Turkina Keshik (Clan Jade Falcon)

This article is about the military unit. For other uses, see Turkina (disambiguation).
Turkina Keshik (Clan Jade Falcon) logo.png
Turkina Keshik
Nickname The Chosen of Turkina
Affiliation Clan Jade Falcon
Parent Command Clan Jade Falcon touman

The Turkina Keshik is the personal unit of the Jade Falcon Khan. The Jade Falcon saKhan has no Keshik, though the Khan may loan his/her unit to the saKhan.


Operation REVIVAL[edit]

One notable combat action for the Turkina Keshik was on Von Strang's World; the Turkina Keshik and the Falcon Guards were reconfigured with Arrow IV launchers and vaporized the fortress of the planet's dictator.

Wave One[edit]

Wave Two[edit]

Wave Three[edit]

Wave Four[edit]


Refusal War[edit]

Coventry Campaign[edit]

The Turkina Keshik was deployed to Coventry with Jade Falcon forces, but did not participate as a unit. Several warriors from the Keshik were temporarily detached to the Harrier and Red-Tail ad hoc units, which did see action against the Waco Rangers. Additionally, several Trinaries from Turkina Keshik were attached to Clusters full of younger warriors to help stiffen their resolve.[1]

Hegira War[edit]

In 3061 the Turkina Keshik fought alongside Khan Marthe Pryde against Steel Viper forces on several planets in their shared Occupation Zone.

Dark Ages[edit]

In March 3150, the Turkina Keshik was on Skye along with the 124th Falcon Striker Cluster when three front-line Clusters from Clan Wolf's Beta Galaxy dropped on the planet. Turkina Keshik thought Alaric Ward was leading the Wolf forces and wanted the honor of capturing or killing him. Turkina Keshik poured heavy fire into the Wolves' 19th Striker Cluster and even engaged them at close range. As soon as they were committed, the Ninth Wolf Guard Striker Cluster slammed into the Keshik from behind. The warriors of Turkina Keshik were forced to retreat, and eventually this became a rout. The survivors of the Keshik and 124th Falcon Striker Cluster withdrew from Skye on March 12, 3150[2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Turkina Keshik
Khan Yvonne Hazen ???? – 3020[3]
Star Colonel Elias Crichell 3020[3]
Star Colonel Vandervahn Chistu 3053[4]
Khan Marthe Pryde 30613062[1]
Khan Samantha Clees 3085[5]

Other Officers[edit]


  • Due to the many demands on Khan Marthe Pryde's time, the Keshik was normally overseen by the unit's XO, often a Star Colonel who was prepared to command a Galaxy. In 3062 the unit's XO was Star Colonel Quillic Mattlov.[1]


The Turkina Keshik hold rigidly to zellbrigen, and specialize in the nathaculor.

Composition History[edit]

Unlike many Clan Keshiks, the Turkina Keshik is always a Cluster in size. This allows them greater tactical flexibility and allows the Khan to dispatch units as needed. Only Trueborn warriors are allowed in the Turkina Keshik.[1]


Support Units


  • Five Trinaries


Turkina Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)[7]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Sudeten with an operational readiness of 95 percent.[7]


Turkina Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)[5]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Sudeten with an operational readiness of 85 percent.[5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Era Report: 3062, p. 56
  2. Shattered Fortress, p. 84
  3. 3.0 3.1 Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 19
  4. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 48
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Field Manual: 3085, p. 125: "Clan Military Forces"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 53: "Support Vessels"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Field Manual: Updates, pp. 72–73
  8. Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 9-11 - "Legend of Turkina"
  9. Shattered Fortress, p. 117
