
Texlos 3151.svg
System Information
X:Y Coordinates110.627 : -272.516[e]
Spectral classK8V[1][2]
Recharge time199 hours[2]
Recharge station(s)Zenith[1][2]

The Texlos system was home to at least one habitable world, Texlos VI, and as of 3151 was located in the Sian Commonality of the Capellan Confederation.[3]

System Description[edit]

Texlos is located near the Tallin and Weatogue systems and is Rimward from Terra. It is known to have at least six planets and a recharge station at its Zenith jump point as of 3079.[3][2]

System History[edit]

The Texlos system was colonized at some time prior to 2366.[4]

Political Affiliation[edit]

Texlos VI[edit]

Texlos VI
Texlos Flag.jpg
System positionSixth[1][2]
Jump Point distance3.47 days[2]
Moons3 (Maxia, Alicia, Rose)[2]
Surface gravity0.99[2]
Atmospheric pressureStandard (Breathable)[2]
Equatorial temperature30°C (Temperate-Tropical)[2]
Surface water45%[2]
Highest native lifeAmphibian[1][2]
Landmasses2 (Livius, Titus)[2]
History and Culture
Population4,237,000,000 (3025),[1]
5,520,000,000 (3079)[2]
Government and Infrastructure
Noble RulerShonso of Texlos
HPG ClassB[1][2]
HPG RepresentativePrecentor Chaless Axton (3025)[1]

Planetary Description[edit]

With the highest population growth rate of the St. Ives worlds, this pleasant garden-planet is able to maintain large and vigorous militia for the defense of its industries. Texlos has, in fact, served as the main recruiting pool for the St. Ives Armored Cavalry regiments since that unit was formed. The planet is orbited by three moons named Maxia, Alicia and Rose.[1][2]

Planetary History[edit]

Texlos was part of the St. Ives Mercantile League when that state joined the Capellan Confederation in 2367, and it remained a Capellan world until some point in the Third Succession War when it was conquered by the Federated Suns. The planet was reclaimed for the Confederation in 3002 by Ling's Cutlasses in an action which destroyed the CCAF unit.[4] [16]

As part of the St. Ives Compact, Texlos hosted allied soldiers from the Federated Commonwealth during the period after the Fourth Succession War. While they staunchly opposed Romano Liao and suffered from Confederation attacks, the local populace also remained fanatically pro-Capellan. Texlos also became a bastion of Capellan immigrants who followed Candace Liao when she created the Compact. These expatriates and the peaceful situation brought about by the alliance with the FedCom led to an economic boom in the 3030s and '40s, turning Texlos into a military-industrial center.[35][36]

While Texlos suffered little during the Capellan-St. Ives War itself, the Compact's reintegration into the Confederation afterwards led to an exodus of many skilled workers. Even after the outflow was halted, production fell and by 3067 recession loomed. Only the tourist trade saw a boost during this period.[35]

Military Deployment[edit]





- The unit was at 65% strength.


Texlos is a temperate to tropical world with two continents named Livius and Titus.[2]

Planetary Locations[edit]

  • Hildco Interplanetary Industrial Facility: manufacturing plant located on Titus[2]
  • Valencia: city and planetary capital located on Livius[2]
    • Kajuka Aerospace Division facility: manufacturing plant located in the city of Valencia[2]
    • Texlos Miltronics facility: manufacturing plant located in the city of Valencia[2]

Companies and Industries[edit]

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 68 systems (66 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Tallin 10.6 Weatogue 12.6 Blandou 13.3 Ikast 14.9
Teng 17.1 Kafr Silim 17.4 Warlock 17.6 Patan 20.6
Oligar 20.9 Tantara 21.7 Tetschner 24.2 Maladar 24.8
Jonzac 25.5 Dhaulgiri 27.7 Safe Port 27.8 Hadnall 27.9
Immenstadt 29.0 Ambergrist 31.0 Zindao 31.4 Beid 32.0
Verlo 32.1 Manapire 34.8 Mentasta 35.4 Pentvar 35.5
Uravan 35.9 Yongd 36.6 St. Loris 36.9 Corella 38.0
Spica 39.3 Wantorill 40.3 Sirdar 40.5 Haappajarvi 41.5
Velhas 41.8 Ife 42.1 Avigait 42.5 Ziliang 42.9
Braum 43.6 Cotocallao 43.6 Gurnet 44.8 Indicass 44.9
Kumqwat 45.6 Bogerth 45.6 Xieng Khouang 46.7 Weekapaug 47.2
Glentworth 47.7 Bodnath 48.8 Courcellete 49.3 Bacum 49.4
Laong 49.6 Abruzzi 50.1 Mazdru 52.2 Gardnaus 52.3
Purvo 52.7 Belamor 53.3 Maharet 53.3 Homestead 53.9
Holloway 54.1 Atlas 54.8 Royalston 55.0 Yàn-huì 55.0
Mitchel 55.8 Denbar 55.9 Kittery 56.3 Shoreham 56.4
Scituate 57.2 St. Ives 58.1 Bhykov 60.0 Chouli 60.9


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 151: "Texlos"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 Objectives: Capellan Confederation, pp. 23–24: "Texlos"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Shattered Fortress, p. 103: "Inner Sphere - 3151"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Handbook: House Liao, p. 17, "Capellan Confederation Founding - [2366] Map"
  5. Handbook: House Liao, p. 13, "Timeline: Capellan Zone 2367"
  6. Handbook: House Liao, p. 25, "Capellan Confederation after Age of War - [2571] Map"
  7. Historical: Reunification War, p. 159, "Inner Sphere - [2596] Map"
  8. Era Report: 2750, p. 37, "Inner Sphere - [2750] Map"
  9. Field Manual: SLDF, p. vii, "Inner Sphere - [2764] Map"
  10. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - [2765] Map"
  11. First Succession War (sourcebook), pp. 24-25, "Inner Sphere - [2786] Map"
  12. Handbook: House Liao, p. 31, "Capellan Confederation after First Succession War - [2822 Map]"
  13. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 122-123, "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  14. First Succession War (sourcebook), pp. 112-113, "Inner Sphere - [2822] Map"
  15. Handbook: House Liao, p. 39, "Capellan Confederation after Second Succession War - [2864] Map"
  16. 16.0 16.1 Field Manual: Capellan Confederation, p. 19
  17. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. vii, "Capellan Confederation Map - [3025]"
  18. Handbook: House Liao, p. 40, "Capellan Confederation after Third Succession War - [3025] Map"
  19. Handbook: House Liao, p. 49, "Capellan Confederation after Fourth Succession War - [3030] Map"
  20. Historical: War of 3039, p. 132, "Inner Sphere - [3040] Map"
  21. Era Report: 3052, p. 10, Inner Sphere - [3050] Map
  22. Era Report: 3052, p. 22, Inner Sphere - [3052] Map
  23. Era Report: 3062, p. 10, Inner Sphere - [3057] Map
  24. Handbook: House Liao, p. 60, "Capellan Confederation after Operation Guerrero [3058]"
  25. Era Report: 3062, p. 29, "Inner Sphere - [3063] Map"
  26. Handbook: House Liao, p. 68, "Capellan Confederation after FedCom Civil War - [3067] Map"
  27. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 43, "Inner Sphere - [3067] Map"
  28. Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 64, "Inner Sphere - [3075] Map"
  29. Field Report: CCAF, p. 21, "Capellan Confederation Armed Forces Deployment Map - [August 3079]"
  30. Jihad: Final Reckoning, p. 63, "Inner Sphere - [3081] Map"
  31. Field Manual: 3085, p. vii , "Inner Sphere - [3085] Map"
  32. Era Report: 3145, p. 11, "Inner Sphere - [3135] Map"
  33. Era Report: 3145, p. 38, "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  34. Field Manual: 3145, p. VI, "Inner Sphere - [3145] Map"
  35. 35.0 35.1 Handbook: House Liao, p. 83, "Texlos"
  36. Handbook: House Liao, p. 46, "Service on Texlos"
  37. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 105: "Unit Deployment Table"
  38. 38.0 38.1 Objective Raids, p. 43: "Capellan Confederation Deployment Table"
  39. Field Manual: Updates, p. 34: "Capellan Confederation Deployment Table"
  40. Field Manual: 3145, p. 46: "Capellan Confederation Armed Forces Deployment Table - 3145"
  41. Handbook: House Liao, p. 134: "HildCo Interplanetary"
  42. Handbook: House Liao, p. 137: "Texlos Miltronics"
