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Finnalon (Aer)
Finnalon 3151.svg
Finnalon (Aer) nearby systems
(Map Legend)
System Information
X:Y Coordinates55.145 : -187.635[e]
Spectral classG2V/G3V[1]
Recharge time183 hours[1]

System Description[edit]

Finnalon, originally known as Aer,[2] is located near the No Return and Aldertaine system.

System History[edit]

The Finnalon system was a part of the Capella Commonality of the Capellan Confederation and vanished from maps during the Second Succession War.[3][4]

Political Affiliation[edit]

Finnalon A-I (Finnalon Prime)[edit]

Finnalon I
System positionFirst[1]
Jump Point distance9.12 days[1]
Surface gravity1.11[1]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Tainted)[1]
Equatorial temperature22C[1]
Surface water82%[1]
Highest native lifeBirds[1]
History and Culture
Population150 Million[17]
Government and Infrastructure
Noble RulerNone (no planetary government)[17]

Planetary History[edit]

Finnalon Prime (also known as Finnalon A-I) was the second planet settled in the Finnalon binary system, but proved more successful than its counterpart, Aer. Finnalon Prime's superior atmosphere, immense water resources and more diverse biosphere were not what cemented its local dominance, however.[18]. When an ecological catastrophe rendered nearby Aer mostly uninhabitable, most of the survivors fled to Finnalon Prime.[19] This more than doubled Finnalon Prime's population, and is what spurred the system's formal designation to change from Aer to Finnalon. Tragically, the Succession Wars cut Finnalon off from vital imports of terraforming equipment and medical technologies, prompting the planetary leadership to cut off aid to their sister colony of Aer in a bid to preserve their limited resources. This triggered the desperate populations of both worlds to turn to violence in order to seize the resources necessary to survive. Civil war and piracy caused Finnalon to descend into anarchy, and as the Second Succession War began, Finnalon Prime lost all ties to the rest of human civilization.[18]

Finnalon Prime, despite this, remained inhabited. It's population dwindled until the survivors developed resistance to microbial taints in the planets atmosphere. By 3152 the survivors had organized themselves into a variety of city-states which existed in a state of relative peace. Local level of technologies are equivalent to Terra in the early 20th century.[17]

Military Deployment[edit]



  • Fourth Capellan Chargers[21]

Finnalon B-III (Aer)[edit]

Also known asFinnalon III[1]
System positionThird[1]
Jump Point distance9.12 days[1]
Surface gravity1.09[1]
Atmospheric pressureHigh (Toxic)[1]
Equatorial temperature18C[1]
Surface water57%[1]
Highest native lifeAmphibians[1]
Government and Infrastructure
HPG ClassNone[1]

Planetary History[edit]

Aer, also known as Finnalon B-III, was the first and titular colony in the Finnalon binary system during the age of the Star League.[19] Aer initially dominated the system's political and economic life.[18] Unfortunately for the people of Aer, in the 2600s the planet was struck with a sudden series of tectonic shifts and decades long volcanic eruptions, reducing the world to a toxic, ash-choked wasteland. Other than a few stubborn holdouts, most of the population perished or fled to nearby Finnalon Prime over the following century.[19] Following the Amaris Crisis, ComStar declined to rebuild Aer's Hyperpulse Generator, leaving the colony dependent on relay traffic from Finnalon Prime. [18] The First Succession War disrupted trade and travel to the Finnalon system to the point that Aer was completely written off by the Capellan Confederation, who concentrated sparse local resources on its more successful neighbour.[19] Aer descended into chaos as its population fought over what few supplies remained, contributing to their system disappearing from the maps altogether.[18]

By 3152, Aer's human inhabitants (and indeed, all but the hardiest of its native life) had been driven to extinction. The world is less volcanically active than at the height of its tectonic shifts, but lingering ash and particulates in the atmosphere have plunged the planet into the equivalent of a nuclear winter.[17]


Finnalon Prime and Aer are each one of several planets Ghosts of Obeedah listed as an option for being the location of Obeedah, one of the Word of Blake's Hidden Five. Which world truly plays host to Obeedah was left undetermined in the sourcebook. If Finnalon or Aer are Obeedah, the information presented in this article about that world's history will be incomplete, and information about it's state in 3152 will be incorrect.

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 64 systems (64 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
No Return 10.3 Aldertaine 11.0 Gei-Fu 11.7 Randar 13.6
Relevow 15.2 Geifer 17.7 Ilmar 18.2 New Crete 20.0
Sharpe 21.6 Overton 22.1 Capella 23.0 Sarmaxa 24.3
New Sagan 26.7 Brighton 27.1 Minnacora 27.9 Vestallas 29.5
Rhodos 30.2 Ovan 30.6 Cordiagr 31.0 Capricorn 32.5
Sarna 32.8 Bora 34.1 Kohlman 36.2 Truth 36.6
Milos 37.7 Quemoy 37.7 Glasgow 38.7 Kaifeng 39.1
Harloc 39.1 Taga 39.1 Chitwan 39.4 Ares 42.5
Lhasa 43.1 Bandora 43.2 Bhykov 43.3 Nashuar 44.8
Raballa 44.9 Kittery 45.3 Scituate 46.0 Lamu 46.3
Sakhalin 46.4 Necromo 47.7 Preston 49.6 Denbar 49.6
Tsingtao 50.1 Lesalles 50.7 Hexare 51.5 Staffin 51.6
Alto 51.8 Harbin 51.8 Ulan Bator 51.9 Masterson 52.4
Heligoland 52.6 Kurragin 54.1 Armaxa 54.5 Matsu 56.4
Achilles 56.5 New Westin 56.9 Chamdo 57.1 New Athens 57.9
Gurnet 57.9 Hustaing 58.0 Imalda 58.3 Kashilla 58.3


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 35
  2. 2.0 2.1 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11: "Inner Sphere - 2765"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Handbook: House Liao, p. 31: "Capellan Confederation after First Succession War [2822]"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Handbook: House Liao, p. 39: "Capellan Confederation after Second Succession War [2864]"
  5. Handbook: House Liao, p. 17: "Capellan Confederation Founding, 2366"
  6. Handbook: House Liao, p. 25: "Capellan Confederation after Age of War [2571]"
  7. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159: "Inner Sphere - 2596"
  8. Era Report: 2750, p. 37: "Inner Sphere - 2750"
  9. First Succession War, p. 25: "Inner Sphere - [2786] Map"
  10. First Succession War, p. 113: "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  11. Handbook: House Liao, p. 40: "Capellan Confederation after Third Succession War [3025]"
  12. Handbook: House Liao, p. 49: "Capellan Confederation after Fourth Succession War [3030]"
  13. Handbook: House Liao, p. 60: "Capellan Confederation after Operation Guerrero [3058]"
  14. Handbook: House Liao, p. 68: "Capellan Confederation after FedCom Civil War [3067]"
  15. Era Report: 3145, p. 10: "Inner Sphere Map - [3135]"
  16. Era Report: 3145, p. 38: "Inner Sphere Map - [3145]"
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Ghost of Obeedah, p. 37
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 36
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 34
  20. Field Report 2765: CCAF, p. 9: "Regimental Status"
  21. First Succession War, p. 135: "First Succession War Deployment Table - CCAF"
