Invasion corridor - Clan Wolf
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Order of Battle[edit]
- Clan Command
- Golden Keshik
- Clan Wolf Naval Reserve
BattleMechs | Elementals | Fighters | WarShips | JumpShips | DropShips | |
Golden Keshik | 8 | 25 | 6 | X | X | X |
Naval Reserve | X | X | X | X | 20 | 105 |
Alpha | 215 | 325 | 60 | 1 | 6 | 29 |
Beta | 183 | 220 | 56 | 1 | 10 | 28 |
Gamma | 153 | 245 | 104 | X | 12 | 30 |
Delta | 128 | 270 | 146 | X | 13 | 27 |
Epsilon | 120 | 525 | 210 | X | 21 | 23 |
Total | 807 | 1610 | 582 | 2 | 82 | 242 |
When the Grand Council began debating how to execute Operation REVIVAL, it was eventually decided that four Clans would directly take part in the invasion with a fifth held in reserve. While there was much debate and Trials held to determine who among the Clans would participate it was agreed that Clan Wolf, guardians of the Kerensky Bloodname and thus the living soul of the Clans, was guaranteed one of those positions. With the resolution of the combat trials the other three spots in the invasion went to strong Crusader Clans - Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Smoke Jaguar and Clan Ghost Bear - while the moderate Warden Clan Steel Viper earned the reserve spot.[5]
A basic plan of attack was hammered out in the Grand Council, assigning each of the four invading Clans a "corridor" to operate in. While the other three Clans underwent a bidding process to determine who would operate in which corridor, ilKhan Leo Showers made a surprising proclamation by assigning Clan Wolf to the corridor mostly covering the Free Rasalhague Republic and only barely crossing the border of the Federated Commonwealth. This shamed Clan Wolf by denying them the chance to invade the more-powerful Commonwealth or Draconis Combine on their own and straddled them with what was considered a weak opponent, unlikely to offer much potential for winning glory. To add insult to injury the ilKhan further announced that he would operate his headquarters aboard the Clan Wolf flagship Dire Wolf, implying that the Wolves with their suspect loyalties needed supervision (earlier ilKhan Leo Showers had transmitted the recall order to Wolf's Dragoons, a Clan Wolf reconnaissance unit which had gone rogue, to suggest the same betrayal on Clan Wolf's part; only Natasha Kerensky as the last remaining Trueborn in Wolf's Dragoons answered the order).[5]
The initial plan for the Wolf invasion corridor was considered unremarkable, a result of the Clan's indecisive feelings on the invasion. Despite their status as a Warden Clan and the feelings of Khan Ulric Kerensky that the invasion was wrong, there was a strong contingent of Crusaders led by saKhan Garth Radick who not only felt otherwise but wished to prove on the battlefield their right to participate in the invasion. In the end an accord was eventually reached between the two sides: the best way to get back at the ilKhan and the other Clans for putting them in this position was to beat them at their own game and for Clan Wolf to reach Terra first.[6]
Invasion Route[edit]
Periphery Action (August – September 3049)[edit]
En route to the Inner Sphere the Clan invasion forces first came upon the desolate worlds of the Periphery. Thanks to petitioning of the various Khans, the ilKhan agreed to declare the Periphery open to bidding by all of the Clans, allowing each the chance to conquer worlds regardless of the assigned corridors. Thus the Ghost Bear Clan was able to bid to invade the Elysian Fields, a trio of worlds which lay within the Wolf Clan corridor. The Wolves did not oppose their bid and the local governments of those worlds gave up without a fight, although in the end the promise of undiscovered Star League technology proved all for naught and the Ghost Bears did not bother to even leave behind garrison forces.[7]
Elsewhere Clan Wolf warriors encountered "errants," solitary mercenaries operating in the Periphery with dilapidated BattleMechs and aerospace fighters. They proved no match for Clan warriors and only reinforced the belief that the Clan invasion was destined for success. As Clan forces came closer to the Inner Sphere, they encountered slightly more opposition, although nothing larger than a regiment and in little better fighting condition, as well as ComStar. By quickly seizing the HPG facilities and preventing all ships from leaving conquered systems, the Wolves and other Clans were successful in preventing word of their approach from reaching the Inner Sphere.[6]
The most significant opposition faced by Clan Wolf came from the Oberon Confederation, a pirate kingdom ruled by Hendrik Grimm III. By analyzing their battles with the Oberon forces, Clan Wolf gleaned vital information on how the Inner Sphere fought, in particular after their action against the Kell Hounds' Third Battalion on The Rock; it was during this battle that Phelan Kell was taken as isorla by Clan Wolf, although the significance of this would not be known until much later. Clan Wolf was sufficiently impressed by the skill of the Kell Hounds to realize their misconceptions about how easy the coming invasion was and willingly shared their data from these battles with the other Clans so that they could study the Inner Sphere fighting style themselves. Unfortunately for the most part the other Clans were unimpressed and noted only the Spheroids' lack of honor in their fights with Clan Wolf.[6][8][9]
With the last Periphery world taken the Clans halted to consolidate their position, set up supply depots on specific worlds and debrief their warriors. ComStar, which had received messages from their ROM agents in the Periphery about the invasion, decided it was best to treat with these new arrivals and began dispatching diplomatic feelers to the Clans. In January 3050, Anastasius Focht was appointed ambassador to the Clans and worked out an arrangement whereby ComStar would left alone in exchange for suppressing news related to the Clan invasion, assist in administrating occupied worlds and on occasion pass on military intelligence to the Clans.[9][10]
Date | Location | Attacker | Defender | Outcome |
August 3049 | Blackstone (OC) | Beta Galaxy | Blackstone Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3049 | Drask's Den (OC) | Delta Galaxy | Drask's Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3049 | Placida (OC) | Gamma Galaxy | Placidia Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3049 | Ferris (OC) | Alpha Galaxy | Ferris Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3049 | The Rock (OC) | Alpha Galaxy | 1st Battalion Ryan's Rebels 3rd Battalion 1st Kell Hounds |
Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3049 | Butte Hold (GV) | Gamma Galaxy
None | Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3049 | Crellacor (OC) | Gamma Galaxy | 3rd Oberon Guards Crellacor Guards |
Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3049 | Gustrell (OC) | Delta Galaxy
Gustrell Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3049 | Oberon VI (OC) | Delta Galaxy | 1st Oberon Guards Oberon Militia |
Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3049 | Paulus Prime (OC) | Beta Galaxy | Paulus Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3049 | Sigurd (OC) | Delta Galaxy | Sigurd Guards | Clan Wolf Victory |
First Wave (March – April 3050)[edit]
“ | "I am Star Colonel Jera Carns of the Fourth Wolf Guards. What forces defend this world?"
"I, Colonel Hannah Caitlin, commander of the Third Regiment of the Twelfth Star Guards, command here and stand ready to repulse any invaders. I demand you further identify yourself. I am not familiar with a merc unit called the Wolf Guards. Which House do you-" "We are not honorless mercenaries, nor are we in the employ of any of your corrupt Houses. Our identity is stated. You will either inform me immediately of the composition of your forces or I will be forced to attack without the honor of the batchall and with all the forces at my disposal. You have one minute." --Transcript of Clan Wolf batchall for Icar, 20 March, 3050[11] |
” |
The invasion of the Inner Sphere proper commenced in March 3050, with Clan Wolf invading six worlds of the Republic and two of the Commonwealth. In the face of their superior technology and fighting skills most of the resistance on these planets was ill-prepared and ineffective. Those who weren't killed or taken as isorla were forced to retreat off-world. Once resistance was swiftly crushed second-line units were left as garrison forces while the frontline troops moved on.[12]
The easiest battles came on the worlds of the Republic, where the primary defenders were mercenaries. Both the public and the government of the Republic hated the fact that they had to rely on mercenaries for their defense and so provided little support or cooperation; most of the defenders simply collapsed at the first sight of Clan Wolf. The forces of the Commonwealth benefited from superior training, morale and experience after fighting in the previous Fourth Succession War and War of 3039, although these factors only allowed them to survive slightly longer against the Wolves.[12]
The first wave went exactly as predicted, and thus required no official reaction from the Wolf leadership. Among individual warriors there was a sense of awe, being the first Clan warriors in centuries to set foot again in the Inner Sphere. Many sat in quiet contemplation of the beauty surrounding them where scant hours before they had viciously hunted down the last remaining defenders of a world.[12]
Second Wave (May 3050)[edit]
The second wave of the invasion began just a week after the end of the first, all against worlds of the Rasalhague Republic. The Wolves' victories during this wave were helped in no small part by the ineffectual response of the Republic. At first the governments of the Inner Sphere were too stunned to react, receiving little information about what was going on thanks to ComStar and unwilling to believe what news did reach them. While the other realms were able to overcome their initial shock the Republic was hampered by a severe disagreement between Elected Prince Haakon Magnusson and Överbefälhavare Christian Månsdottir, Commander-in-Chief of the KungsArmé.[13]
Where the Prince wanted all forces to stand their ground and fight, Månsdottir believed they needed to fall back to Rasalhague and defend the capital. Their impasse caused them to turn to the legislature, which wasted weeks debating the issue before Magnusson agreed to his opponent's strategy. However he vetoed the idea of calling on the other realms for assistance in the belief it would be seen as a sign of weakness. Thus while the defenders of those worlds attacked during the second wave did the best they could, they received no support from the government due to this paralysis and fell all the swifter because of it.[13]
Third Wave (June – July 3050)[edit]
When Khan Ulric Kerensky released his plan for the third wave in late May, it caught the notice of the other Clans and represented a distinct shift in Clan Wolf strategy. With this plan Clan Wolf would not only take the lead by attacking eleven worlds instead of just six but had its sights clearly set on the capital world of Rasalhague. The other Khans reacted with some skepticism to this plan, believing the accelerated timetable would fail and leave Clan Wolf disorganized and demoralized with shame. While an entertaining thought, they also feared this result would give the Inner Sphere an opportunity to seize back the initiative and so advised without success that the Wolf Khans pull back. In the end although he had the right to change or cancel it ilKhan Leo Showers allowed their plan to stand.[14]
While the warriors of Clan Wolf were excited at the prospect of new combat opportunities, the merchants were far more worried about the increased timetable's effect on the movement of supplies. However Khan Ulric Kerensky had already accounted for their logistical concerns in his plan and resolved them in a most daring if creative manner. Clan Wolf JumpShips carrying tons of supplies would travel deep into enemy territory, moving through uninhabited systems to avoid detection, then deposit their cargo hidden among asteroids, set into orbit of or placed on the surface of barren worlds. With forward supply depots set up inside enemy territory the supply lines were drastically shortened and Wolf units would be able to conduct operations at a much faster pace.[14]
The plan had enormous risks associated with it since there was a chance of these depots being discovered and the Inner Sphere acquiring advanced Clan technology. It also spoke to the strong intercaste bond found within Clan Wolf and the ability of Khan Ulric Kerensky to persuade his merchants to undertake such a dangerous assignment. Ulric Kerensky's concern for logistical matters also contrasted with the other Khans, who paid little heed to such things and often believed they needed no more than one or two ammunition reloads to take a planet. Their folly already caused them to wait longer for their merchant ships to bring supplies up from the rear and would come back to haunt them in the future.[14]
The third wave began on 5 June with the mass launch of the Wolf supply ships and proceeded according to schedule, getting closer to Rasalhague with each passing day. This greatly perturbed the Ghost Bear Khans, who had already lost face by being forced to call in the Steel Vipers to garrison their worlds and could only watch as one of their traditional enemies race ahead with mounting success. Even more so it had been agreed previously that, since Rasalhague was on the border between their corridors, the two Clans would bid for the right to invade the planet during the fifth wave. Faced with only one possible choice and at the supposed goading from ilKhan Leo Showers, the Ghost Bears agreed to challenge the Wolves' right to invade Rasalhague.[14][15]
After much delay, one which had been approved by the ilKhan and forced the Wolves to keep a full Galaxy in reserve in case they won, the bidding took place on 7 July aboard the Dire Wolf. In what was regarded as a textbook example of the bidding process the two Clans fiercely bid against each other for the right to invade Rasalhague. When the bid fell below the cutdown of five Clusters plus support the assembled observers were surprised as the process continued: it was clear Clan Wolf wanted to win regardless of the outcome, and Clan Ghost Bear was now willing to push the bid as low as possible before conceding. In the end Clan Wolf won but at seemingly great cost: they would attempt to conquer the Republic's capital with no more than three Clusters, an impossible proposition to those assembled. Luckily the Wolves had Phelan Kell to advise them on their invasion, and the successful Battle of Rasalhague would demonstrate the skill and cunning of Clan Wolf.[15][16]
Date | Location | Attacker | Defender | Outcome |
June 3050 | Bruben (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
1st Bruben Dragoons 1st Bruben Civil Militia 3rd Bruben Civil Militia |
Clan Wolf Victory |
June 3050 | Hermagor (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
Hermagor People's Militia | Clan Wolf Victory |
June 3050 | Kirchbach (FRR) | Alpha Galaxy | 3rd Kavalleri 1st Kirchbach Armored Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
June 3050 | Liezen (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | 1st Liezen Armored Brigade 2nd Fighter Wing |
Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Feltre (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | Feltre Freemen Division | Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Harvest (FRR) | Beta Galaxy | 1st Royal Harvest Division 2nd Royal Harvest Division |
Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Mozirje (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy
Mozirje Red Division | Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Planting (FC) | Beta Galaxy
41st Avalon Hussars RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Rasalhague (FRR) | Alpha Galaxy
Beta Galaxy |
1st Drakøns 2nd Drakøns 1st Freemen 3rd Freemen Assorted Regiments from Rasalhague |
Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Ridderkerk (FC) | Alpha Galaxy
1st Lyran Regulars RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Vantaa (FC) | Gamma Galaxy | 10th Donegal Guards RCT (surviving 2/3rds) Alpha & Bravo Battalions, 3rd Regiment, 12th Star Guards |
Clan Wolf Victory |
Fourth Wave (July – October 3050)[edit]
With the success of the Rasalhague invasion and the end of their accelerated third wave, the other invading Clans expected Clan Wolf to undergo the normal rest-and-refit period as had been agreed upon during preliminary planning. Much to their chagrin the Wolves instead announced the start of their fourth wave in mid-July with the targeting of sixteen worlds. The Wolf Clan's plan to be the first to reach to reach Terra was now plain for the other Khans to see.[16]
Since the Wolves were not technically disobeying any orders or violating any traditions ilKhan Showers could not outright stop their advance, but he did attempt to slow them down by denying the use of Provisional Garrison Clusters, second-line occupation forces, on the basis that they had not been included in any of the original bids. Both Wolf Khans protested the ilKhan's hypocrisy, citing that he already had approved the use of PGCs by his own Smoke Jaguars, and the Jade Falcon Khans argued that, short of calling in more Clans, authorizing the use of PGCs was perhaps the only way for them to catch up with Clan Wolf. Reluctantly the ilKhan was forced to agree and approved the usage of PGCs in late August.[16]
The fourth wave came to a successful conclusion in October following the fall of Radstadt, with Clan Wolf in control of nearly twice as many worlds as the Jade Falcons or Smoke Jaguars. Only the Ghost Bears had come anywhere close to matching the number of worlds the Wolves controlled but they were hampered by heavy guerrilla resistance in their Occupation Zone. The Wolves' success was attributable to Khan Ulric Kerensky's order to increase the flow of supplies from the Homeworlds and the institution of the Logistics Augmentation Program. Under LAP those items which didn't require the advanced technology of the Clans to produce, including foodstuffs and clothing, were procured from local sources and their owners compensated with redeemable vouchers. This freed up valuable space transport to carry only the most necessary and advanced technical items from the Clan worlds; while the other Khans saw the value in this program, most were too disgusted at the idea of using "corrupted" Inner Sphere matériel to institute it themselves at the time.[17][18]
The speed and success of Clan Wolf's advanced forced the ilKhan's hand and in an attempt to slow them down ordered a convening of the Grand Council aboard the Dire Wolf on 1 November. Although it was unclear what Leo Showers' plan was, it was assumed he would attempt to censure or even remove Ulric Kerensky from his position. Ulric Kerensky agreed to the meeting with the request that it take place in the newly conquered Radstadt system and that the other Khans arrive is smaller ships so as to not attract any attention. Everything was in place when on 31 October fate intervened.[18]
The Dire Wolf was in the Radstadt system when suddenly a small flotilla of Rasalhague ships jumped in and launched fighters at the WarShip. This was not a deliberate ambush however but an act of desperation: among the ships was the Norseman transporting Elected Prince Magnusson, who had taken flight following the fall of Rasalhague and sought the supposed safety of the Radstadt system. The entire AeroWing of the First Drakøns was scrambled for a suicidal attack in order to buy the Elected Prince's ship enough time to recharge its Lithium-Fusion Batteries and escape. Taken by surprise the Clan's response to the attack was disorganized but slowly began to gain the advantage over the Flying Drakøns until finally the Norseman made the jump. Their task complete and deaths assured the surviving Flying Drakøns made one final attack on the Dire Wolf. Kapten Tyra Miraborg, her Shilone severely damaged, delivered the critical blow by flying straight into the Dire Wolf's bridge where ilKhan Leo Showers, Khan Ulric Kerensky and the senior officers were watching the battle. While Leo Showers and many of the officers were killed by the kamikaze attack, Kerensky was saved thanks to the efforts of Phelan Kell.[18][19]
Date | Location | Attacker | Defender | Outcome |
July 3050 | Dawn (FRR) | Delta Galaxy | 1st Dawn Planetary Guard Regiment 4th Dawn Planetary Guard Regiment 6th Dawn Planetary Guard Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | New Oslo (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
1st New Oslo Armored Division GKT Volunteer Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
July 3050 | Unzmarkt (FRR) | Delta Galaxy | Unzmarkt Free Rebel Armored Division | Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3050 | Basiliano (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | 3rd Kavalleri 1st Basiliano Mechanized Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3050 | Ferleiten (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | None | Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3050 | Hohenems (FRR) | Delta Galaxy | 1st Hohenems Militia Brigade 2nd Hohenems Militia Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
August 3050 | Kufstein (FRR) | Delta Galaxy
1st Kufstein Planetary Guard Brigade 4th Kufstein Planetary Guard Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
August-September 3050 | Engadin (FRR) | Beta Galaxy | 1st Engadin Home Defense Brigade 3rd Engadin Home Defense Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3050 | Dell (FC) | Alpha Galaxy | 24th Arcturan Guards RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3050 | Kandis (FRR) | Beta Galaxy | 3rd Freemen 1st Kandis Mechanized Brigade 2nd Kandis Mechanized Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3050 | Svarstaad (FC) | Alpha Galaxy
Svarstaad Planetary Militia | Clan Wolf Victory |
September 3050 | Vulcan (FC) | Alpha Galaxy | 1st Vulcan Armored Brigade 2nd Vulcan Armored Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
October 3050 | Moritz (FRR) | Delta Galaxy
Moritz Defense Brigade | Clan Wolf Victory |
October 3050 | Radstadt (FRR) | Delta Galaxy
4th Drakøns 1st Radstadt Militia Division 2nd Radstadt Militia Division 3rd Radstadt Militia Division |
Clan Wolf Victory |
October 3050 | Skokie (FRR) | Delta Galaxy
1st Skokie Militia Tank Regiment 2nd Skokie Militia Tank Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
October 3050 | Stanzach (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | 1st Stanzach Armored Division | Clan Wolf Victory |
Election of a New IlKhan[edit]
The death of Leo Showers literally brought the invasion of the Inner Sphere to a halt. When the Grand Council met the day after the attack, it was to discuss their next step. Many Khans wished to launch a retaliatory attack to punish the Inner Sphere for the ilKhan's death, although they came to realize that the one person truly responsible was already dead. It was then that the Steel Viper Khan Perigard Zalman who pointed out the obvious truth: a new ilKhan would have to be elected, if only to maintain what little cooperation between the invading Clans there was, but this would require a consultation with all of the Bloodnamed warriors. The invasion force would have to return to Clan space and conduct a vote on Strana Mechty. Despite some objection the decision was made and on 1 December the invading Clans' Bloodnamed met on Paulus Prime to begin their long journey while the warriors without Bloodnames remained. The garrison forces were supported by Com Guard units while ComStar did what it could to cover up their departure.[20]
During the journey back to Strana Mechty the Crusader Khans conspired to get back at Clan Wolf and specifically Khan Kerensky. Upon their return to Clan space, a memorial was held for Leo Showers and two days later on 28 February 3051 the Grand Council met to resolve their issues over the next three and a half months. The first part of the Crusaders' conspiracy, led by Khan Lincoln Osis of the Smoke Jaguars, manifested when they accused Khan Kerensky of being responsible in the death of Leo Showers. Khan Osis made the mistake however of allowing Phelan Kell to testify during the trial, whereupon the freeborn's testimony utterly destroyed the Crusaders' case. Their first attempt at Kerensky foiled, they launched the second and more surprising part of their conspiracy: electing him as the new ilKhan. Kerensky's nomination was quickly seconded and approved by the Grand Council.[20][21]
As ilKhan Kerensky was now honor-bound to prosecute the invasion to the fullest of his abilities so long as the Crusaders controlled the council, and his position as senior Khan of Clan Wolf was now open for another Crusader-minded warrior, such a Conal Ward or Mikel Furey, to join saKhan Radick. Rather than play their game, however, ilKhan Kerensky turned the situation around to his advantage. First he made the surprise nomination of Natasha Kerensky as his replacement and his decision was confirmed when Natasha passed her Trial of Position in spectacular fashion. Second he activated Clan Nova Cat and Clan Diamond Shark to join the invasion, then respectively paired the Nova Cats and Steel Vipers with the Smoke Jaguars and Jade Falcons while the Diamond Sharks remained in reserve. Ostensibly this was to assist those two Clans in catching up with Clan Wolf's but it also meant they would have to give up some of their worlds to the newcomers.[21][22]
For the next few months preparations were made to return to the Inner Sphere, with ilKhan Kerensky urging the other Clans to pay more heed to logistical matters and adopt the Wolves' LAP program, which itself was expanded to include the requisition of commercial liners to move troops and supplies. For the most part the traditional taboo of an ilKhan meddling in internal affairs and fierce competition between the Clans meant much of his advice was ignored. By late July, the Clans were ready and with much less fanfare began their journey back to the Inner Sphere, finally arriving in October.[22]
Fifth Wave (November 3051 – April 3052)[edit]
On 7 November, Clan Wolf resumed their attack by targeting the most heavily defended Commonwealth worlds of Tamar, Sevren, and Laurent to test the strength of their foe after a year of peace and hopefully demoralize them with early major defeats. The Wolves debuted a few new strategies of their own in the firth wave, the first of which was an end to competitive bidding: if more troops meant a quicker defeat of the enemy then more troops were used. Second was the introduction of Headerhunter units whose mission was to infiltrate the enemy's rear and decapitate their command structure, resulting in the collapse of entire formations.[23]
The newfound cooperation between the Inner Sphere realms had given them the tools and training necessary to better counter the Clans, but it was still sheer numbers which provided the only real advantage they had, and on many worlds that was still not enough. Clan Wolf continued their conquest at a breakneck pace, swallowing up worlds of the Federated Commonwealth and what remained of the Rasalhague Republic. Their invasion of Satalice brought particularly grim news to the Elected Prince when his son, Prince Ragnar Magnusson, was captured by Khan Natasha Kerensky's Wolf Spiders. In addition Clan Wolf had previously captured his longtime rival Månsdottir and was apparently discussing the former general's role as civilian leader for the Wolf Occupation Zone. As January 3052 dawned, it appeared nothing could stop Clan Wolf from reaching Terra.[23]
That month ComStar's Primus Myndo Waterly and Focht met with the ilKhan on Satalice and learned from him the true goal of the Clan invasion. Horrified that the Clans sought to conquer the heart of their empire, the two returned to Terra and began to formulate a plan on how to stop them. It was determined that a Trial would be held on a neutral site where the Clans and Com Guards would fight a single epic battle to determine the ownership of Terra. By mid-February the planet Tukayyid was chosen and diplomatic feelers sent to the ilKhan and the other Clans, and in April Focht met personally with Ulric Kerensky and hammered out the terms of the Trial. If the Clans won they would get Terra, while if ComStar won the Clans would agree to a fifteen-year truce. Bargained well and done the climactic end to the invasion was set.[24]
Date | Location | Attacker | Defender | Outcome |
November 3051 | Cusset (FC) | Epsilon Galaxy
1st Cusset Militia Division 3rd Cusset Militia Division |
Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Laurent (FC) | Epsilon Galaxy
Laurent TMM | Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Maestu (FC) | Gamma Galaxy | 1st Lyran Guards RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Memmingen (FRR) | Delta Galaxy | 3rd Drakøns Black Omen/Outlaw composite mercenary unit 1st Memmingen Armored Division |
Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Sevren (FC) | Beta Galaxy | 25th Arcturan Guards RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Tamar (FC) | Golden Keshik Alpha Galaxy |
26th Lyran Guards RCT Kelswa Guard Tamar War College Training Battalion |
Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Thannhausen (FRR) | Delta Galaxy | 1st Thannhausen Brigade 2nd Thannhausen Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Volders (FRR) | Bravo Naval Reserve Star | None | Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Vorarlberg (FRR) | Delta Galaxy | Vorarlberg Royals | Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051 | Weingarten (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | 1st Weingarten Armored Militia Regiment 4th Weingarten Armored Militia Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
November 3051-January 3052 | Satalice (FRR) | Alpha Galaxy | 3rd Drakøns 1st Satalice Armored Division 2nd Satalice Armored Division |
Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Bessarabia (FC) | Golden Keshik Alpha Galaxy |
5th Davion Guards RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Gunzburg (FRR) | Alpha Galaxy
Gunzburg Eagles 1st Gunzburg Armored Regiment 1st Gunzburg Mechanized Infantry Regiment 2nd Gunzburg Mechanized Infantry Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Hainfeld (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
2nd Freemen 1st Hainfeld Militia Brigade 2nd Hainfeld Militia Brigade 3rd Hainfeld Militia Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Hyperion (FRR) | Beta Galaxy | 1st Hyperion Brigade 2nd Hyperion Brigade 4th Hyperion Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Karston (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
Karston Militia Regiment | Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Kobe (FC) | Beta Galaxy | 26th Lyran Guards RCT 1st Kobe Mechanized Brigade 2nd Kobe Mechanized Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Shaula (FC) | Delta Galaxy | 1st Lyran Guards survivors | Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Thun (FRR) | Beta Galaxy | 26th Lyran Guards survivors | Clan Wolf Victory |
December 3051 | Wheel (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
The Free Wheelers 1st Wheel Mechanized Militia |
Clan Wolf Victory |
January 3052 | Domain (FC) | Beta Galaxy
1st Knights of St. Cameron 1st Domain Militia Brigade 2nd Domain Militia Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
January 3052 | Rastaban (FC) | Beta Galaxy | 2nd Knights of St. Cameron 1st Rastaban Armored Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
January-February 3052 | Suk II (FC) | Alpha Galaxy | 33rd Avalon Hussars RCT | Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Altenmarkt (FRR) | Alpha Galaxy
1st Altenmarkt 'Mech Regiment 1st Altenmarkt Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Biota (FC) | Bravo Naval Reserve Star | None | Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Carse (FC) | Delta Galaxy
2nd Freemen | Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Diosd (FRR) | Beta Galaxy | 1st Diosd Brigade 2nd Diosd Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Galuzzo (FRR) | Delta Galaxy
1st Galuzzo Mechanized Brigade 3rd Galuzzo Mechanized Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Nox (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy | 1st Nox Tank Regiment 1st Nox Infantry Regiment 2nd Nox Infantry Regiment |
Clan Wolf Victory |
February 3052 | Skandia (FRR) | Gamma Galaxy
3rd Drakøns 1st Skandia Royal Militia Brigades 2nd Skandia Royal Militia Brigade 3rd Skandia Royal Militia Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
April 3052 | Lothan (FRR) | Alpha Galaxy | 2nd Kavalleri 1st Lothan Brigade |
Clan Wolf Victory |
April 3052 | Ramsau (FRR) | Epsilon Galaxy
1st Ramsau Irregulars | Clan Wolf Victory |
Battle of Tukayyid[edit]
- ↑ Prior to the ascension of Ulric Kerensky to the ilKhanship, the Golden Keshik served as the headquarters unit of Alpha Galaxy. Afterwards the unit was detached to serve as ilKhan Kerensky's honor guard
- ↑ Created as ransom for the ascension of Natasha Kerensky to senior Khan, it served as the headquarters unit for Alpha Galaxy during the Fifth Wave
- ↑ Began arriving in the Clan Wolf Occupation Zone days after ilKhan Showers approved their use in late August of 3050 and placed under the nominal command of the command of Epsilon Galaxy
- ↑ Numbers based on Wolf Clan touman as of 15 April 3052, two weeks before the Battle of Tukayyid
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, pp. 25–26
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 27
- ↑ Invading Clans, pp. 17–18
- ↑ Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 28
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 29
- ↑ Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 30
- ↑ Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 31
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 31
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 32
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 33
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 34
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 37
- ↑ Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 38
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 39
- ↑ Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 40
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 41
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 Invading Clans, p. 59
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 42
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 43
- ↑ Wolf Clan Sourcebook, p. 46