Technical Readout: 2750

TRO 2750.jpg
Technical Readout: 2750
Product information
Type Technical Readout
Development Sam Lewis
L. Ross Babcock III (Editor-In-Chief)
Donna Ippolito (Senior Editor)
Jum Musser (Editor)
C. R. Green (Editorial Assistant)
Primary writing Clare W. Hess
Dale L. Kemper
Jim Long
Blaine L. Pardoe
Boy F. Peterson, Jr.
Pages 160
Cover Artwork Dana Knutson
Illustrations Dana Knutson
Publication information
Publisher FASA
Product code 8613
First published 1989
ISBN-10 1555600891
ISBN-13 978-1555600891
MSRP $12.00
Era Star League era
Universe Date 3048
Timeline 2750
Series Technical Readouts


Technical Readout: 2750 concerns itself with the models of 'Mechs, ASFs, tanks, hovercraft, personal equipment and WarShips in use during the first Star League. It provides Rules Level 2 variants (before the Clans were introduced) of common 3025-era assets. It was the third TRO to be released.

Some designs first published in TRO:2750 were republished in TRO:3025 Revised (1996) and TRO:3039 (2003). The TRO: 3050 Upgrade was announced to replace the design descriptions of TRO:2750 entirely.[1] The information on technology and personal equipment was successively replaced in later rulebooks and MechWarrior related sourcebooks.

From the back cover[edit]

In the year 2750, humanity was in the midst of a golden age. United under the interstellar government of the Star League, all mankind prospered and enjoyed an improved quality of life made possible by advances in technology, commerce, human rights, and the arts. Humanity had truly inherited the stars. But those same advances also carried a curse, for the engines of war from the Star League era possessed power unequaled in the Successor States today.

BattleTech Technical Readout: 2750 provides illustrations, statistics, and other vital information about the BattleMechs, AeroSpace Fighters, Tanks and Hovercraft, Personal Equipment, and combat JumpShips of the Star League.

Table of Contents[edit]

Remarks on content[edit]

  • The title comprises descriptions of 64 units in total, all units derive from Star League era and were previously unpublished. Furthermore it contains descriptions and rules for new technologies and personal equipment for using in MechWarrior. It contains:
    • 20 BattleMech designs,
    • 12 aerospace fighter designs,
    • 18 vehicle designs,
      • 35 combat and support vehicles designs and
      • 3 VTOL designs,
    • 14 WarShips designs.
    • Technology for 'Mechs and Vehicles (weapons, equipment and construction materials)
    • Technology for spaceships (weapons and drive)
    • Personal Equipment (weapons and miscellaneous equipment).
  • In-universe, the TRO is presented as a compilation of technology retrieved from the Gray Death Memory Core, twenty years after its discovery, without being credited to a specific source, place or date.

Foreign-Language Editions[edit]


The German edition, titled Hardware-Handbuch 2750 - LosTech des Sternbundes (Technical Readout 2750 - LosTech of the Star League), was released by Fantasy Productions in 1996. The German version was printed in DIN A4 format, a standard European paper size which is a little larger than North American Letter size. The cover of the book has the same artwork but a different layout and fonts, making room for the expanded name.

From the German back cover[edit]

The German back cover generally matches the original in text, however it does not mention personal equipment as this part of the book was not included in the release. The layout of the back cover is also different compared to the original publication.

Im Jahre 2750 befand sich die Menschheit auf dem Höhepunkt eines goldenen Zeitalters. Unter der Regierung des Sternenbundes vereinigt, blühte und gedieh die menschliche Rasse, und seine Bürger genossen eine nie zuvor und nie wieder erreichte Lebensqualität, ermöglicht durch Fortschritte in Technologie und Wirtschaft, den Menschenrechten und den Künsten. Die Menschheit hatte wahrlich das All erobert. Aber dieser Fortschritt trug sein Ende bereits in sich, denn auch die Kriegsmaschinerie des Sternenbundes war von einer Macht und Größe, wie sie in den Nachfolgerstaaten unserer Tage unerreicht ist.

Das Hardware-Hanbuch 2750 liefert Illustrationen, Daten und weitere wichtige Informationen über die BattleMechs, Panzer, Schweber, Luft-/Raumjäger, Landungs- und Kampfsprungschiffe des Sternenbundes. Zusätzliche historische Informationen beschreiben Struktur und Aufstellung der Sternenbund Verteidigungsstreitkräfte.


The German edition abandoned the chapter on advanced weapons and personal equipment. Instead it introduced the Talon, Spector, Night Hawk, Lynx, Excalibur, Shootist, Striker, Longbow, Emperor, Pillager, Mackie and Alacorn, some Star League era units from Technical Readout: 3058. It also included information about the SLDF and its deployment taken from The Star League.


The Finnish edition, titled Tekninen Käsikirja 2750 (Technical Manual 2750), was released by PRO-Games in 1992. Like the German edition, the Finnish version was printed in DIN A4 format. Apart from the translations themselves, the front and back cover are unchanged from the original North American release.

From the Finnish back cover[edit]

The Finnish back cover matches the original in text and design.

Vuonna 2750 ihmiskunta eli loiston kauttaan. Yhdistyneenä Tähtiliiton interstellaarisen hallituksen alle, koko ihmiskunta menestyi ja nautti paremmasta elämästä, jonka tekivät mahdolliseksi tekniset edistysaskeleet, kauppa, ihmisoikeudet ja taiteet. Ihmiskunta oli saanut avaruuden hallintaansa. Nämä samat siunaukset kätkivät sisäänsä myös kirouksen, sillä Tähtiliiton ajan sotakoneet edustavat vertaansa vailla olevaa voimaa nykypäivän Perimysvaltioissa.

Battletech Tekninen Käsikirja 2750 sisältää kuvia, suoritusarvoja ja muuta tarpeellista tietoa Tähtiliiton ajan taistelumecheistä, avaruusaluksista, tankeista, ilmatyynyaluksista, henkilökohtaisista varusteista ja taistelu-pudotusaluksista.


The names of units, manufacturers and people were not translated into Finnish, but several other names and terms such as factions and equipment were. Accordingly, the abbreviations for them differ from the originals - for example, a long-range missile is "pitkänmatkan ohjus", abbreviated as "PMO", and CASE is "KAV" ("kerrosmainen ammusvarasto").

Although all Finnish BattleTech products were released by PRO-Games, the Finnish editions of the BattleTech, 2nd Edition box set, Rolling Thunder (scenario pack), MechWarrior: The BattleTech Role Playing Game and Technical Readout 2750 all have different translators. It is perhaps due to this that the translations of various terms such as weapons and factions have discrepancies between the different releases.



  • This book is an interesting glimpse into the Star League era's levels of technology, though some items within would be precluded by later updates that resulted in these items not fitting into the various game systems as well (ex: Bug-Eye).
  • The trademark was BattleTech Technical Readout 2750, found only on the back cover.


See also[edit]