15th Dracon Regiment

15th Dracon logo.png
Fifteenth Dracon Regiment
Formed Star League
Disbanded 2784 (when they became mercenaries);[1]
3069 (when they were made a CCAF line unit)[2]
Affiliation Capellan Confederation;
Star League (former);
Mercenary (former)
Parent Command Citizens' Honored;
LX Corps (former);

Unit Description[edit]

Originally serving with the Star League Defense Force Regular Army, the Fifteenth Dracon was one of the oldest mercenary units serving with the Capellan Confederation, accepting sponsorship and becoming a line unit prior to their destruction in 3069.


Star League Era[edit]

In 2764, the Fifteenth Dracon Regiment was assigned, as a part of the LX Corps, Fifth Army, to District 1 within the Capellan Confederation Military Region and transferred to District 2 during the Periphery Uprising.[3] The Fifteenth survived the war and the Hegemony Campaign, and chose to remain in the Inner Sphere rather than follow Aleksandr Kerensky on the Exodus, signing on with the Capellan Confederation as a mercenary unit in 2784.[3]

First Succession War[edit]

In 2795, following the appointment of Sandol Quinn as regent to Ilsa Liao, the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces launched an invasion of the Federated Suns intended to capture the politically significant Chesterton system. Planned by Quinn, the operation was intended to take advantage of the AFFS' continuing focus on trying to resist the massive Draconis Combine invasion of the Federated Suns, which stood poised to capture New Avalon itself. Quinn's plan involved encircling Chesterton by taking the systems around it, using mercenary units for the initial invasions - predominantly or exclusively former Star League Defense Force commands that had been recruited by the Confederation - and following up with CCAF line regiments to reinforce the assault and then secure the captured worlds. Whilst launching one or two planetary invasions aimed at systems around Chesterton, Quinn also had the CCAF copy tactics used by the Combine so effectively, leapfrogging over border systems to capture a number of systems further inside the Federated Suns to add pressure to the AFFS. Quinn's strategy worked well for several years; Tawas was conquered by the Fifteenth Dracon in 2797, with the mercenaries securing the Capellan hold on the world with the destruction of the last ad hoc AFFS defenses in June.[4]

Third Succession War[edit]

The Fifteenth was involved in many of the heaviest actions of the latter half of the Succession Wars. Among the unit's most memorable actions were fierce firefights with elements of the Marik Oriente Hussars on Talitha in 2901; the raid on Irian in 2920; the capture of an entire battalion of Free Worlds Guards on Park Place in 2940; the defense of Hsien in 2934,[5] and the deep-space strike against the Marik world of Lancaster in 2950. The Fifteenth's victories was not without cost, having started as a standard size regiment, attrition reduced it down to two understrength battalions by the end of the Third Succession War, but continued to give a good account of itself.

In 3001 the unit was stationed on Lincoln V for R & R when the AFFS launched a raid on the planet.[6]

Aside from its combat prowess, the Dracon policy of regularly contributing a percentage of captured booty to local planetary officials for civil improvements, an effort to leave something behind so that they would be remembered by succeeding generations by the worlds he once helped defend, earned them considerable goodwill for mere mercenaries. It also resulted in them continually attracting employment, while causing the Maskirovka to flag them as potential subversives.[7][8]

At some point between 3020 and ca. 3025, the Fifteenth Dracon, then under contract to House Kurita, captured Beta Mensae V from House Davion.[9] This turned out to influence Takashi Kurita's decision to hire Wolf's Dragoons, and despite his subsequent "Death to Mercenaries" edict the Dracons were personally gifted with a new BattleMech each year by the Coordinator.[10]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

From the end of the Third in 3025[11] through the conclusion of the Fourth Succession War in 3028, the Dracon's two remaining battalions were stationed on Bellatrix and Decatur respectively, remaining in position for fear of further AFFS waves and avoiding seeing combat. In the face of the tension that led to the Andurien Secession, the recombined Fifteenth Dracon was transferred to Gunthar, near the Capellan-Periphery border, in 3030.[12]

Andurien/Canopus Invasion[edit]

One of the key targets of the Magistracy of Canopus' invasion of the Confederation, the green Third Canopian Fusiliers' initially landed unopposed in early November when Major Wilhelm Archal committed a terrible error in attempting to bribe the Dracons into leaving the world. Having mistakenly assumed that the Dracons were of the mold of the rundown mercenary units that he was used to in the Periphery, Archal was completely unprepared for the loyalty the Dracons held to the people of Gunthar, and the Capellan Confederation as a whole, when the outraged "Sir Samuel" launched a surprise assault on the MAF defensive positions while the bulk of Fusiliers' troops slept.[13]

Suffering only light losses, the Fifteenth Dracon destroyed over a company of shut-down Fusiliers 'Mechs and massive quantities of ammunition and supplies until they were forced to withdraw in the face of the massed guns of the Canopians' DropShips. Recognizing his position was very tenuous, Major Archal kept the bulk of his surviving troops near his DropShips, resulting in a stalemate as both units unsuccessfully attempted draw out and wear the other side down.[13] The stalemate continued for two years, as the dug-in Canopians refused to take the initiative, waiting in vain of reinforcements, with the Dracons even selectively weakening their own defenses to unsuccessfully try and convince the Fusiliers to strike.[14]

After hearing word of the Capellan recapture of Drozan and Betelgeuse, both the Canopian Fusiliers and Dracon were shaken out of their slow defensive actions and launched increasingly furious attacks against each other. Though weakened and facing poor odds, the Fusiliers struck at the Liao positions in an attempt to break the stalemate; but, by late June, as the CCAF turned the tide of the war, the MAF recalled the unit. The Dracons refused to allow them to escape so easily however, launching a surprise assault and capturing two of the Fusiliers' DropShips, forcing the desperate Canopians to pack and cram as many troops and hardware as possible into the transports they had left, withdrawing from the system on July 9th.[15] Having suffered moderate losses, after the withdrawal of the Fusiliers, the Fifteenth Dracon pulled back to help reinforce Renown in 3033.[12]

War of 3039[edit]

Using matériel captured from the Fusiliers, the Fifteenth were able to rebuild and expand in size to four understrength battalions which the Confederation stationed on Ares, Necromo, Capricorn III and New Sagan respectively. As part of Case Juliet, the Federated Commonwealth's retaliatory attack for the McCarron's Armored Cavalry's raids during the War of 3039, the 2nd FedCom RCT attacked Ares in August 3039 and quickly overwhelmed and destroyed the defending Dracon 1st Battalion. The other Dracon battalions landed on the planet eighteen days later to avenge the loss of the first, but could not dislodge the Second FedCom until the Kingston's Legionnaires landed two weeks later, but not before the FedCom unit comprehensively crippled the Bergan Industries, Quikscell Company and Earthwerks Limited factories.[16]

Around the era of the initial Clan Invasion, from at least 3049 to 3055, the Dracon had rebuilt their first battalion and remained on station on Ares, Necromo, Capricorn III and New Sagan.[17][18] Like many long term units, the Dracons accepted Capellan sponsorship in late 3060, joining the Citizens' Honored brigade.[19] Despite becoming a Capellan line unit, the Dracons maintained its tradition of donating funds and resources for civil improvements, a fact now publicized by the Capellan media.[8]

To guard against renewed Free Worlds League aggression in the mid-3060s and along with fellow Citizen's Honored brigade 4th Tau Ceti Rangers, the Fifteenth was transferred from Gei-Fu to the League/Confederation border, its battalions ranging along a swath of worlds from Ingersoll to Exedor. Around this time the 15th also acquired enhanced combat vehicle and battle armor infantry elements.[20] As of 3067, the Dracons were stationed the Capellan Commonality world of Eom.[21]


The Fifteenth Dracon took part in the second prong of Operation THUNDERSTRIKE, the Capellan counterstrike against Duke George Hasek's Operation SOVEREIGN JUSTICE, striking at Overton alongside Warrior House Ijori. The Capellan forces eventually succeeded in forcing the AFFS' First Federated Suns Lancers to withdraw with heavy losses, but not before the AFFS defenders had effectively destroyed both the Fifteenth Dracon and House Ijori.[22][23][2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 15th Dracon Regiment
Colonel Samuel Shimosa 3025 - 3030[18][24][13]
Colonel Jean Rosenburg 3050 - 3059[25][17][18]
Sang-shao Rei Tsuba 3063[8]

Other Officers[edit]


A choice born of the Fifteenth Dracon's efforts to support and improve the worlds on which they served, the unit refused to fight in any urban environment, preferring to allow an enemy to capture rather than destroy a city in their care. Rather than a negative that can be used against them, the Dracon developed a fast-response deployment pattern of flanking maneuvers and pincer movements to challenge any attacker before they could threaten a city.[8]

First Battalion's forte was in enveloping enemies, particularly to cut them off from urban areas in order to avoid city fighting. Second Battalion, an assault force, would serve as the hard center when the entire regiment was deployed in battle. Third Battalion operated as a balanced mix of weight-classes, while Fourth Battalion specialized in reconnaissance and close combat.[28]

Composition History[edit]


15th Dracon (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[29]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Bhaktapur. In 2821 the command was reduced to 34 percent of its strength and was deployed on Mirach.[29]


15th Dracon (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[30]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Ingress with an operational readiness of 101 percent.[30]


15th Dracon (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[30]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Ingress with an operational readiness of 52 percent.[30]


Fifteenth Dracon (2 Battalion/Regular/Reliable)[24]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Bellatrix and also on Decatur.[31]


15th Dracon (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[32]

Note: At this point in time the command were stationed on Bellatrix and Decatur.[32]


Fifteenth Dracon (Reinforced Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[33]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Ares.[33]


Fifteenth Dracon (4 Battalions/Reliable)[17]

  • CO: Colonel Jean Rosenburg
Note: 1st + 2nd Battalion Regular and 3rd + 4th are Green.[17] The command was deployed on Ares, Necromo, Capricorn III, and New Sagan.[17]


Fifteenth Dracon (4 Battalions)[18]

  • CO: Colonel Jean Rosenburg


15th Dracon (Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[25]

  • CO: Colonel Jean Rosenburg[25]
Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Old Kentucky and Chamdo.[25]


Fifteenth Dracon (1 Regiment/Regular/Reliable)[21]

  • CO/First Battalion: Sang-shao Rei Tsuba
  • Third Battalion: Zhong-shao Joan Wilson
  • Fourth Battalion: Zhong-shao Lawrence Bloch

- Reinforced to 4 Battalions, equipped with some SLDF-era machines

Capellan Navy Echo Flight (1 Flight/Regular/Questionable)[21]

The Dragons (2 Battalion/Green/Reliable)[21]

  • Infantry Commander: Zhong-shao William Shaw

- Includes one company of battle armor; the second company use artillery, combined with VTOL spotters


  • The unit insignia was a red triangle radiating yellow and gray, surrounded by an orange band. The 15th proudly maintained its SLDF heritage by using the same gray and green paint scheme it used during the original Star League, as well as painting military "hash marks" as kill markers along the main body of fighters and vehicles or the limbs of 'Mechs.[8]
  • The unit's homeworlds were Gei-Fu and Relevow.
  • Thanks to its efforts to maintain its links to the original Star League, the Fifteenth Dracon relied heavily on Star League era BattleMech designs such as the Flashman and Crockett; the only modern Xin Sheng Capellan design it fielded being the Duan Gung, itself based on the SLDF's Sling.[8]



  1. 1.0 1.1 First Succession War, p. 35: "Those Left Behind"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Jihad Secrets: The Blake Documents, p. 20: "Operation: "Thunderstrike" - Wave One (October 3068)"
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Star League, p. 154: "Seventh Army"
  4. First Succession War, p. 81: "Quinn's War: The Confederation-Suns Front"
  5. Technical Readout: 3025 Revised, p. 84
  6. Technical Readout: 3025, p. 58: Notable 'Mechs And MechWarriors
  7. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation, p. 98: "Mercenary Units"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Field Manual: Capellan Confederation, p. 94: "15th Dracon: Winning Hearts and Minds"
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Fox's Teeth: Exploits of McKinnon's Raiders, pp. 20-21: "Psychological Warfare"
  10. Combat Manual: Mercenaries, p. 34
  11. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation, p. 107: "Regimental Deployment"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Historical: Brush Wars, p. 88: "Andurien Wars - Deployment Table"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Historical: Brush Wars, p. 56: "Gunthar (November-Ongoing)"
  14. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 62: "Gunthar (Ongoing)"
  15. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 64: "Gunthar (Onging-July)"
  16. Historical: War of 3039, p. 128: "Countering the Big Mac - Ares"
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 20 Year Update, p. 63: "Mercenaries"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Objective Raids, p. 42: "Mercenaries"
  19. Field Manual: Capellan Confederation, p. 92: "Citizens' Honored"
  20. Field Manual: Updates, p. 27: "Citizen's Honored"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Field Manual: Updates, p. 32: "Capellan Confederation Armed Forces (Deployment as of 1 August 3067)"
  22. Jihad Hot Spots: 3070, p. 42: "Hasek's Invasion unravels"
  23. Blake Ascending, p. 202: "Hasek's Invasion unravels"
  24. 24.0 24.1 House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 98: "15th Dracon Profile"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Field Manual: Mercenaries, p. 107
  26. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 5, p. 10: "Marauder II - Notable 'Mechs and MechWarriors"
  27. BattleTech: Inner Sphere Support Lance, Shihan Liao Pilot Card
  28. Combat Manual: Mercenaries, p. 35
  29. 29.0 29.1 First Succession War, p. 136
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Second Succession War, p. 96
  31. House Liao (The Capellan Confederation), p. 107
  32. 32.0 32.1 Historical: Brush Wars, p. 88
  33. 33.0 33.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 140
