7th Battle (Clan Wolf)

Insignia of 7th Battle (Clan Wolf)
Seventh Battle Cluster
Formed After the Clan Wolverine Annihilation
Nickname The Hungry Wolves (3052)
Affiliation Clan Wolf
Parent Command Gamma Galaxy


The Hungry Wolves are specially trained for extended independent action. They also rely on their faster than average speed to engage targets and fall back before the enemy can respond. They were so expert in these tactics that a Free Rasalhague Republic Colonel, after several days chasing an elusive Star from the 7th, would comment "If they weren't so damn devastating, I'd be cheering the bastards on myself!"[1]


The Seventh Battle Cluster was a part of Clan Wolf. Formed shortly after the Wolverine Annihilation, the Seventh faced Clan Jade Falcon on Eden. During that Trial, the unit was shattered. After action reports indicated that the unit suffered the loss because it ran out of ammunition.

Since that time, the Seventh uses 'Mechs that are equipped with energy weapons. This allowed the Seventh to operate away from logistical support, and so in 2833 it was an excellent bandit-hunting unit.[2]

On Dagda in 2834 the Seventh joined with the 1015th Burrock Guards and the First Falcon Striker to destroy Clan Widowmaker's Third Battle Cluster. The Wolves and their allies were successful, but the Falcons quickly issued a challenge for the Widowmaker enclave. The Falcons lost this challenge.[3]

Operation REVIVAL[edit]

The Seventh Battle Cluster fought on the following worlds during Operation REVIVAL, the invasion of the Inner Sphere.


Wave One[edit]

Wave Three[edit]

Wave Four[edit]

Wave Five[edit]



Refusal War[edit]


Post–Refusal War[edit]

In 3058, the Seventh Battle Cluster engaged elements of the Jade Falcon's Fifth Battle Cluster on Tomans.[4] The Seventh was rebuilt around a Binary of warriors who survived the Refusal War. To quickly rebuild, the Seventh was expanded with a pair of mixed Trinaries from Clan Coyote and a Binary of former Clan Star Adder OmniMechs.[5]

Invasion of the Republic[edit]

The unit was part of the Clan Wolf invasion of Prefecture IX to ultimately capture Terra. The unit commander bid against Star Colonel Edward's Third Battle Cluster for right to conqueror Alkalurops.

In the late 3110s, the Seventh Battle Cluster fought a Trial of Possession against the Second Tyr Cluster for a Vanir DropShip. The Seventh wasn't successful, and the Vanir remained with the Ghost Bear unit.[6]

In 3141, the Seventh was on Hollabrunn. They faced the Wolf Hunters on that world, and were destroyed by the mercenary unit there.[7]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 7th Battle Cluster
Star Colonel Britta Shaw 28332834[2][3]
Star Colonel Carmin Winson July 3050[8]
Star Colonel Dirk Radick 30623067[9]
Star Colonel Nanami Tchernovkov 3085[10]
Star Colonel Jess Calvert 3097[11]
Star Colonel Bart Radick 3141[12]



Composition History[edit]


7th Battle Cluster

  • Trinary Battle (3 OmniMech Stars)
  • Trinary Striker (3 OmniMech Stars)
  • Support Vessels


7th Battle Cluster

  • "Sword of the Wolf"/"Bloodied Wolves" Trinary
  • "Eternal Crusader" Trinary
  • "Mauler" Trinary


7th Battle Cluster (Elite/Reliable)[10]

Note: At this time the unit was stationed on Feltre with an operational readiness of 45 percent.[10]


7th Battle Cluster

  • Command Trinary[14]
  • Assault Trinary
  • Striker Trinary

Color Scheme[edit]

Unlike it's parent Galaxy, the 7th Battle Cluster use a distinct tiger camo on their equipment.[15]


  • During the invasion of 3137, Star Colonel Hestia bid on behalf of the Seventh, but it was unclear if she was the actual Cluster commander. At the time, it appeared that Star Colonels commanded Galaxies.


  1. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 92: "Notes"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 13
  3. 3.0 3.1 Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorption, p. 24
  4. A Wolf in the Eyrie, p. 13
  5. Field Manual: Crusader Clans, p. 144
  6. Era Report: 3145, p. 73
  7. A Bonfire of Worlds, p. 163
  8. Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 60
  9. 9.0 9.1 Roar of Honor, ch. 4
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Field Manual: 3085, p. 126: "Clan Military Forces"
  11. Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 11: "Culling the Herd"
  12. A Bonfire of Worlds, p. 160
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Roar of Honor, ch. 12
  14. A Bonfire of Worlds, pp. 160, 163
  15. Battle of Tukayyid, p. 181
