Children of Kerensky

Children of Kerensky (Cover).jpg
Children of Kerensky
Product information
Type Novel
Author Blaine Lee Pardoe
Pages 219 (POD)
Cover Artwork Tan Ho Sim (art)
Matt Heerdt
David Allen Kerber (design)
Interior Artwork Alan Blackwell
Brent Evans
Stephen Huda
Harri Kallio
Chris Lewis
Matt Plog
David White
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
First published 19 October 2020
ISBN-10 1-94733-538-3
ISBN-13 978-1-94733-538-7
MSRP $4.99 (EPUB)
$11.95 (POD)
Era Dark Age era
Timeline 16 March 3121—1 January 3151

Children of Kerensky is a novel by Blaine Lee Pardoe that was published in EPUB and Print on Demand on 19 October 2020. An unabridged audio book edition narrated by Tren Sparks was released on 2 November 2022.

The story covers the earlier lifes of Alaric Ward and Malvina Hazen up to the invasion of Terra in 3151.

It is one of the titles that was published to prepare the ground and lead up to the events detailed in Hour of the Wolf.

From the Back Cover[edit]


Terra. Birthplace of humankind. Cradle of the Inner Sphere. For centuries, it has been the Clans' ultimate prize. As prophesied by their founder, Nicholas Kerensky, the Clan that conquers Terra shall ascend above all others to become the ilClan, ruler over the rest of the Clans. And its leader shall become the ilKhan, and will lead the Inner Sphere into a new era.

And now, nearly a century after the Clan Invasion, two Clans race to be the first to reach Terra. On one side is Alaric Ward, Khan of Clan Wolf, a brilliant warrior and complex mix of the best of the Clans and the Inner Sphere. He comes to save the Inner Sphere from itself, intending to construct a new empire among the stars. His main adversary is Chingis Khan Malvina Hazen, the brutal, ruthless leader of Clan Jade Falcon. Forged in a tradition where only the strong survive, she leads her touman not to save the Inner Sphere, but to raze it to ashes and rebuild it according to her own twisted vision.

All that stands between them and a decisive victory that will reshape the Inner Sphere forever is the impenetrable barrier shielding Terra from an invasion, not to mention the forces of the once-mighty Republic, which has no plans to surrender without a vicious fight...the only question is, who will reach Terra first?

Plot Summary[edit]

Featured Characters[edit]

Featured Units[edit]

Featured Places[edit]

Featured BattleTech[edit]


Battle Armor[edit]

Aerospace Fighters[edit]


