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The BattleTech universe is a diverse place, spanning more than a millennium of history and several thousand light years of space. From the nation states of the twentieth century up to the Republic of the Sphere of the thirty-second century, BattleTech spans myriads of places and trillions of people. Interstellar, succession, and civil wars, as well as fragmentation and infighting gave birth to countless factions, of which most are noted below.

Regions of Space[edit]

Inner Sphere[edit]

The Inner Sphere is the heart of the BattleTech universe. Centered on Terra, it stretches across roughly 500 light years in all directions. The most consolidated of all interstellar regions, the Inner Sphere is dominated by five Great Houses.[1]

Factions in the Inner Sphere
Inner Sphere States Republican Splinter States FWL Splinter States Inner Sphere Clans
Capellan Confederation Bannson's Raiders Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey Clan Hell's Horses
ComStar Dragon's Fury Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Clan Jade Falcon
Draconis Combine Spirit Cats Oriente Protectorate Clan Sea Fox
Federated Suns Steel Wolves Regulan Fiefs Clan Wolf
Lyran Commonwealth Stormhammers Rasalhague Dominion
Free Worlds League Tall Trees Union Raven Alliance


The Periphery refers to the region of space immediately surrounding the Inner Sphere. The border between Periphery and Inner Sphere is generally 450 - 550 light years away from Terra. The Periphery is surrounded by the Deep Periphery, though the borders for this region of space are more nebulous. The Periphery is littered with small colonies and a handful of interstellar nations.[1]

Factions in the Periphery
Calderon Protectorate Lothian League Rim Collection Tortuga Dominions
Filtvelt Coalition Magistracy of Canopus Rim Territories The Barrens
Fronc Reaches Marian Hegemony Taurian Concordat

Deep Periphery[edit]

The Deep Periphery refers to the depths of unexplored space and/or human colonized space located beyond the (known) coherent human sphere of influence, namely the Inner Sphere and the adjacent Periphery realms. Due to the vague nature of the term "Deep Periphery", there is no clearly defined beginning nor are there any boundaries.[2]

Factions in the Deep Periphery
Alfirk JàrnFòlk Nueva Castile
Chainelane Isles Hanseatic League Umayyad Caliphate
Scorpion Empire

Clan Homeworlds[edit]

The Clans were originally the self-exiled remnants of the Star League Defense Force. Traveling 2000 light years corewards, they colonized several worlds in the Kerensky Cluster. The exiles evolved into a warrior-based civilization that would sweep through the Inner Sphere like a whirlwind 250 years later.[3] The late 3050s saw the Absorption of Clan Burrock, Abjuration of Clan Nova Cat and the Annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar. After the Wars of Reaving, the division between the old Crusader-Warden views had died out and were replaced between Home and Invader Clans permanently. From this aftermath of that war, seven Clans were abjured, two were absorbed, three were destroyed, and three remain with one being created. As of 3085, this is the status of the remaining Clans.

Factions of the Clans
Inner Sphere Clans Home Clans Absorbed Clans Annihilated Clans Bandit Clans/Deep Periphery Clans
Clan Hell's Horses Clan Cloud Cobra Clan Burrock Clan Blood Spirit Clan Wolf-in-Exile
Clan Jade Falcon Clan Coyote Clan Ice Hellion Clan Fire Mandrill Escorpión Imperio/Scorpion Empire
Clan Diamond Shark Clan Star Adder Clan Smoke Jaguar Clan Nova Cat
Clan Wolf Clan Stone Lion Clan Steel Viper
Ghost Bear Dominion
Raven Alliance

Historical Factions[edit]

Early Spaceflight[edit]

Between the mid-twentieth and the early twenty-second century, Terra began a long process of political unification, first into the Western, then the Terran Alliance. At the same time, development of a practical Fusion Engine allowed for the first off-world colonies, on Luna, Mars, and Venus.[4]

Factions during the Early Spaceflight Era
Western Alliance Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Terran Alliance

First Exodus[edit]

After the success of the Deimos Project, the era of the First Exodus was one of rapid expansion and colonization - both sanctioned settlers and dissidents fleeing the increasingly repressive Terran Alliance had established 600 known colonies by 2235. The Outer Reaches Rebellion ended the First Exodus, as the Terran Alliance completely withdrew from its colonies.[5]

Factions during the First Exodus
Inner Sphere Deep Periphery
Terran Alliance Alfirk
Capellan Holdfast
Capellan Republic
Chesterton Trade League
Sarna Supremacy
Tikonov Union

Second Exodus[edit]

Due to the power vacuum of the Alliance's withdrawal, chaos and warfare broke out. Many colony worlds were no longer sustainable or subject to prolonged conflicts, their inhabitants again took to the stars, spreading even beyond the settlement boundary of the First Exodus. Meanwhile, the first true interstellar states formed, fought and absorbed each other until the Inner Sphere consolidated into an armed standoff between the six Great Houses.[6]

Factions during the Second Exodus
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery
Capellan Confederation Alliance of Galedon Illyrian Palatinate Alfirk
Draconis Combine Capellan Commonality Intendancy of New New Spain Autocracy of New Virginia
Federated Suns Capellan Hegemony Rim Worlds Republic Axumite Providence
Free Worlds League Chesterton Trade League Taurian Concordat
Lyran Commonwealth Chisholm Protectorate Taurian Homeworlds
Terran Hegemony Dieron Federation
Federation of Oriente
Federation of Skye
Ingersoll Concordium
Marik Commonwealth
Marlette Association
Muskegon Empire
Nanking Collective
Ozawa Mercantile Association
Principality of Rasalhague
Principality of Regulus
Protectorate of Donegal
Rasalhague Consortium
Republic of Marik
Sarna Supremacy
Sian Commonwealth
St. Ives Mercantile League
Stewart Commonality
Tamar Pact
Terran Alliance
Tikonov Union
Tikonov Grand Union
United Hindu Collective

Age of War[edit]

The Age of War began in 2398, when the Houses Liao and Marik fought over Andurien. Initial savagery was eventually followed by the ratification of the Ares Convention, a set of guidelines which made war much less brutal, but guaranteed it would become a near constant occurrence. Thanks to the Terran Hegemony's Strategy of Aggressive Peacemaking, the Age of War ended with the signing of the Star League treaties by the six Great Houses.[7]

Factions during the Age of War
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery
Capellan Confederation Principality of Rasalhague Illyrian Palatinate Alfirk
Draconis Combine United Hindu Collective Magistracy of Canopus Axumite Providence
Federated Suns Outworlds Alliance JàrnFòlk
Free Worlds League Rim Worlds Republic Nueva Castile
Lyran Commonwealth Taurian Concordat Virginian Union
Terran Hegemony

Star League Era[edit]

Formally unifying the Member States of the Inner Sphere in 2571 and officially subjugating the Territorial States of the Periphery in 2597, the Star League Era was one of overt peace and hidden wars. Later called a Golden Age by many, the Star League allowed for peace, prosperity, and significant technological progress. Weakened by a string of bad rulers, hidden wars, and unrest in the Territorial States, the Star League eventually collapsed after the Amaris Civil War.[8]

Factions during the Star League Era
Inner Sphere Periphery Deep Periphery
Capellan Confederation Circinus Federation Alexandrian Covenant
Draconis Combine Illyrian Palatinate Alfirk
Federated Suns Magistracy of Canopus Axumite Providence
Free Worlds League Outworlds Alliance JàrnFòlk
Lyran Commonwealth Rim Worlds Republic New Delphi Compact
Star League Taurian Concordat Nueva Castile
Terran Hegemony Tortuga Dominions

Golden Century[edit]

After the fall of the Star League, Operation Exodus of the Star League Defense Force led them into the Kerensky Cluster, where they settled down. After falling into civil war and a second Operation Exodus, the remaining loyalist SLDF forces reorganized themselves into the Clans and retook their war-stricken worlds. The Golden Century was the following period filled with unprecedented growth, technological progress, and a maturation of each Clan's individual self-identity.[3]

Factions during the Golden Century
Crusader Clans Warden Clans Abolished Clans
Clan Blood Spirit Clan Cloud Cobra Clan Mongoose
Clan Fire Mandrill Clan Coyote Clan Widowmaker
Clan Hell's Horses Clan Ghost Bear Clan Wolverine
Clan Ice Hellion Clan Goliath Scorpion
Clan Jade Falcon Clan Nova Cat
Clan Smoke Jaguar Clan Sea Fox
Clan Star Adder Clan Snow Raven
Clan Burrock Clan Steel Viper
Clan Wolf

Succession Wars[edit]

After the collapse of the Star League and the exodus of the SLDF, the five remaining Great Houses - after dividing the remaining Terran Hegemony among each other - began a series of brutal wars to claim the position of First Lord. The first two Succession Wars, apocalyptic conflicts encompassing the entire Inner Sphere, brought technological knowledge down to levels last seen on pre-spaceflight Terra, and only the establishment of ComStar on independent Terra prevented a total collapse of interstellar communication. The Third Succession War became an endless downward grind, led by neo-feudalistic MechWarrior families and covertly helped along by the increasingly corrupt ComStar. It was only the Fourth Succession War that brought a fragile peace and a new status quo to the Inner Sphere - the victorious powers of the Federated Commonwealth (at the time merely an alliance between Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth) against the Concord of Kapteyn of Free Worlds League, Capellan Confederation, and Draconis Combine.[9]

Factions during the Succession Wars
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery
Capellan Confederation Duchy of Andurien Aurigan Coalition Alexandrian Covenant
ComStar Free Rasalhague Republic Circinus Federation Alfirk
Draconis Combine St. Ives Compact Elysian Fields Axumite Providence
Federated Suns Tikonov Free Republic Greater Valkyrate Chainelane Isles
Free Worlds League Illyrian Palatinate Coreward Confederacy
Lyran Commonwealth Lothian League Hanseatic League
Magistracy of Canopus JàrnFòlk
Marian Hegemony New Delphi Compact
Niops Association Nueva Castile
Oberon Confederation Umayyad Caliphate
Outworlds Alliance Union of Samoyedic Colonies
Rim Collection Virginian Union
Taurian Concordat
Tortuga Dominions

Clan Invasion[edit]

After almost three centuries in exile, the Clans returned to the Inner Sphere in a coordinated drive towards Terra until losing a Trial on the planet Tukayyid, agreeing to a fifteen-year truce. With the Clan threat temporarily eliminated, the Great Houses went back to fighting each other - the barely established Federated Commonwealth broke apart again, the Word of Blake led an Exodus out of ComStar, and an entire region of space descended into anarchy. When the hastily established Second Star League managed to destroy Clan Smoke Jaguar during the Refusal War, the Clan invasion was finally over, but the problems in the Inner Sphere were only beginning to escalate.[10]

Factions during the Clan Invasion
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery Invading Clans
Capellan Confederation Arc-Royal Defense Cordon Circinus Federation Alexandrian Covenant Clan Diamond Shark
ComStar Clan Wolf-in-Exile Illyrian Palatinate Alfirk Clan Ghost Bear
Draconis Combine Duchy of Small Lothian League Axumite Providence Clan Jade Falcon
Federated Commonwealth Free Rasalhague Republic Magistracy of Canopus Chainelane Isles Clan Nova Cat
Free Worlds League Saiph Triumvirate Marian Hegemony Coreward Confederacy Clan Smoke Jaguar
Lyran Alliance Sarna Supremacy Outworlds Alliance Hanseatic League Clan Steel Viper
Second Star League St. Ives Compact Rim Collection JàrnFòlk Clan Wolf
Word of Blake Sirian Holds Taurian Concordat New Delphi Compact
Styk Commonality Nueva Castile
Terracap Confederation Umayyad Caliphate
Union of Samoyedic Colonies

Civil War Era[edit]

Nominally a civil war between the two halves of the sundered Federated Commonwealth, the Civil War quickly degenerated into a conflict involving all major Inner Sphere powers, an innumerable amount of mercenary units, and several of the relocated Clans. At the end of the conflict, the Federated Commonwealth was gone forever, with the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth being recreated by their new rulers.[11]

Factions during the Civil War Era
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery Inner Sphere Clans
Capellan Confederation Arc-Royal Defense Cordon Circinus Federation Alexandrian Covenant Clan Diamond Shark
ComStar Clan Wolf-in-Exile Fronc Reaches Alfirk Clan Jade Falcon
Draconis Combine Duchy of Small Magistracy of Canopus Axumite Providence Clan Hell's Horses
Federated Commonwealth Free Rasalhague Republic Marian Hegemony Chainelane Isles Clan Nova Cat
Free Worlds League Saiph Triumvirate Outworlds Alliance Coreward Confederacy Clan Wolf
Lyran Alliance Sirian Holds Rim Collection Hanseatic League Ghost Bear Dominion
Second Star League Styk Commonality Taurian Concordat JàrnFòlk
Word of Blake Terracap Confederation New Delphi Compact
Nueva Castile
Umayyad Caliphate
Union of Samoyedic Colonies


The Word of Blake Jihad began as an impulsive reaction by the Word of Blake after the fall of the Second Star League in 3067. It eventually escalated into a series of conflicts between most major Inner Sphere and Periphery factions, leaving several realms (last among them the Word of Blake itself) utterly destroyed. United in a fragile coalition, the Anti-Word of Blake forces eventually forced the Word back unto Terra itself, which was finally reclaimed in 3078.[12]

Factions during the Jihad
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery Inner Sphere Clans
Capellan Confederation Abbey District Calderon Protectorate Alexandrian Covenant Clan Jade Falcon
ComStar Azami Brotherhood Circinus Federation Alfirk Clan Diamond Shark
Draconis Combine Clan Wolf-in-Exile Fiefdom of Randis Axumite Providence Clan Hell's Horses
Federated Suns Duchy of Andurien Filtvelt Coalition Chainelane Isles Clan Nova Cat
Free Worlds League Duchy of Graham-Marik Magistracy of Canopus Coreward Confederacy Clan Snow Raven
Lyran Alliance Duchy of Oriente Malagrotta Cooperative Hanseatic League Clan Wolf
Word of Blake Duchy of Orloff Marian Hegemony JàrnFòlk Ghost Bear Dominion
Duchy of Tamarind Niops Association New Delphi Compact
Free Rasalhague Republic Outworlds Alliance Nueva Castile
Kittery Prefecture Rim Collection Umayyad Caliphate
Marik Commonwealth Taurian Concordat Union of Samoyedic Colonies
Mosiro Archipelago Tortuga Dominions
Ohrenson-Zion Province
Principality of Gibson
Principality of Regulus
The Protectorate
Regulan Free States
Silver Hawks Coalition
Stewart Commonality

Republic Era[edit]

The Republic era began with the birth of the nation known as the Republic of the Sphere, and ended with the widespread collapse of the bulk of the HPG network across human space in 3130.[13]

Factions during the Republic Era
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery Inner Sphere Clans
Capellan Confederation Clan Wolf-in-Exile Calderon Protectorate Alexandrian Covenant Clan Diamond Shark
Draconis Combine Duchy of Andurien Ferris Collective Alfirk Clan Hell's Horses
Federated Suns Duchy of Graham-Marik Fiefdom of Randis Axumite Providence Clan Jade Falcon
Lyran Alliance Duchy of Oriente Filtvelt Coalition Chainelane Isles Clan Nova Cat
Lyran Commonwealth Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey Fronc Reaches Coreward Confederacy Clan Sea Fox
Republic of the Sphere Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Lothian League Escorpión Imperio Clan Snow Raven
Mosiro Archipelago Magistracy of Canopus Hanseatic League Clan Wolf
Principality of Regulus Marian Hegemony JàrnFòlk Ghost Bear Dominion
The Protectorate New Oberon Confederation New Delphi Compact
Rasalhague Dominion Niops Association Nueva Castile
Regulan Free States Outworlds Alliance Umayyad Caliphate
Regulan Fiefs Ragnarök Union Union of Samoyedic Colonies
Rim Commonality Raven Alliance
Silver Hawks Coalition Republic of the Barrens
Rim Collection
Taurian Concordat
Tortuga Dominions

Dark Age Era[edit]

The Dark Age era began with the widespread collapse of the bulk of the HPG network across human space in 3130.[13]

Factions during the Dark age Era
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery Inner Sphere Clans
Capellan Confederation Clan Wolf-in-Exile Calderon Protectorate Alexandrian Covenant Clan Sea Fox
Draconis Combine Duchy of Andurien Ferris Collective Alfirk Clan Hell's Horses
Federated Suns Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey Fiefdom of Randis Axumite Providence Clan Jade Falcon
Free Worlds League Galatean League Filtvelt Coalition Chainelane Isles Clan Nova Cat
Lyran Commonwealth Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Fronc Reaches Coreward Confederacy
Republic of the Sphere Rasalhague Dominion Lothian League Escorpión Imperio
Regulan Fiefs Magistracy of Canopus Hanseatic League
Republic Remnant Marian Hegemony JàrnFòlk
Rim Commonality New Oberon Confederation New Delphi Compact
Wolf Empire Niops Association Union of Samoyedic Colonies
Tortuga Dominions
Ragnarök Union
Raven Alliance
Republic of the Barrens
Rim Collection
Rim Territories
Taurian Concordat

ilClan Era[edit]

Following the the ilClan Trial between Clan Wolf and Jade Falcon, a new era emerged in 3151.

Factions during the ilClan Era
Inner Sphere (Major) Inner Sphere (Minor) Periphery Deep Periphery Inner Sphere Clans
Capellan Confederation Tamar Pact Calderon Protectorate Alexandrian Covenant Clan Sea Fox
Draconis Combine Duchy of Andurien Ferris Collective Alfirk Clan Hell's Horses
Federated Suns Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey Fiefdom of Randis Axumite Providence Clan Jade Falcon
Free Worlds League Galatean League Filtvelt Coalition Chainelane Isles Clan Nova Cat
Lyran Commonwealth Marik-Stewart Commonwealth Fronc Reaches Coreward Confederacy
Star League Rasalhague Dominion Lothian League Scorpion Empire
Regulan Fiefs Magistracy of Canopus Home Clans
Tamar Pact Marian Hegemony JàrnFòlk
Rim Commonality New Oberon Confederation New Delphi Compact
Wolf Empire Niops Association Union of Samoyedic Colonies
Vesper Marches Tortuga Dominions
Alyina Mercantile League Ragnarök Union
Arc-Royal Liberty Coalition Raven Alliance
Clan Jade Falcon Remnants Republic of the Barrens
Timbuktu Collective
Rim Territories
Taurian Concordat


Modern mercenaries have their root in the chaos of the Second Exodus, when they were commonly used in the hundreds of border conflicts between the emerging statelets. In use during the hidden wars of the Star League members, mercenary units began to multiply both in numbers and power since the beginning of the Succession Wars. Even in later eras, mercenaries retained their prominent role in military conflicts.[14]

Notable Mercenary Units
21st Centauri Lancers Hansen's Roughriders McCarron's Armored Cavalry Team Banzai
Black Thorns Hell's Black Aces Miller's Marauders Waco Rangers
Eridani Light Horse Illician Lancers Northwind Highlanders Wannamaker's Widowmakers
Gray Death Legion Kell Hounds Snord's Irregulars Wolf's Dragoons
Ronin (Mercenary Command)


Other notable factions
Philosophies Corporations Conspiracies
Cult of the Saints Cameron Interstellar Expeditions Brotherhood of Cincinnatus
Far Lookers Irian Technologies Davion Warriors' Cabal
Inheritors Sixth of June
One Star Faith


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Periphery, Second Edition, p. 6
  2. Explorer Corps, p. 13
  3. 3.0 3.1 Invading Clans, pp. 16, 84, 108, 133–134
  4. DropShips and JumpShips: ComStar Intelligence Summary, pp. 5–8
  5. The Periphery, First Edition, pp. 12–14
  6. The Periphery, First Edition, pp. 14–19
  7. The Star League, pp. 28–35
  8. The Star League, pp. 37–98
  9. Shattered Sphere, pp. 7–8
  10. FedCom Civil War, pp. 13–16
  11. FedCom Civil War, p. 180
  12. Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, p. 130
  13. 13.0 13.1 Catalyst Game Labs' forum: "Topic: The Republic era?" (archived)
  14. Field Manual: Mercenaries, pp. 7–9
