Invasion corridor - Clan Smoke Jaguar

Order of Battle[edit]

Clan Command

Jaguar's Den Command Trinary
Shroud Keshik Command Trinary
Clan Smoke Jaguar Naval Reserve - Star Commodore Paulina Perez
3 Clan Monoliths, 7 Clan Invaders, 12 Clan Merchants, 9 Clan Star Lords, 7 Clan Scouts

Alpha Galaxy

Jaguar's Spirit Keshik
Jaguar Grenadiers
5th Jaguar Regulars
6th Jaguar Dragoons
7th Jaguar Dragoons
122nd Striker Cluster

Beta Galaxy

Swath Keshik
1st Jaguar Guards
3rd Attack Cluster
214th Jaguar Dragoons
225th Jaguar Battle Cluster
362nd Assault Cluster

Delta Galaxy

Skyriders Keshik
1st Striker Cluster
3rd Jaguar Cavaliers
4th Jaguar Dragoons
19th Striker Cluster


With the successful vote to invade the Inner Sphere passed in the wake of the Outbound Light incident, the bidding process to determine which of the Clans would take part in the invasion commenced. In retribution for opposing the vote the Crusaders forced Clan Wolf to be one of the four assaulting Clans, while the Warden faction had managed to insist that a fifth Clan be held in reserve. For the rest of the Clans the honor of participation would be determined over the course of two full days of bidding, divided into three rounds, and a final day of combat trials. The bidding began with each Clan making their preliminary bid before retiring to study the opposing Clans' bids. On the second day the bidding war began in fullness and Clan Smoke Jaguar was the first to emerge victorious, having slashed their initial bid of eleven Galaxies down to three. In the final round of combat the Smoke Jaguars were victorious again, earning their place alongside Clan Wolf, Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Ghost Bear in the invasion force.[1][2]

When it came time to determine which 'invasion corridor' they would occupy, Smoke Jaguar Khan Lincoln Osis achieved a great victory by winning the corridor which ran through the Draconis Combine. Besides worthy opponents, it was believed that House Kurita aided the infamous Stefan Amaris in bringing about the downfall of the Star League, and the Smoke Jaguar warriors welcomed the chance to fight such a foe. As the assembled invasion force gathered in orbit above Strana Mechty, ilKhan Leo Showers gave a final speech, promising swift victory and boldly predicting Clan Smoke Jaguar would conquer Terra within the year.[2]

Invasion Route[edit]

4.1. Periphery (August-September 3049)[edit]

Smoke Jaguar operations in the Periphery

Though each of the four invading Clans were assigned their individual corridors for the invasion, at the insistence of the Khans, ilKhan Showers declared the Periphery open territory for all. This allowed Clan Smoke Jaguar to attack Santander's World, controlled by the pirate king Helmar Valasek, which lay within the Ghost Bear corridor. Smoke Jaguar saKhan Sarah Weaver was determined to win her Clan the honor of killing the pirate king and personally led the bidding war against Star Colonel Kellin MacKenzie of the Ghost Bears for that right. Though both had bid down to a Trinary each, saKhan Weaver claimed victory when she removed her own 'Mech from the fight and Star Colonel MacKenzie failed to reciprocate. Because saKhan Weaver had removed her own 'Mech from the bidding process, she would coordinate the battle from her command DropShip.[1][2]

The fight for Santander's World would prove to be the most bloody and hard-fought during the Periphery campaign as the dishonorable pirates used underhanded tactics; though other battles would take place for control of other worlds none were worthy of note. By January of 3050 the Smoke Jaguars had completed their sweep of the Periphery on schedule and lost very few 'Mechs in the process. Though pleased with their progress there was minor indignation felt at the fact that Clan Wolf had likewise accomplished their sweep even faster.[3]

Periphery Campaign
Date Location Attacker Defender Outcome
August-September 3049 Santander's World Alpha Galaxy
Shroud Keshik

Beta Galaxy

362nd Assault Cluster
Santander's Killers Smoke Jaguar Victory

4.2. Wave One (March-April 3050)[edit]

With the easy successes of their Periphery campaign, Clan Smoke Jaguar anticipated their first battle against the "valiant" warriors of the DCMS. Their plan was to conquer ten Combine worlds within two months in the hopes of surpassing the speed of Clan Wolf's invasion. Nine of the ten worlds were divided between the Clan's three Galaxies, and whichever captured their allotted targets first would be given the honor of attacking the tenth.[3]

It was with much disappointment then that the elite warriors of House Kurita broke and ran under the fury of the Smoke Jaguar assault; only on Richmond did the Smoke Jaguars face any significant opposition. Though they had expected an easy victory, the Clan warriors felt strangely cheated by how effortless it had been. They also encountered more acts of dishonorable duplicity, and reacted seemingly out of proportion to these offenses, as had happened on Idlewind. In a meeting of the Grand Council Khan Lincoln Osis was forced to defend himself, explaining that the people of the Inner Sphere needed to be taught a lesson.[3][4]

The most graphic example of that lesson, and of the Smoke Jaguars' brutality during the invasion, would take place on Turtle Bay. Following their conquest of that planet the Clan placed all surviving Kurita troops in the capital city Edo's formidable Kurushiiyama prison. Unbeknownst to them was that crown prince Hohiro Kurita, son of Theodore Kurita, Gunji-no-Kanrei of the DCMS, was among their prisoners. To their intense embarrassment the Smoke Jaguars only learned of this after the local Yakuza launched a successful jailbreak which freed Hohiro and the other surviving DCMS troops. An intensive search effort was launched to find and recapture the crown prince but was continually hampered by yakuza cells launching guerrilla attacks and setting off bombs. Finally Galaxy Commander Cordera Perez commanded all Smoke Jaguar warriors to withdraw from Edo and for Beta Galaxy's WarShip, the Sabre Cat, to level the city. Repeated strikes from the ship's autocannons and laser weapons bombarded Edo until there was nothing left but smoking debris.[4][5]

The barbarity of Commander Perez and others' actions in the destruction of Edo caused an immediate backlash both within the Smoke Jaguar Clan and from without, with Star Colonel Dietr Osis successfully challenging Perez for command of Beta Galaxy. Even the most hardline Crusader saw the act as a sign of cowardice, while many Warden sympathizers called the wholesale destruction criminally irresponsible. Clan Wolf took the opportunity to announce that, henceforth, it would bid away all naval assets in every battle. The other Clans, Smoke Jaguar included, as a matter of honor had no choice but to declare the same.[5]

Smoke Jaguar operation in Wave One

Wave One
Date Location Attacker Defender Outcome
March 3050 Richmond (DC) Alpha Galaxy
5th Jaguar Regulars
Trinaries Assault and Second Battle
1st Alshain Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3050 Tarnby Alpha Galaxy
6th Jaguar Dragoons
Trinaries Battle and Assault
4th Pesht Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3050 Idlewind (DC) Delta Galaxy
3rd Jaguar Cavaliers
Trinary Assault
Idlewind Stormtroopers Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3050 Schwartz (DC) Delta Galaxy
19th Striker Cluster
Trinaries Command and Second Battle, Supernova Striker
9th Pesht Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3050 Rockland (DC) Skyriders Keshik
Alpha and Bravo Stars
Rockland People's Army Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3050 Bjarred (DC) Alpha Galaxy
Jaguar Grenadiers
First Trinary Battle, Trinary Striker, Binary Elemental
1st Bjarred Armored Regiment
2nd Bjarred Armored Regiment
Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3050 Turtle Bay (DC) Beta Galaxy
362nd Assault Cluster
14th Legion of Vega Smoke Jaguar Victory
April 3050 Almunge (DC) Beta Galaxy
1st Jaguar Guards
Trinary Battle
Alpha Battle Star
Almunge Cadet Infantry Battalion Smoke Jaguar Victory
April 3050 Virentofta (DC) Beta Galaxy
225th Jaguar Battle Cluster
Trinary Assault, Alpha Elemental Star
Seventh Hell's Brigade Smoke Jaguar Victory
April 3050 Stapelfeld (DC) Alpha Galaxy
Jaguar's Spirit Keshik
Alpha Command Star
None Smoke Jaguar Victory

4.2. Wave Two (June 3050)[edit]

The Smoke Jaguars first began to face difficulties during the Second Wave of the invasion, as they were forced to use more troops to garrison their territory and so conquered fewer worlds than anticipated. Not wishing a repeat of what happened on Turtle Bay, their answer was to partner with ComStar in the administration of occupied worlds. However even with the assistance of ComStar the Smoke Jaguars still insisted of installing their own planetary governors and instituting severe penalties for even the most minor of infractions. On many worlds "nonessential" personnel were pressed into making munitions to replenish the Jaguar's diminishing stockpiles; true to form no compensation was offered, the honor of serving the warrior caste deemed payment enough. The mix of ruthless, totalitarian rule and warriors with no knowledge of the societies they now commanded simply caused more dissent and rebellion. Little did they know that Theodore Kurita was secretly smuggling weapons into their Occupation Zone, mainly through yakuza networks, in order to fuel these rebellions.[5]

This policy had tragic consequences on Nykvarn where, over ComStar's objections, a large farm on the world's northern continent was shut down and its workers transfer to a munition plant. When told that a deadly viral plague broke out annually on the northern continent and that this farm was the sole production site for a type of grain which could cure it, the Smoke Jaguar governor dismissed their warnings as "Inner Sphere trickery." When the plague did break out that year the governor was surprised to find many of his own warriors, as well as a quarter of the local population, dying of the disease. He would die three week into the epidemic, just days before the scientist caste could develop a vaccine.[5]

Even more than their difficulties controlling their subjugated population was the fact that those "spineless" Wardens at Clan Wolf were making excellent progress. At first they took their aggression out on each other in practice bouts; when these turned into more deadly contests Loremaster Edmund Hoyt ordered an end to them to preserve the Clan's warriors for real fighting. This left only the populations of occupied worlds for Jaguar warriors on which to vent their anger, though attacks on civilians only further fueled the fires of rebellion. Eventually saKhan Weaver received permission from ilKhan Showers to bring forward Provisional Garrison Clusters (PGCs) from the Homeworlds in order to garrison captured worlds and free up front-line troops for the next wave.[5]

Smoke Jaguar operation in Wave Two

Wave Two
Date Location Attacker Defender Outcome
May 3050 Sawyer (DC) Beta Galaxy
225th Jaguar Battle Cluster
Supernova Battle
Dark Horns Smoke Jaguar Victory
May 3050 Nykvarn (DC) Delta Galaxy
19th Striker Cluster
Supernova Assault
Nykvarn Armored Battalion Smoke Jaguar Victory
May 3050 Coudoux (DC) Alpha Galaxy
Jaguar Grenadiers
First Trinary Battle
Alpha Battle Star
Colette's Crusaders Smoke Jaguar Victory
May 3050 Chupadero (DC) Beta Galaxy
214th Jaguar Dragoons
First Trinary Assault
Aerospace Trinary
1st Chupadero Armored Legion Smoke Jaguar Victory
May 3050 Garstedt (DC) Alpha Galaxy
7th Jaguar Dragoons
Trinary Assault
Trinary Command
Binary Elemental
3rd Alshain Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory

4.3. Wave Three (June-July 3050)[edit]

Khan Osis and saKhan Weaver reacted poorly when Clan Wolf announced their intention to accelerate the pace of their invasion for Wave Three. As a result they revised their invasion timetable, intending to capture the next three worlds en masse while PGCs garrisoned already-conquered worlds. While the plan worked as expected in the beginning, the Smoke Jaguars ran into a couple of problems. The first was that the PGCs consisted of relatively inferior warriors with poor equipment, completely unprepared to deal with the rebellions. On Tarnby remnants of the Fourth Pesht Regulars even managed to capture the planet's spaceport and board their DropShips, their escape only foiled when Clan aerospace forces shot them down before they could leave the planet. The second was that Smoke Jaguar warriors were being stricken by the so-called "Paradise Syndrome": surrounded by the beauties of the Inner Sphere they began bidding among themselves and fighting Trials of Possession for various plots of land. This not only cost the lives of several Smoke Jaguar warriors but their lapses in attention allowed local guerrilla groups to successfully sabotage supply stockpiles.[6]

The scale of these problems forced ilKhan Leo Showers to personally intervene, first invalidating all Trials of Possession, then ordering the merchant caste to come up with a solution to the rebellious populace. The merchants' answer was to make the local populaces bondsmen to their own caste, with the promise of paying them for their work should they behave, and to house the new bondsmen near Clan supply depots to discourage any further attempted bombings. With the matter solved for the time being, ilKhan Showers personally led Delta Galaxy in the conquest of their next four worlds, finishing their Third Wave campaign ahead of the other three Clans. Despite this impressive pace the Smoke Jaguars were still overshadowed when the Wolf Clan managed to conquer more worlds than them, including Rasalhague, capital of the Free Rasalhague Republic. For the next wave then Khan Osis was determined that his Clan would also capture a capital world.[6]

Smoke Jaguar operation in Wave Three

Wave Three
Date Location Attacker Defender Outcome
June 3050 Kabah (DC) Beta Galaxy
214th Jaguar Dragoons
Second Trinary Assault
Alpha Star
Bravo Star
Kabah Guards Smoke Jaguar Victory
June 3050 Jeanette (DC) Delta Galaxy
4th Jaguar Dragoons
First Trinary Battle
Alpha Battle Star
Bravo Battle Star
Divine Light Smoke Jaguar Victory
June 3050 Schuyler (DC) Alpha Galaxy
7th Jaguar Dragoons
Trinary Command
Trinary Assault
Binary Elemental
Remnants of 3rd Alshain Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
July 3050 Hanover (DC) Alpha Galaxy
5th Jaguar Regulars
Third Battle Supernova
Hanover Militia Smoke Jaguar Victory
July 3050 Savinsville (DC) Clan Command
Shroud Keshik
Rolling Thunder Smoke Jaguar Victory
July 3050 Albiero (DC) Beta Galaxy
1st Jaguar Guards
Trinary Command
Trinary Striker
Alpha Elemental Star
8th Albiero Militia Smoke Jaguar Victory

4.4. Wave Four (July-October 3050)[edit]

The Fourth Wave would prove to be the least successful for Clan Smoke Jaguar. The Draconis Combine, freed from having to defend its border along the Federated Commonwealth following a promise from Hanse Davion they would not invade, threw fresh troops in front of the Clan's advance. Well-equipped and determined to make the Clanners pay for every inch of ground, these units refused to engage in single combat, instead hitting the Smoke Jaguars with massed fire and performing hit-and-run attacks. This caused many Jaguar commanders to pull back, having greatly underbid the forces they thought necessary to conquering a world, and led to their first outright defeat on Wolcott.[6]

In the end the Smoke Jaguars captured only four worlds. With the sting of their defeat and the fact that Clan Wolf continued to outperform his Clan, ilKhan Showers made the fateful decision to call for a Grand Kurultai in an effort to slow the Wolves' progress, justifying the extraordinary call by claiming the Wolf Clan's speed of advance put the entire invasion in jeopardy. Where before the ilKhan's efforts to slow down the Wolves had failed, this time their success had provoked enough resentment from the Jade Falcons and Ghost Bears to give Showers their backing. Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky agreed to the meeting, stipulating that it take place aboard the Dire Wolf in the Radstadt system and that no other WarShips be present. Unfortunately within hours of the ilKhan's arrival the 1st Drakøns attacked the Dire Wolf and a single fighter piloted by Tyra Miraborg crashed into the ship's command bridge, killing Leo Showers.[7]

Smoke Jaguar operation in Wave Four

Wave Four
Date Location Attacker Defender Outcome
August 3050 Luzerne (DC) Delta Galaxy
4th Jaguar Dragoons
First Trinary Battle
Second Trinary Battle
Remnants of 9th Alshain Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
September 3050 Bangor (DC) Alpha Galaxy
Jaguar Grenadiers
Trinary Command
Trinary Assault
Second Trinary Battle
2nd Benjamin Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
September 3050 Courchevel (DC) Beta Galaxy
362nd Assault Cluster
Trinary Command
First Assault Supernova
Second Assault Supernova
10th Alshain Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
September 3050 Jeronimo (DC) Delta Galaxy
3rd Jaguar Cavaliers
Trinary Assault
Binary Elemental
Second Trinary Battle
5th Galedon Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
October 3050 Byesville (DC) Alpha Galaxy
6th Jaguar Dragoons
Binary Elemental
Byesville Militia Smoke Jaguar Victory
October 3050 Wolcott (DC) Beta Galaxy
Swath Keshik
225th Jaguar Battle Cluster
1st Genyosha
2nd Genyosha
Combine Victory

The Election of Ulric Kerensky[edit]

News of ilKhan Showers' death stunned the Clans into inaction, none more so than the Smoke Jaguars. While the rest of the invasion force debated what to do next, some wishing to return to Clan space to elect a new ilKhan while others argued they should crush the Inner Sphere immediately, both Khan Osis and saKhan Weaver were oddly silent; when time came to vote both abstained. Not just its two Khans but indeed the entire Smoke Jaguar Clan became loss in the shock and grief of the sudden demise, and as the Clans made their return to the Homeworlds to elect a new ilKhan Khans Osis and Weaver were finally roused to action when Khan Vandervahn Chistu of the Jade Falcons recommended they focus their rage at Clan Wolf. A conspiracy was hatched among the Crusader Khans to convict the Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky of being responsible for the late ilKhan's death. If they were to succeed in their accusation, the Grand Council would permit them to execute Kerensky on the battlefield for his crimes. If they failed a second plot was formulated, whereby Kerensky would be elected as ilKhan and forced to command the invasion, an endeavor which the Wolf Khan had so passionately fought to prevent. It was also expected that the Wolf Loremaster Conal Ward would then assume his position as Khan of the Wolves, putting the Warden-minded Clan under the control of a Crusader.[8][9]

At the Grand Council meeting on Strana Mechty, the Smoke Jaguar Khans called upon all warriors who had been present on the Dire Wolf's bridge to testify as to Kerensky's blood-guilt. Khan Osis, under the mistaken belief that Ulric's "Inner Sphere freebirth lackey" would be the one most likely to betray his master, allowed Phelan Kell to address the assembly, only for the bondsman to give such a lucid account of the events that he utterly destroyed the Smoke Jaguar's case. The first conspiracy foiled, Khan Osis launched the second by nominating Kerensky as ilKhan, a motion which was passed by the Grand Council. Once again the Crusaders' revenge was thwarted when ilKhan Kerensky made the surprise move of appointing Natasha Kerensky, infamous leader of Wolf's Dragoons' Black Widow Company, to succeed him as Clan Wolf's Khan.[9]

As "thanks" for electing him to lead the invasion, ilKhan Kerensky agreed with the Smoke Jaguar's arguments that the Clans needed to keep pace with each other. Rather than slow down Clan Wolf though, instead he proposed that Clan Steel Viper be moved from reserve to active status, with Clans Nova Cat and Diamond Shark added to the invasion fleet. Furthermore to shore up the Smoke Jaguars' and Jade Falcons' faltering pace, both would be partnered with the Steel Vipers and Nova Cats respectively, while the Diamond Sharks remained in reserve. Both Steel Viper and Nova Cat Clans would also be allowed to establish their own supply lines, meaning they would need to bid for control of some of the worlds already captured by the Jade Falcons and Smoke Jaguars. The matter was passed in a vote over the furious objections of both Clans.[9]

Though the Jade Falcons and Steel Vipers would spend much of the Fifth Wave at each other's throats, the Smoke Jaguar Khans partially sidestepped ilKhan Kerensky's maneuver by reaching an accord with their Nova Cat counterparts. Unwilling the pay the price a Trial of Refusal would enact in resisting the ilKhan's ploy, instead they simply handed over control to the Nova Cats six of their most rebellious worlds to control. This had the added benefit of freeing up troops necessary to garrison these worlds for the Firth Wave, whose target would be the Combine capital world of Luthien.[9]

4.5. Wave Five (November 3051-April 3052)[edit]

The Fifth Wave of the invasion began in early November 3051 with a simultaneous assault on four Combine worlds. The Smoke Jaguars were dismayed to find the Combine had heavily fortified these worlds during the Year of Peace and became bogged down in heavy fighting on three of the four. Once this initial sweep was completed the Jaguars set their sights on Avon as a base from which to launch their attack on Luthien, however the Nova Cats also laid claim to the world. Initially the Nova Cat Khans intended to refuse the Smoke Jaguars' offer of working together to jointly conquer and rule it together, but they eventually gave in under ilKhan Kerensky's recommendation so as to avoid needlessly wasting men and matériel on inter-Clan fighting. A Cluster from each Clan landed on Avon and succeeded in conquering it.[9]

With the month of November nearly over, by some unknown means Theodore Kurita learned on the impending attack on his capital by the combined Clan forces. Though the source of his information was never identified, it was suspected that the Smoke Jaguar Khans leaked this information to him themselves. If true it would mean they had at least learned the usefulness of psychological warfare, hoping to demoralize their opponent by advertising their intent to strike at his very heart, or at the least hoping their warning would cause a further buildup in troops and increase the challenge of capturing the world. Regardless throughout December of 3051 the Smoke Jaguars conducted no further attacks, preparing themselves for the coming battle for Luthien. When the time came Khan Osis was overjoyed when ilKhan Kerensky gave him the honor of assuming overall command of the operation, not only looking forward to a true test of his warriors' mettle but the chance to earn enough political and military clout to challenge Kerensky for his position.[10]

The Battle of Luthien was the second-largest battle of the entire Clan Invasion, second only to the Battle of Tukayyid. In the end though the two-day battle was a total and bitter defeat for the Smoke Jaguars, having lost over fifty percent of their forces. It would take more than a month to recover not only their matériel losses but from the intense humiliation of their defeat. In the meantime they took their anger out on the populace of their occupied worlds and quarreled with Clan Nova Cat, accusing their merchants of gun-running for the rebels on Jaguar worlds. Though such activity was rumored to take place there was no hard evidence of such smuggling, and ilKhan Kerensky would not allow any Trials of Grievance so as to preserve the Clans' fighting strength. In the meantime under orders from DCMS High Command the Ryuken regiments stationed on Wolcott conducted lightning raids on nearby Jaguar worlds, both to destroy Clan supply caches and to arm the locals. This resulted in the Clan enacting even harsher punishments for those suspected or linked in any way to subversive activities and a blanket ban on fraternization between Clan personnel and the public.[11]

It wouldn't be until February of 3052 that the Smoke Jaguars resumed their Fifth Wave offensive, capturing five more worlds though at a far higher toll than expected; however all hope of catching up with Clan Wolf's stunning pace of success was lost. In a demoralized state from their defeats the Smoke Jaguar Khans welcomed the announcement by ilKhan Kerensky that the fate of the Inner Sphere would be decided in a proxy battle on Tukayyid. Distrustfully of anything which bore the fingerprints of the ilKhan and taken aback by the possibility of fifteen years of peace, they also saw it as an insult, an implication that they were unable to finish the job and would have to strike a bargain with a deceitful enemy. Nevertheless the Jaguar Khans also saw it as a chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the other Clans and in the end agreed to the terms.[11][12]

Smoke Jaguar operation in Wave Five

Wave Five
Date Location Attacker Defender Outcome
November 3051 Marshdale (DC) Delta Galaxy
3rd Jaguar Cavaliers
6th Ghost Regiment Smoke Jaguar Victory
November 3051 Labrea (DC) Alpha Galaxy
5th Jaguar Regulars
Trinary Assault
3rd Royal Labrean Defense Regiment Smoke Jaguar Victory
November 3051 Hyner (DC) Delta Galaxy
1st Striker Cluster
2nd Arkab Legion Smoke Jaguar Victory
November 3051 Outer Volta (DC) Shroud Keshik
Alpha Star
None Smoke Jaguar Victory
November 3051 Avon (DC) Clan Smoke Jaguar
Alpha Galaxy
5th Jaguar Regulars
Beta Galaxy
214th Jaguar Dragoons
Delta Galaxy
4th Jaguar Dragoons

Clan Nova Cat

Alpha Galaxy
449th Assault Cluster
Delta Galaxy
274th Battle Cluster
2nd Amphigean Light Assault Group Smoke Jaguar Victory
January 3052 Luthien (DC) Clan Smoke Jaguar
Alpha Galaxy
Beta Galaxy
Delta Galaxy

Clan Nova Cat

Alpha Galaxy
Delta Galaxy
Draconis Combine Order of Battle Combine Victory
February 3052 Yamarovka (DC) Alpha Galaxy
6th Jaguar Dragoons
Trinary Striker
Binary Elemental
Legion of Yamarovka Smoke Jaguar Victory
February 3052 Asgard (DC) Delta Galaxy
19th Striker Cluster
4th Jaguar Dragoons
3rd Benjamin Regulars Smoke Jaguar Victory
March 3052 Port Arthur (DC) Alpha Galaxy
Shroud Keshik,
7th Jaguar Dragoons
1st Proserpina Hussars Smoke Jaguar victory
March 3052 Kiamba (DC) Alpha Galaxy
Jaguar's Spirit Keshik
3rd Proserpina Hussars Smoke Jaguar Victory
April 3052 Tarazed (DC) Beta Galaxy
1st Jaguar Guards
Trinary Battle
Trinary Assault
7th Tarazed Armored Regiment
13th Tarazed Armored Regiment
Smoke Jaguar Victory



  1. 1.0 1.1 Invading Clans, p. 18
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Invading Clans, p. 53
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Invading Clans, p. 54
  4. 4.0 4.1 Invading Clans, p. 55
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Invading Clans, p. 56
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Invading Clans, p. 57
  7. Invading Clans, p. 58
  8. Invading Clans, p. 25
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Invading Clans, p. 59
  10. Invading Clans, p. 60
  11. 11.0 11.1 Invading Clans, p. 61
  12. Invading Clans, p. 116
