Bannson's Raiders

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Bannson's Raiders logo.png
Bannson's Raiders
Faction Profile
Time period: 3132 - ca. 3137
Classification: Microfaction
Capital world: Tybalt[1]

Bannson's Raiders were one of the "splinter factions" that arose within the Republic of the Sphere following the Blackout of August 3132. Raised in order to further the ambitions of corporate magnate Jacob Bannson, the Raiders attacked numerous Republic worlds in pursuit of Bannson's goals. By the late 3130s the Raiders were effectively defunct with its units either destroyed or disbanded.


Bannson's Raiders were the military arm of Bannson Universal Unlimited and were mostly composed of mercenaries hired by Jacob Bannson prior to the Blackout of 3132. They were known to operate with combined-arms forces including BattleMechs, armor, and infantry.[2]

In 3133 elements struck Alrescha and discovered Mavis Morgan imprisoned there, recruiting her into the Raiders.[3]

One group of Raiders led by "One-Eyed" Jack Farrell appeared on Northwind in December 3133.[4] They had been hired by Paladin Ezekiel Crow to supplement the Northwind Highlanders during the invasion by the Steel Wolves. However, Bannson, through Farrell, blackmailed the Paladin and used the Raiders to keep the Northwind Highlanders from entering the city of Tara. Highlanders commander Countess Tara Campbell and her troops fought the raiders to enter the city, an encounter that Farrell "lost" to Tara Bishop.[citation needed]

During the subsequent Steel Wolves invasion of Terra Bannson Raiders were one of the defending forces that successfully fought them off in April 3134.[5]

In February 3135, Farrell (working independently of Bannson) met with Erik Sandoval-Groell on Woodstock with a request that Swordsworn forces leave St. Andre.[6]

Wyld's Jokers, a subcommand of Bannson's Raiders, engaged a Spirit Cat unit on Addicks in 3135.[7]

Following Jacob Bannson's disappearance from the Inner Sphere stage around August 3136 his ramshackle army began to disintegrate. During that month The Scourge mutinied and took Bannson prisoner on Tybalt, intending to hand him over to the Republic; Bannson's fate afterwards is unknown.[8] Following this one Scourge unit, Gorgon's Battalion, signed on with the Republic.[9] Trapped behind the Wall, the Band of Five's remnants either surrendered to the Republic or were wiped out in February 3137 by Stone's Lament.[10] By that point, the unit had dwindled to a mere two lances under the command of a mysterious Atlas pilot. Though they were defeated, the unit acquitted itself well, with the Atlas pilot accounting for six kills.[11]

Units of Bannson's Raiders[edit]

Color Scheme[edit]

Bannson's Raiders use a beige base with turquoise blue accents. Burgundy is added as either a kill marker or to show the warrior's seniority in rank.[12]


  1. Service for the Dead, p. 28
  2. Era Report: 3145, p. 14
  3. MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards, p. 174: "Mavis Morgan"
  4. Truth and Shadows, p. 93
  5. Service for the Dead, p. 221
  6. Sword of Sedition, ch. 7
  7. Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 22
  8. Era Report: 3145, p. 19: "Timeline of Events"
  9. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 19, p. 6
  10. Field Manual: 3145, p. 22: "Cleaning House"
  11. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 24, p. 8
  12. MechWarrior: Dark Age Collectable Miniatures Game
