis715 (talk | contribs)
Find all references to year 3054 - One link per entry (See Years Policy)
- June: Garth Hansen sends mercenaries to raid the Berenson HPG but fails to pin the blame on ComStar as intended.
- Marian Hegemony invades and conquers Lothian League.
- The Dragoon Civil War ends.
- Captain-General Thomas Marik orders creation of the 6th Free Worlds Legionnaires.
- Mercenary Review and Bonding Accords are signed, formalizing the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission (MRBC) that had been established in 3052 already.
- The first Salerno Derby is held on Turin.
- Free Worlds League based conspiracy-theorist fringe publisher Laurent InfoMedia is founded on Gibson.
- September 15th: Takashi Kurita commits seppuku.
- Theodore Kurita named Coordinator of Draconis Combine.
- Mikhail Ward assumes command of Clan Smoke Jaguar's Beta Galaxy.
- Mackenzie Wolf of Wolf's Dragoons and son of Jaime Wolf is killed during a Periphery run.
- Alpin Wolf is killed in a duel with Maeve Wolf.
- Precentor ROM Charles Seneca dies.
- June: A hyperpulse generator is used as an EMP weapon for the first time.
- Federated Commonwealth starts development of what will become the Laser Anti-Missile System.
- Federated Commonwealth introduces the Extended LRM-5.
- Federated Commonwealth introduces the Extended LRM-10.
- Federated Commonwealth introduces the Extended LRM-15.
- Federated Commonwealth introduces the Extended LRM-20.
- Clan Coyote introduces the Advanced Tactical Missile system.
- Clan Coyote introduces the Streak LRM-15.
- Clan Coyote introduces the Streak LRM-20.
- Clan Wolf unveils Light Target Acquisition Gear.
- Cavalry Attack Helicopter introduced by Michaelson Heavy Industries.
- First upgraded Seeker-class DropShips slip moorings.
- Claymore-class DropShip enters service with Federated Commonwealth.
- Earthwerks Limited's prototype Kuan Ti-class DropShip makes maiden flight.
- Hinsdale Elec introduces Rose-class DropShip.
- Irian Technologies introduces upgraded Leopard CV-class DropShip.
- Irian Technologies introduces new Hamilcar-class DropShip.
- Upgraded Condor-class DropShip introduced by Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited.
- K-5 series Black Boxes are introduced.
- Earthwerks Incorporated begins production of the Apollo BattleMech.
- The Cerberus BattleMech is introduced.
- The experimental CPR-HD-002 Copperhead BattleMech is introduced.
- The CRD-4BR variant of the Crusader BattleMech is introduced.
- The JM6-DG variant of the JagerMech BattleMech is introduced.