Joshua C. Perian

(Redirected from Joshua Perian)
Joshua C. Perian
Occupation Author, Assistant Editor & Product Line Developer
BattleTech forum handle Knightmare

Joshua Perian is an Associate Developer, writer, and occasional assistant novel editor who worked on several BattleTech sourcebooks and is Product Line Developer for the Micro-PDF series Spotlight On and Touring the Stars series. Joshua officially joined BattleTech and Catalyst Game Labs in 2012, but made an unofficial stop at the FASA offices in 1996, where he brought donuts and coffee for the BattleTech and Shadowrun staff. Sadly, Randall Bills was away for the weekend, but Bryan Nystul did shoot Josh with a nerf gun, which cemented his desire to create BattleTech forever after.

And the rest is history.


see also: other works

Spotlight On[edit]

Touring the Stars[edit]

Unpublished Works[edit]

  • Gladiator Gazette was to provide a close look at individuals, equipment, and locations associated with the various game worlds such as Solaris VII and beyond. Ideas for the Gazette were folded into the Shrapnel Magazine.
  • Milestones focused on putting players on the front lines of key Inner Sphere events of the late Dark Age and beyond, such as Operation Damnatio.
  • OpFor was a publication series dedicated to detailed small, specialized units of lance, Star or Level I size with more character and less randomness than randomly-generated opponents. These specialized units were paired with Alpha Strike Lance packs and would give players instant Alpha Strike opponents for their tabletop games.