Rim Worlds Army
This article needs to be updated with additional information from the following sources: Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, Field Report 2765: Periphery |
- 1 Organization
- 2 Command
- 3 Formations and Units within the Rim Worlds Army
- 3.1 Reunification War
- 3.2 2651-2752
- 3.3 Amaris Coup
- 3.4 Amaris Empire Armed Forces
- 3.5 Other Units
- 3.5.1 Line Formations
- Amaris Cavaliers
- Amaris Chasseurs
- Amaris Dragoons
- Amaris Fusiliers
- Amaris Lancers
- Amaris Legionnaires
- Amaris Regulars
- Amaris Republican Guards
- Imperial Divisions
- Republican Dragoons
- Republican Lancers
- Republic Light Lancers
- Hegemony Patriots
- Associated Mercenary Units
- 3.5.1 Line Formations
- 4 Military Ranks
- 5 Unit Insignias
- 6 References
- 7 Bibliography
Formations and Units within the Rim Worlds Army[edit]
Reunification War[edit]
By the end of the Age of War and throughout the Reunification War the Rim Worlds Army was notionally based around three brigades of regular forces, with House Amaris' household forces forming another subcommand within the RWA. The RWA claimed a total strength of some twenty-five combined arms regiments but was heavily dependent on conventional armor and infantry, with a total BattleMech strength of approximately five to six regiments, but the BattleMechs possessed by the Republic were distributed amongst the various regular formations in company and battalion strength. When civil war broke out in the Republic in 2575 the chain of command was effectively shattered, with units either remaining loyal to First Consul Gregory Amaris, declaring their support for the Rim Provisional Government and Rift Republican Army or splitting along partisan lines.[1]
Line Formations[edit]
Amaris Household Guard[edit]
- Republican Guards[2]
- Tartan Brigade[2] - stationed on Illium[3] (2589) and surrendered to the Sixteenth Mechanized Infantry Division[4]
Note: After the Reunification War the Fourth Amaris Dragoons became an unofficial member of the Amaris Household Guard.[1]
Amaris Dragoons[edit]
- First Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Kikuyu[2] (2584) by the Sixteenth Mechanized Infantry Division.[5]
- Second Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Nightwish[2] (2584) by the Draconis Auxiliary Corps.[5]
- Third Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Malibu[2] (2584) by the Seventeenth Royal Division.[5]
- Fourth Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Apollo[3] (2596) by VIII Corps, the Fourth Royal Guards and elements of the 2nd Marik Auxiliary Corps.[4]
- Fifth Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Finmark[3] (2586) by VIII Corps.[5]
- Sixth Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Qurayyat[2] (2584) by the Lyran Auxiliary Corps.[5]
- Seventh Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Timbuktu[3] (2588) by the Eleventh Royal Division and the Draconis Auxiliary Corps.[4]
- Eighth Amaris Dragoons[2] - destroyed on Treeline[2] (2581) by the Sixteenth Mechanized Infantry Division.[5]
Amaris Fusiliers[edit]
- First Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Malaga[3] (2589) by the Thirty-First Armor Division.[4]
- Second Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Bucklands[2] (2582) by VIII Corps.[4]
- Third Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Viborg[3] (2588) by elements of the 2nd Marik Auxiliary Corps.[4]
- Fourth Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on
- Fifth Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Steelton in 2595.
- Steelton[2] (2581) by the Eleventh Royal Division and Sixteenth Mechanized Infantry Division.[4]
- Star's End[2] (2581) by the First Brigade of the Fusiliers of Oriente.[4]
- Persistence[2] (2581) by the Seventeenth Royal Division.[5]
- Sixth Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Austerlitz[2] (2587) by the Thirty-First Armor Division.[4]
- Seventh Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Marisura[3] (2589) by elements of the Draconis Auxiliary Corps and the 2nd Marik Auxiliary Corps.[4]
- Eighth Amaris Fusiliers[2] - destroyed on Apollo[3] (2596) by VII Corps, the 4th Royal Guards and elements of the 2nd Marik Auxiliary Corps.[4]
Amaris Legionnaires[edit]
- First Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Medellin[2] (2583) by the Eighteenth Division.[4]
- Second Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Taran's World[2] (2595) by the Seventeenth Royal Division.[4]
- Third Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Stirling[2] (2583) by elements of the 2nd Marik Auxiliary Corps.[4]
- Fourth Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Gwynedd[3] (2590) by the Sixteenth Mechanized Infantry Division.[4]
- Fifth Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Steelton[3] (2595) by the Eleventh Royal Division and Sixteenth Mechanized Infantry Division[4]
- Sixth Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Helbrent[2] (2582) by the Eleventh Royal Division[4]
- Seventh Amaris Legionnaires[2] - destroyed on Apollo[3] (2596) by VIII Corps, the Fourth Royal Guards and elements of the 2nd Marik Auxiliary Corps.[4]
The space naval component of the Rim Worlds Army had a notional strength of seventeen WarShips in 2575. The actual operational naval strength was significantly lower than this, as a number of ships were undergoing refits.[1] By the onset of operations in the Republic by Task Force MAILED FIST as they implemented Operation MAILED FIST - the Star League intervention in the civil war in support of Gregory Amaris - the active Rim Worlds Army fleet had been reduced to nine ships, two of which were destroyers and seven were corvettes. One corvette was destroyed in action at Finmark in 2586; the remaining WarShips remained out of the conflict until Admiral Hakim Wbika launched a successful strike at an SLDF transport fleet in the Newtown Square system in January 2588. Wbika's raid saw nineteen SLDF JumpShips and twenty-four DropShips destroyed before the convoy escort cruiser SLS Rapacious and SLS Alacrity engaged and destroyed or crippled both destroyers and three corvettes, leaving a single RWA corvette the only survivor of the engagement.[6]
Of the other naval vessels that had been in service with the RWA in 2575, five were scuttled as a result of combat between RWA and RRA forces, two having been destroyed in action and the other three rendered effectively useless, while three had been undergoing refits and spent the entire of the civil war in varying states of disrepair.[1]
By 2651, Fiona Amaris was the commander of the Rim Worlds Army. In compliance with the new Council Edict of 2650, the military officially had the strength of twelve BattleMech regiments and eight conventional regiments.[7]
From 2741 to 2752, General Jasmine Amaris was commander of the Rim Worlds Army.[8]
Amaris Coup[edit]
By 2765, the Rim Worlds Army had expanded to twenty-four divisions. These were subdivided into three brigades along SLDF standards. However, these were mostly administrative units and in practice the regiments fought individually.[9] Altogether there were 95 BattleMech regiments and 115 conventional regiments within the RWA.[10] The standard deployment called for four BattleMech regiments and five mechanized infantry regiments per division. Furthermore, the Rim Worlds Republic hired eight divisions of mercenaries, though no single mercenary unit was larger than a regiment.
The Rim Worlds Army was also fielding higher numbers of advanced technologies than any other house military apart from the SLDF itself. Most of these had been acquired through President Stefan Amaris' connection with First Lord Richard Cameron, but also through personal contacts the periphery lord had made with arms suppliers within the Terran Hegemony. The Rim Worlds was subjected to fewer military restrictions than the other Star League Territorial-States, taking full advantage of this to build extensive weapons manufacturing plants and prestigious military academies. The latter contribute to a level of fanaticism within the Rim Worlds Republic that matches any within the militaries of the Member-States.
Line Formations[edit]
Imperial Divisions[edit]
The Imperial Divisions are the elite of the Rim Worlds Army. Uncompromisingly loyal to President Amaris, they boast a higher contingent of BattleMech regiments compared to other units within the RWA. Typical Imperial Divisions field a pair of BattleMech brigades, one infantry brigade and one armored brigade. They are equipped with the finest 'Mechs the Rim Worlds Republic can acquire, including many models typically exclusive to Royal units within the SLDF.[11]
Republican Guards[edit]
The Republican Guard Divisions are relatively new formations, created after the Council Edict of 2650 was overturned in 2752. They formed around the original Amaris Republican Guard which had survived the Reunification War more or less unscathed. That unit, now a part of the First Republican Guards Division, is one of the most prestigious within the RWA. These units typically field four BattleMech and five mechanized infantry regiments, but the First features a high contingent of six BattleMech regiments paired with three of mechanized infantry.[12] While only six were known to SLDF intelligence, unit designations up to eighty-eight were encountered by 2775.[13] In 3057 Stefan Amaris VII reformed the Republican Guards for his strikes across the Inner Sphere.[14]
- 1st Republican Guards - Apollo's Pythons
- 2nd Republican Guards - Amaris' Aces
- 3rd Republican Guards - Heaven, Earth, and Hell
- 4th Republican Guards - Finmark Fusiliers
- 5th Republican Guards - The Counterpunch Division
- 6th Republican Guards - Amaris' Falconers
- 12th Republican Guards - The Minutemen[15][16]
- 18th Republican Guards[17]
- 88th Republican Guards - The Scythe of Amaris[13]
Amaris Regulars[edit]
Amaris Regular Divisions are the standard fighting force of the RWA. Because most of the Amaris Regulars are concentrated in the industrial heartland of the Rim Worlds Republic, the units are kept well equipped at all times. Regiments are typically assigned in pairs (one BattleMech and one infantry) to their garrison worlds, with the division HQ world assigned a second infantry regiment.[18]
- 1st Amaris Regulars - The Amaris Avengers
- 1st Amaris Armored - The Timbuktu Terrors
- 2nd Amaris Regulars - The Outriders
- 3rd Amaris Regulars - The Firekeepers
- 4th Amaris Regulars - The Four Horsemen
- 5th Amaris Regulars - The Picket Line Division
- 6th Amaris Regulars - Taborri's Terrors
- 7th Amaris Regulars - The Republic's Endeavour
- 8th Amaris Regulars - The Manifest Destiny Division
- 1st Amaris Regulars - The Amaris Avengers
Amaris Lancers[edit]
The fast-response force of the RWA, Amaris Lancers don't demonstrate the fanatical loyalty seen elsewhere within the military. Each division has a full battalion of rare LAMs at their disposal, but because the Rim Worlds Republic does not presently have the capacity to manufacture these itself, the battalions are not often at full strength.[19]
- Imperial Lancers[20]
- Tenth Amaris Lancers - Apollo's Bow[21]
- Eleventh Amaris Lancers - The Blue Diamond Division[21]
- Twelfth Amaris Lancers - The Hyperborea Division[21]
- Thirteenth Amaris Lancers - The Aluminum Overcoat Division[21]
- Fourteenth Amaris Lancers - The Black Guards Division[21]
- Fifteenth Amaris Lancers - The Ironclad Division[21]
- Sixteenth Amaris Lancers|[20]
- Seventeenth Amaris Lancers[22]
- Eighteenth Amaris Lancers[20]
- Nineteenth Amaris Lancers[20]
- Twentieth Amaris Lancers[20]
By April 2765, the Rim Worlds Navy had grown to 273 WarShips according to the Star League Intelligence Command. The Rim Worlds Navy was notably light, focused on Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers, with only a few cruisers and battleships known to serve in the navy.[23]
The breakdown of Rim Worlds WarShips known to SLIC in mid-2765 consisted of:
- 1x Tracker-class Surveillance Ship
- 32x Bonaventure-class Corvettes
- 52x Pinto-class Corvettes
- 30x Vigilant-class Corvettes
- 65x Riga I-class Frigates
- 18x Carson-class Destroyers
- 40x Essex I-class Destroyers
- 21x Lola I-class Destroyers
- 1x Naga-class Destroyers
- 1x Dart-class Light Cruiser
- 2x Aegis-class Heavy Cruisers
- 3x Avatar-class Heavy Cruisers
- 7x Monsoon-class Battleships
While the Rim Worlds navy was known to consist predominantly of older designs, many of them relatively lightweight compared to modern Star League Navy ships,[23] the sheer number of hulls possessed openly by the Rim Worlds Navy was approximately the equivalent of twenty or more SLDF naval squadrons;[24] the SLDF navy was fielding approximately 2,250 WarShips at the same point in time, two-thirds of which were on the front-lines with the remaining third in the garrison fleets, but the Rim Worlds navy still equated to approximately five SLDF Fleets.[25] This was at a time when the other Member-States were fielding less than seventy WarShips in total.[23]
In 2766, the first three Stefan Amaris-class Battleship hulls were completed (with two more in production).[26] As part of an agreement with First Lord Richard Cameron, the Rim Worlds Navy began to operate dozens of vessels from the Star League Reserve Fleet, allowing the Star League Navy to divert more WarShip squadrons to combat the Periphery Uprising. By the time of the Coup, the Rim Worlds Navy now numbered well over 300 WarShips.[10]
Amaris Empire Armed Forces[edit]
In the aftermath of the Amaris Coup and the death of First Lord Richard Cameron, Stefan Amaris established the Amaris Empire, a union of the Rim Worlds Republic and the Terran Hegemony. The rolls of the defunct Hegemony Armed Forces were reopened and became a branch of the new Amaris Empire Armed Forces. The Rim Worlds Army was similarly incorporated into the AEAF. At its inception, the AEAF boasted four armies:
Imperial Liberation Army[edit]
Commander: General Javier Park[27]
The most elite units within the former Rim Worlds Army were formed up into the Imperial Liberation Army. Initially, the twenty-four divisions within the Hegemony (sixteen RWA and eight mercenary) were split evenly between the three new armies, but the Imperial Liberation Army later grew to seventeen divisions by 2772. They were responsible for the defense of the Core Province, Terra and Emperor Stefan Amaris himself. They also trained the first Hegemony Patriot units.
- Imperial Corps
- Central Corps Alpha
- Central Corps Beta
- Homeguard Corps
First Liberation Army[edit]
Commander: General Sibeliy Amaris[27]
When formed in 2767, the First Liberation Army fielded eight divisions, including some mercenaries. By 2772 it had grown to twelve divisions. The army was commanded by a third cousin of Emperor Stefan Amaris and responsible for the defense of the Lockdale and Lone Star Provinces.
- Coreward Corps Alpha
- Coreward Corps Beta
- Spinward Corps Alpha
- Spinward Corps Beta
Second Liberation Army[edit]
Commander: General Uribar Minguzzan[27]
As above, the Second Liberation Army was formed from an even split of the twenty-four divisions that took part in the coup. Within five years it had grown to twelve divisions. The unit suffered from inadequate logistical support during the Amaris Civil War and its performance suffered duly.
- Rimward Corps Alpha
- Rimward Corps Beta
- Antispinward Corps Alpha
- Antispinward Corps Beta
Rim Worlds Army[edit]
Commander: Regent Mohammed Selim
The short-lived Rim Worlds Army was responsible for the defense of the Rim Worlds Republic. Most of these units were second rate, not entrusted with the success of Operation APOTHEOSIS (the Amaris Coup). In total there were fifteen BattleMech, thirty-six conventional and forty-five militia regiments stationed within the Republic. The Rim Worlds Army was destroyed during Kerensky's campaign against the periphery realm (2767-2769).
Other Units[edit]
Line Formations[edit]
Amaris Cavaliers[edit]
Amaris Chasseurs[edit]
Amaris Dragoons[edit]
- First Amaris Dragoons
- Second Amaris Dragoons
- Third Amaris Dragoons
- Fourth Amaris Dragoons - The first unit to arrive in the Terran Hegemony after Richard Cameron asked Stefan Amaris's help in garrisoning the Hegemony.[33] The unit employed nuclear devices to destroy a portion of the Black Watch Highlanders, the First Lord's bodyguard unit, during the takeover of Terra.[34][35]
- Fifth Amaris Dragoons
- Sixth Amaris Dragoons
- Seventh Amaris Dragoons
- Eighth Amaris Dragoons
- Ninth Amaris Dragoons[36]
- Tenth Amaris Dragoons[29]
- Seventeenth Amaris Dragoons[29]
- Thirty-third Amaris Dragoons
- Fifty-seventh Amaris Dragoons[29]
- Seventy-seventh Amaris Dragoons
- Ninety-ninth Amaris Dragoons - The Ninety-ninth Dragoons were made famous for counterinsurgency tactics. The 99th would publicly announce their targets before attacking, tracking any people evacuating the target area. Before engaging the enemy, the Dragoons would first demolish the locations to which the evacuees fled.[37] The unit's paint scheme is a matte black.[38]
- 141st Amaris Dragoons
- 207th Amaris Dragoons[29]
- 832nd Amaris Dragoons[29] - The 832nd Amaris Dragoons was stationed on the Rim Worlds Republic capital planet of Apollo during the Amaris Crisis. One of its officers, Major Phillip Drummond, defected to the SLDF, during its attack on the planet.[39]
Amaris Fusiliers[edit]
Amaris Lancers[edit]
- Sixth Amaris Lancers Regiment[29]
- Eleventh Amaris Lancers Division
- Twelfth Amaris Lancers Division
- Thirteenth Amaris Lancers Division
- Fourteenth Amaris Lancers Division
- Sixteenth Amaris Lancers Division
- Seventeenth Amaris Lancers Division[41]
- Eighteenth Amaris Lancers Division
- Nineteenth Amaris Lancers Division
- Twentieth Amaris Lancers Division
Amaris Legionnaires[edit]
- First Amaris Legionnaires
- Second Amaris Legionnaires
- Third Amaris Legionnaires[29]
- Fourth Amaris Legionnaires
- Fifth Amaris Legionnaires
- Sixth Amaris Legionnaires
- Seventh Amaris Legionnaires
- Eighth Amaris Legionnaires
- Fifteenth Amaris Legionnaires Division
- Seventeenth Amaris Legionnaires[40]
- Thirty-ninth Amaris Legionnaires[42]
Amaris Regulars[edit]
Amaris Republican Guards[edit]
The Amaris Republican Guard responded to the Rift Republican Army's attack on the 8th Amaris Dragoons and helped put down the Efrimal Long prison outbreak.[43] Their colors are olive and red.[44]
- First Republican Guards Division
- Second Republican Guards Division
- Third Republican Guards Division
- Fourth Republican Guards Division
- Fifth Republican Guards Division
- Sixth Republican Guards Division - Attacked New Dallas in 2766
- Seventh Republican Guards Division
- Eighth Republican Guards Division
- Ninth Republican Guards Division
- Tenth Republican Guards Division
- Twelfth Republican Guards - "The Minutemen"
- Eighteenth Republican Guards
- Twenty-first Republican Guards Division
- 203rd Republican Guard Division - "Sword of Saddam" - Five weeks into the Amaris Crisis, the 203rd Republican Guard Division was assigned to secure Hilton Head on Terra. However, due to a loyalist construction crew, the half-completed HPG was hidden from the unit, allowing its completion by ComStar after the Crisis. The unit established a camp two kilometers from the communications center.[45]
Imperial Divisions[edit]
Republican Dragoons[edit]
Republican Lancers[edit]
- 201st Republican Lancers - "The Longhorns"
Republic Light Lancers[edit]
- Eleventh Republican Light Lancers[29]
- Thirteenth Republican Light Lancers
- Twenty-third Republic Light Lancers ("The Stealths") - Formed around 2650 by order of Tadeo Amaris, this unit managed to survive the Amaris-Kerensky Civil War and would be hired by the Lyran Commonwealth. As one of the few units with experience and tradition in deploying light and medium 'Mechs, it excelled in raids and would be used with great success against the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine.
Hegemony Patriots[edit]
Associated Mercenary Units[edit]
Military Ranks[edit]
Prior to the civil war, the Rim Worlds Army used a rank system with Greek titles. During the civil war the RRA Rebel forces kept the original Greek rank structure, while the RWA Loyalist forces adopted the same rank structure as the SLDF. After the Reunification War the Greek rank structure was phased out completely and replaced with the SLDF rank structure.[1]
Type of Rank with Seniority |
RRA | SLDF | Unit type |
Enlisted Ranks[48] | |||
E1 | * | Recruit | |
E2 | Private | Private | |
E3 | * | Private, First Class |
E4 | Corporal | * | |
E5 | * | Corporal | |
E6 | Sergeant | Sergeant | |
E7 | * | Over-Sergeant | |
E8 | * | Master Sergeant | |
E9 | * | * | |
E10 | Sergeant Major | Master Sergeant | |
Officer Ranks[48] | |||
O1 | * | Ensign | |
O2 | Tetrarch (Lieutenant) |
Lieutenant | |
O3 | * | Captain | |
O4 | Lokhagos (Captain) |
Major | |
O5 | Tagmatarchis (Major) |
* | |
O6 | * | * | |
O7 | Syntagmatarchis (Colonel) |
Colonel | |
O8 | Taxiarchos (Brigadier General) |
* | |
O9 | * | Lieutenant General | |
O10 | Polemarchos (Lieutenant General) |
Major General | |
O11 | Strategos (General) |
General | |
O12 | * | Commanding General |
Unit Insignias[edit]
1st Amaris Armored
(The Timbuktu Terrors)5th Amaris Fusiliers
(Perdition’s Gates)3rd Amaris Legionnaires
(Red Dot Riders)8th Republican Legionnaires
(The New India Irregulars)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Historical: Reunification War, p. 43
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 Historical: Reunification War, p. 154
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Historical: Reunification War, p. 155
- ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Historical: Reunification War, p. 153
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Historical: Reunification War, p. 152
- ↑ Historical: Reunification War, p. 135
- ↑ The Periphery, p. 53
- ↑ Era Report: 2750, p. 92
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 53
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 50
- ↑ Field Report 2765: Periphery, p. 18
- ↑ Field Report 2765: Periphery, p. 19
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Desertion
- ↑ Starlord, ch. 4
- ↑ Organic Ice
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3039, p. 268: "GLT-4L Guillotine"
- ↑ Starterbook: Sword and Dragon, p. 29: "Mateo Alvarez"
- ↑ Field Report 2765: Periphery, p. 20
- ↑ Field Report 2765: Periphery, p. 21
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 121
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 Field Report 2765: Periphery, p. 21, "Amaris Lancers - Divisional Status"
- ↑ The Periphery (sourcebook), p. 56
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Field Report 2765: Periphery, p. 4
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 35
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 46
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 150
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 55
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 83
- ↑ 29.00 29.01 29.02 29.03 29.04 29.05 29.06 29.07 29.08 29.09 29.10 29.11 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 103
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 72
- ↑ Jade Falcon Sourcebook, p. 22
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 86
- ↑ The Star League, p. 80
- ↑ The Star League, p. 83
- ↑ Northwind Highlanders, p. 17
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 75
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3075, p. 292
- ↑ Technical Readout: 3039, p. 126
- ↑ Invading Clans, p. 101
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 78
- ↑ The Periphery, p. 56
- ↑ Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 5
- ↑ The Star League, p. 45
- ↑ Star Lord, p. ??[citation needed]
- ↑ ComStar, p. 24
- ↑ The Star League, p. 174
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2, p. 77
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Historical: Reunification War, p. 28
- ComStar
- Handbook: Major Periphery States
- Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1
- Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 2
- House Davion (The Federated Suns)
- Invading Clans
- Jade Falcon Sourcebook
- Northwind Highlanders (scenario pack)
- The Periphery
- The Star League
- Star Lord (novel)
- Technical Readout: 3039
- Technical Readout: 3075