Redemption Rites

Redemption Rites.jpg
Redemption Rites
Product information
Type Novel
Author Jason Schmetzer
Pages 363 (POD)
Cover Artwork Tan Ho Sim (art)
David Allen Kerber (design)
Interior Artwork Alan Blackwell
Brent Evans
Alex Iglesias
Harri Kallio
Duane Loose
Chris Lowrey
Matt Plog
Anthony Scroggins
David White
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
First published 6 May 2022
ISBN-10 1-63861-079-7
ISBN-13 978-1-63861-079-3
MSRP $6.99 (EPUB)
$14.95 (POD)
Era ilClan era
Timeline 3 June 3151—20 July 3152

Redemption Rites is a novel by Jason Schmetzer that was published in EPUB and Print on Demand on 6 May 2022.

From the Back Cover[edit]


Wolf's Dragoons, the most storied and elite mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere, has been utterly shattered for the first time in its centuries-long history.

In 3151, most of the Dragoons listened to Marotta Kerensky and followed Alaric Ward to Terra. There, they helped him destroy the Republic of the Sphere and establish the ilClan. Four out of five Dragoons died in the fighting. The survivors were injured, shell-shocked, and finally, gravely insulted by Alaric Ward's token payment of thirty pieces of silver.

In one brutal gesture, the ilKhan did what no other enemy had ever done: He broke Wolf's Dragoons. The decimated survivors limped off Terra to rendezvous with their remnants that had stayed behind.

Colonel Henry "Hack" Kincaid, senior striker officer, is waiting when the Dragoons convoy appears, full of wrecked machines, but depleted of personnel. Kincaid is a man of reputation in the Dragoons. His word carries weight. And he hasn’t been tarnished by Terra.

Three regiments and one of his irreplaceable striker battalions have all been ground to dust.

All that is left now is duty.

Plot Summary[edit]

Featured Characters[edit]

Featured Units[edit]

Featured Places[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]

