Dire Wolf (Daishi)

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This article is about the iconic OmniMech. For the WarShip, see Dire Wolf (Individual Sovetskii Soyuz-class WarShip).
Dire Wolf (Daishi)
Dire Wolf
Production information
Manufacturer Svarstaad Industriplex Delta[1]

Wolf Clan Site #1[2]

Unnamed production complex on Paxon[3]

Production Year 3010
Model Prime[2]
Class Assault
Cost 29,350,000 C-bills
Technical specifications
'Mech type Clan OmniMech
Mass 100 tons
Chassis Titan HX
Armor Compound 12B2 Standard
Engine Starfire 300 XL
Communications System TJ6 "Bell" Integrated Communication System
Targeting Tracking System Mars System 9
Heat Sinks 22 double
Speed 54 km/h

Primary Configuration

BV (1.0) 2,341[4]
BV (2.0) 2,712[2][5]


The Dire Wolf is one of the OmniMechs that became feared throughout the Inner Sphere during the initial Clan Invasion, and rightly so. The Dire Wolf weighs in at an impressive one hundred tons and has a relatively slow cruising speed of 32.4 km/h provided by a 300 XL engine. Its speed and armor protection matches that of an Atlas, but it has superior potential firepower with fifty and a half tons of free pod space for weapons and equipment. It is these traits which saw the 'Mech code-named Daishi (pseudo-Japanese for "Great Death") by the criminal underbelly of the Draconis Combine, a name that would be proven grimly accurate time and time again.[6][7][8]

The Dire Wolf was the brainchild of the Clan Wolf scientist caste, but was actually first produced by Clan Smoke Jaguar. Hearing rumors that Clan Wolf was developing the "Ultimate Assault OmniMech", the Jaguars won the plans and production rights in a Trial that, rumor has it, was fought dishonorably. Production commenced on Huntress in 3010. In 3019, Clan Wolf began production of the OmniMech on Strana Mechty as well; Star Colonel Ulric won a Trial of Possession to expand manufacture into Clan Wolf. Beyond the limited manufacture of the Dire Wolf on Outreach, all Dire Wolfs outside of Clans Smoke Jaguar and Wolf (or Wolf's Dragoons) are either gifts, isorla, or were acquired through trade.[6][7][8]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

In its primary configuration, the Dire Wolf carries an extensive long range payload that is backed up by good close combat weapons. Its primary weapons are four ER Large Lasers which give the Dire Wolf an impressive long range punch. These are backed up by two Ultra Autocannon/5s for even more direct fire capability and an LRM-10 launcher to give the Dire Wolf some indirect fire capability. For close combat, the Dire Wolf has a simple yet effective array of four Medium Pulse Lasers. A hefty 22 Double Heat Sinks provide heat mitigation for its impressive arsenal, though it still falls on the pilot to regulate weapons use to avoid overheating. [6][7][8]

Alternate Configurations[edit]

  • Alternate Configuration A 
    The A configuration of the Dire Wolf is configured to engage its enemies at a variety of ranges. The primary long range weapon carried in this configuration is a Gauss rifle. This is backed up by three impressive Large Pulse Lasers which are effective at any range. For close combat, the A configuration carried two streak SRM-6 launchers and, for additional defense against incoming missiles, an anti-missile system; six extra heat sinks are mounted[2] BV (1.0) = 2,689;[4] BV (2.0) = 2,896[6][9][10] or 2,855[2]
  • Alternate Configuration B 
    The B configuration is armed for long-range engagements with four Ultra Autocannon/2s which have a reach of 810 meters and are backed up by a pair of ER PPCs for even greater punch. An LB 10-X Autocannon provides excellent medium to long range firepower and allows the Dire Wolf B to act in a variety of roles including vehicle hunting and anti-aircraft. For close combat, the B configuration has two Medium Pulse Lasers and an ER Small Laser.[2] BV (1.0) = 2,127;[4] BV (2.0) = 2,609[2][11]
  • Alternate Configuration C 
    The C configuration is configured to be highly mobile and flexible. The Dire Wolf C can jump up to ninety meters. The primary weapons carried are a pair of ER PPCs. These are supported by two new ATM 6 launchers which are capable of firing missiles that are intended for short, intermediate, and long ranges. The C configuration also carries four Medium Pulse Lasers and a One-Shot Streak SRM-4 launcher. The direct fire weapons are all linked to a Targeting Computer, increasing their lethality, and the C configuration is protected from enemy electronic warfare equipment with an ECM Suite; eight extra heat sinks handle some of the load.[2] BV (1.0) = 3,290;[4][12] BV (2.0) = 3,610[2][13]
  • Alternate Configuration D 
    This variant mounts two of the largest weapon in the Clan arsenal, the HAG 40. Ten tons of ammunition ensure that the 'Mech will not quickly run out. The uncharacteristically light backup weapons include a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers, a Streak SRM-6, and a single ER Small Laser.[2] BV (2.0) = 3,403[2][14]
  • Alternate Configuration E 
    Introduced during the Dark Age this configuration carries an LB 10-X autocannon in each arm. Each autocannon is supported by a quartet of Medium Pulse Lasers. Long range fire support is provided by a Streak LRM-10 launcher, and a Watchdog Combined Electronic Warfare System jams enemy sensors and finds hidden foes. Autocannon and LRM ammunition is stored in the side torsos, which are protected by CASE II. BV (2.0) = 2,814[15]
  • Alternate Configuration H 
    A simple direct-fire configuration of the Dire Wolf, the H configuration carries a pair of Gauss rifles as its primary long range weaponry. These are backed up by two Heavy Large Lasers for medium to short ranges. Finally, for short range combat, the H configuration has a Medium Pulse Laser and a Flamer, with five extra heat sinks. All of this configuration's weapons are linked to a Targeting Computer, increasing their accuracy.[2] BV (1.0) = 2,517;[4][16] BV (2.0) = 2,992[2][17]
  • Alternate Configuration S 
    The S configuration is intended for the close confines of urban and jungle warfare. The S configurations primary weapon is a massive LB 20-X Autocannon which is capable of disabling most light and medium 'Mechs in a single blast. This is backed up by a single Large Pulse Laser to provide some long-range firepower should the Dire Wolf S be caught in the open. Additional short-range firepower is provided by five Medium Pulse Lasers and two Streak SRM-4 launchers. Two Anti-Personnel Pods and two Machine Guns provide exceptional anti-infantry capabilities. The S configuration has added mobility with three jump jets allowing it to jump up to ninety meters. Five extra heat sinks lessen the need for caution.[2] BV (1.0) = 2,875;[4][18] BV (2.0) = 2,985[2][19]
  • Alternate Configuration T 
    This Clan Hell's Horses configuration was introduced in 3149. Each arm carries a HAG 20, two ER Medium Lasers, and two Medium Pulse Lasers. For long range support a Streak LRM-10 is carried in the left torso. To increase speed, an engine Supercharger is fitted. A Light Active Probe detects hidden foes. Five extra double heat sinks are carried as well. BV (2.0) = 3,317[1]
  • Alternate Configuration U 
    The U configuration is configured for underwater combat. It makes use of the experimental BattleMech HarJel System, MASS, and a trio of UMUs allow it to travel underwater as quickly as it walks on land. The weapons load has been optimized for subsurface combat as well: A trio of SRT-6 launchers appears in each side torso while each arm mounts an ER PPC and pair of Medium Pulse Lasers. The beam weapons are tied into a Targeting Computer. BV (2.0) = 3,360[20]
  • Alternate Configuration W 
    This Wolf's Dragoons variant is effective at both long and short range. For long range, it uses a Gauss Rifle, an ER Large Laser, and an LRM-20. At close range, an Ultra Autocannon/20, ER Small Laser, and a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers provide devastating firepower. Twenty double heat sinks allow the design to almost continually fire all of its weapons.[2] BV (2.0) = 2,951[2][21]
  • Alternate Configuration X 
    This variant carries a Targeting Computer to guide the fire of a Large Pulse Laser, Heavy Medium Laser, twin ER Micro Lasers, an Ultra AC/10 and the solid shot of an LB 5-X autocannon. To provide missile support, the Dire Wolf X carries an ATM 6 with a ton of each ammunition type, a head-mounted Streak SRM-2, and an SRM-4 and LRM-15. The SRM-4 and LRM-15 are each equipped with an Artemis IV FCS. BV (2.0) = 2,645[22]

Custom Configurations[edit]

  • Hohiro 
    The Hohiro configuration of the Dire Wolf is used by Hohiro Kurita and has a mixed long and short range weapons profile. For long range hitting power, an ER PPC and a Gauss rifle provide overwhelming punch. To engage enemies at long to medium ranges, three Large Pulse Lasers are carried. One ER Small Laser and one Streak SRM-6 round out this configuration with some short range punch. BV (1.0) = 2,676;[23] BV (2.0) = 3,048[24]
  • Prometheus 
    The preferred configuration of Archon-Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, the Prometheus configuration carries a blistering array of weapons that increases its damage potential as it closes range. The primary long range weapons are a pair of ER Large Lasers supported by three Large Pulse Lasers. For close combat, an Ultra Autocannon/20 and an SRM-6 launcher are carried. BV (1.0) = 2,319;[25] BV (2.0) = 2,900[26]
  • Widowmaker 
    The preferred configuration of the Black Widow Natasha Kerensky, the Widowmaker can do a great deal of damage at any range. For long range combat, an ER PPC backed up by a Large Pulse Laser mounted in each arm. For close combat, the Widowmaker carries two ER Medium Lasers, an ER Small Laser, and an Ultra Autocannon/20. This mix of weaponry served Natasha Kerensky well until her death at the hands of Jade Falcon Star Commander Joanna. The Widowmaker now rests on the floor of the Great Gash on Twycross, in silent memorial to its legendary pilot.[27] BV (1.0) = 2,534; BV (2.0) = 3,041[28]
  • Widowmaker LRM 
    The configuration of Dire Wolf was piloted by Natasha Kerensky at her Trial of Position to test out as a MechWarrior. It carried LRM launchers on its shoulders and an autocannon and three lasers in its torso. Each arm ended in two unidentified weapon barrels, in an over-under arrangement.[29] No record sheet or statistics have been provided for this configuration, though the (apocryphal) MechWarrior 5: Clans version below is a good match for this description.
  • Lone Wolf 
    The configuration piloted by Phelan Wolf at his Trial of Position to test out as a MechWarrior on 21 July 3051. Configured by Khan Natasha Kerensky (who was piloting the LRM variant of her Widowmaker in the same Trial). For long range, the Lone Wolf variant was armed with shoulder-mounted twin LRM-20 launchers with 24 racks, first half being Swarm LRMs, backed up by a Gauss rifle in the left arm. For close combat, the Lone Wolf carried three Medium Pulse Lasers in its right arm, and a stubby LB 20-X AC with cluster rounds underslung on the right torso. It also carried an SRM-6 one-shot launcher above the cockpit, just aft of the hatch.[29] No record sheet or statistics have been provided for this configuration.

Apocryphal Configurations[edit]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

These variants were introduced in various apocryphal sources, and thus far have not appeared in any canonical media.

From MechWarrior 4: Vengeance and MechWarrior 4: Black Knight:

From MechWarrior Online:

  • DWF-C 
    With MechWarrior Online lacking the mechanics for One-Shot Missile Launchers, the MWO version of the Alternate Configuration C listed above removes a single heat sink to carry a half ton of Streak missiles and increase the ATM ammo by a ton.[32]
  • DWF-C (Store Version)
    The version of the DWF-C listed in the MWO-Store drops the SRM4-Streak launcher of the Warden Pack version and replaces them with a NARC launcher with 1 ton of ammunition. Interestingly it also drops the Targeting Computer and yet another heat sink, reducing the total amount of heat sinks to 21 and leaving 4.5 tons unused.[33]
  • DWF-UV "Ultraviolet" 
    A customized variant of the Dire Wolf. Piloted by Jin Mehta, the Ultraviolet uses a quartet of Ultra Autocannon/2s, two in each arm, supported with two tons of ammo. Both side torsos utilize an ER PPC, supported by a Medium Pulse Laser. Finally, the center torso sports an LRM 10 with a ton of ammo.[34]

From MechWarrior 5: Clans:

  • DWF-P 
    Resembling an earlier-tech version of the DWF-C, this long-range configuration has an ER PPC and LRM 20 in each arm, with a NARC launcher in the head for extra guidance capability. Four torso-mounted Medium Pulse Lasers provide close-range defense. Three Jump Jets and an ECM suite give even this beast a measure of subterfuge.[35]

Apocryphal Content Ends

Design Quirks[edit]

The Dire Wolf has the following Design Quirks:[36]

Related OmniMechs[edit]

Notable pilots[edit]

See Category:Notable Dire Wolf (Daishi) Pilots


  • In German products, the unit's proper Clan name was translated to Höhlenwolf. The unit's proper Inner Sphere name was left unchanged.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 13, p. 12: "Dire Wolf (Daishi)"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 Technical Readout: Clan Invasion, pp. 82–83: "Daishi"
  3. The Wars of Reaving, p. 82: "The Wolf at the Door"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Combat Operations, p. 108
  5. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 147
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, pp. 144–145: "Dire Wolf OmniMech Profile"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Technical Readout: 3050, pp. 42–43: "Dire Wolf OmniMech Profile"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Technical Readout: 3050 Revised, pp. 40–41: "Dire Wolf OmniMech Profile"
  9. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 110
  10. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 148
  11. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 149
  12. Record Sheets: Upgrades, p. 157
  13. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 150
  14. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 151
  15. Record Sheets: 3145 New Tech, New Upgrades, p. 194
  16. Record Sheets: 3060, p. 238
  17. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 152
  18. Record Sheets: 3060, p. 241
  19. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 153
  20. Record Sheets: 3085 Unabridged - Old is the New New, p. 150
  21. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 154
  22. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 155
  23. Record Sheets: 3060, p. 239
  24. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 156
  25. Record Sheets: 3060, p. 240
  26. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 157
  27. Operation Audacity, p. 193
  28. Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrades Unabridged (Clan & Star League), p. 158
  29. 29.0 29.1 Blood Legacy, ch. 19
  30. 30.0 30.1 MechWarrior 4: Vengeance
  31. MechWarrior 4: Black Knight
  32. MechWarrior Online - "Warden Pack"
  33. MechWarrior Online - "In-game Store"
  34. MechWarrior Online - "Dire Wolf"
  35. 35.0 35.1 MechWarrior 5: Clans
  36. BattleMech Manual, p. 91: BattleMech Quirk Table - Dire Wolf Entry
  37. Technical Readout: 3060, p. 128
