Turning Points

Turning Points are a web exclusive PDF series of BattleTech scenario packs that use the Chaos Campaign and warchest rules. Typical contents include a short story, a brief overview of the conflict in question, maps and history of the planet(s) involved, commander and unit profiles, tracks/scenarios, suitable Random Assignment Tables, and record sheets for special or custom units.


The Turning Points concept was first used for the Jihad Turning Points series as the Jihad era timeline unfolded, covering pivotal military campaigns that were fought over key planets during the Jihad. The format proved so successful that the scope was expanded to Dark Age Turning Points and Historical Turning Points, covering similar campaigns in other eras than the Jihad.

Starting with the publication of Turning Points: Irian, Catalyst Game Labs dropped the era reference in the product name, reducing the line to only Turning Points products for planet specific campaigns and additionally introducing Operational Turning Points products for campaigns across multiple planets.[1]

Except for the Operational Turning Points, all Turning Points releases are named for the world on which they take place.

Turning Points Products[edit]

See also: List of BattleTech products

Jihad Turning Points[edit]

Dark Age Turning Points[edit]

Historical Turning Points[edit]

Turning Points[edit]

Operational Turning Points Products[edit]

Other Products[edit]


  1. Forum posting by user Adrian Gideon, a BattleTech developer and layouter for CGL